User:Bmsloanbarbour/Africana womanism/Tsupatterson Peer Review

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Peer review

This is where you will complete your peer review exercise. Please use the following template to fill out your review.

General info

  • Whose work are you reviewing? Bmsloanbarbour
  • Link to draft you're reviewing: Africana womanism

Hi Britt!

First, I would like to say great job on locating content gaps in your selected article. I believe your final contributions towards this article will be very beneficial to its readers.

Alice Walker's Womanism paragraph Peer Review:

  1. I would think about adding a few introductory notes for Alice Walker. I say this because not all of your readers are going to be aware or know Alice. So in a sense what makes Alice Walker credible to mention in this article? I would link Alice Walker personal Wikipedia page Alice Walker, along with mentioning a few of her most known works.
  2. Also think about linking the Wikipedia page Womanism.
  3. When reading your second sentence, I feel that you are making a claim in regard to how Alice "felt" about the feminist movement, but it is not followed by a citation. I think this is good to mention, but adding a citation will make it more effective.
  4. Make sure your sentences are easy to read/comprehend. I had a little difficulty on some.
  5. In compliance with Wikipedia guidelines make sure your direct quote is paraphrased. I believe that they do not want the utilization of direct quotes. I may be incorrect on that, but just check the guidelines for that.
  6. Lastly, maybe in your last sentence... instead of saying "Walker is saying" maybe say "Walker is suggesting/Walker suggests".

What makes Walker's Womanism so different from Africana Womanism Peer Review:

  1. In your first sentence you are stating a claim, but it is not accompanied with a citation.
  2. Make sure your sentences are easy to read/comprehend. I had a little difficulty on some.
  3. I think this section can be very beneficial for this article. Go over your notes. sources, articles and see what else can you mention that differentiates the two. Give more details maybe, and have the paragraph flow into highlighting the differences.
  4. Direct quotes need citations
  5. I may be wrong, but maybe mention the similarities that they have? What makes them both important? Which one is more supported?
  6. I would suggest altering the title of this sub-section just a tad bit.

**Where will you insert this section at in the article?**

As stated I think your contributions will be very beneficial to the article you have selected. I believe adding Alice Walker's perspective will make the article stronger. I think that if you would check some of my advice or suggestions out that you and your contributions may benefit from them. You are on your way, and I definitely like where you are heading. Great job!

Tab. P 10/8/2020