
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The First Business Bible

John D. Rockefeller
Jon Gosier
Mary Ann Shadd
Bob Beaumont
Carl Breer
Malcolm Bricklin
Bruce F. Meyers
David Dunbar Buick
Roy D. Chapin
Louis Chevrolet
Walter Chrysler
Howard E. Coffin
Powel Crosley, Jr.
John DeLorean
Horace Elgin Dodge
John Francis Dodge
August Duesenberg
Fred Duesenberg
William C. Durant
Charles Duryea
Henry Ford
Joseph W. Frazer
Jim Hall (racing driver)
Ray Harroun
Thomas B. Jeffery
Charles Brady King
Henry M. Leland
Carleton Raymond Mabley
George W. Mason
Joseph W. Moon
Madman Muntz
Elon Musk
Charles Williams Nash
Fred Offenhauser
Ransom E. Olds
James Ward Packard
Don Panoz
Frederick Patterson
Eddie Rickenbacker
Steve Saleen
Carroll Shelby
Owen Ray Skelton
Frederic L. Smith
Francis Edgar Stanley
Freelan Oscar Stanley
Clement Studebaker
John Studebaker
Harry C. Stutz
Cornelius Hoagland Tangeman
The Three Musketeers (Studebaker engineers)
Preston Tucker
John Brisben Walker
Gerald Wiegert
John Willys
Frederick Morrell Zeder
Bill Ackman
Leslie Alexander (businessman)
Maurice L. Ayers
Henry W. Bloch
Michael Bloomberg
David Bonderman
Peter Borish
Charles Brandes
Fraser Bullock
Peter Chernin
Anthony Chiasson
Douglas Clayton
Steven A. Cohen
Jim Cramer
Michael Dever
Timothy C. Draper
Laurence D. Fink
Robert C. Gay
Noam Gottesman
Peter Grauer
Bill Gross
John Gutfreund
William P. Halliday
Mansoor Ijaz
Christine Jennings
Paul Tudor Jones
Irving Kahn
Robert S. Kapito
Brian Kim
Thomas H. Lee (businessperson)
Ross Levinsohn
Jonathan Bell Lovelace
Bernard Madoff
Marjorie Magner
Michael Margolies
Terry McAuliffe
Bob McNair
Roger McNamee
John Meriwether
Jonathan Miller (businessman)
Henry Sturgis Morgan
J. P. Morgan
Jonathan M. Nelson
Jacqueline Novogratz
Daniel Och
Aaron Patzer
Thomas Peterffy
Peter George Peterson
Penny Pritzker
Joe Ricketts
Elisha Riggs
Larry Robbins
Jim Rogers
John W. Rogers, Jr.
Mitt Romney
Haim Saban
Howard Schultz
Stephen A. Schwarzman
James Harris Simons
Raymond W. Smith
Rick Snyder
George Soros
Harold Stanley
Brian Taylor (financial services executive)
Donald Trump
Don Valentine
Boaz Weinstein
Thom Weisel
Maurice Wertheim
Wally Amos
Grady Auvil
Shannon Bahrke
Jerry Baldwin
Romana Acosta Bañuelos
Dave Barham
Burt Baskin
Glen Bell
James Ford Bell
Steve Bernard
J. Darius Bikoff
Clarence Birdseye
F. Nelson Blount
Sam Born
Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis
Gordon Bowker
Caleb Bradham
Robert H. Brooks
Nolan Bushnell
Dan and Frank Carney
Tom Carvel
Blake Chanslor
Andrew Cherng
Leeann Chin (restaurateur)
George W. Church, Sr.
Ben Cohen (businessman)
Al Copeland
Arthur Cores
Henry Parsons Crowell
Jimmy Dean
Fred DeLuca
Harry Duncan
Robert Ehrlich (businessman)
Steve Ells
Charles Louis Fleischmann
Tom Forkner
Jamie Geller
Hyman Golden
Todd Graves (entrepreneur)
Arnold Greenberg (Snapple)
Jerry Greenfield
Vincent Gruppuso
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Henry J. Heinz
Jim Herr
Milton S. Hershey
Clement L. Hirsch
Jay Catherwood Hormel
Jaquelin H. Hume
Marian Ilitch
Mike Ilitch
Sherwood Johnson
Jack Joyce (businessman)
Carl Karcher
Daniel J. Kim
Frederick C. Kulow
Dylan Lauren
Young Lee
Tillie Lewis
Gennaro Lombardi
Adolph Luetgert
Gust E. Lundberg
Forrest Mars, Sr.
Franklin Clarence Mars
Leonard Marsh (businessman)
Reuben and Rose Mattus
Oscar F. Mayer
Louis J. Michot
Tom Monaghan
David G. Mugar
Paul Newman
Amedeo Obici
Jeno Paulucci
Bob Payton
Arthur Perdue
Charles Alfred Pillsbury
C. W. Post
Janie Quinn
Will Radcliff
Jerry Richardson
Irv Robbins
Benjamin Tingley Rogers
Joe Rogers, Sr.
William Rosenberg
Margaret Rudkin
Vernon Rudolph
Colonel Sanders
John Schnatter
Daniel R. Scoggin
Ken Selby
Zev Siegl
Pep Simek
J. R. Simplot
Rose Cook Small
Jerome Monroe Smucker
Esther Snyder
Harry Snyder
Felix Stehling
Vernon Stouffer
Robert Stuart (businessman)
Carl A. Swanson
John Taylor (Taylor Ham)
William Theisen
Dave Thomas (businessperson)
John W. Tyson
Gilbert Van Camp
Cadwallader C. Washburn
Verne Winchell
Lovie Yancey
Andrew Ballen
Scooter Braun
Alexander Cummings (territorial governor)
William Randolph Hearst
Raymond C. Hoiles
Brett Icahn
Robert Kiyosaki
Master P
Rupert Murdoch
Jay Park
Marty Peretz
Paul Reiser
E. W. Scripps
Martha Stewart
Ted Turner
Brian Acton
Adam Goldberg (writer)
Rick Adams (Internet pioneer)
Trip Adler
Michael W. Allen
Paul Allen
Brian Alvey
Tom Anderson
Marc Andreessen
Manuel Aparicio
Marco Arment
Tim Armstrong (executive)
Pete Ashdown
Linda Avey
Ralph H. Baer
Patrick Baynes
Andrew Beal
Arnold Orville Beckman
Naftali Bennett
Emily Best
Jeff Bezos
Gina Bianchini
Eric Bina
Michael Birck
Gagan Biyani
Trevor Blackwell
Ken Block (politician)
Ryan Block
Leonard Bosack
James M. Bower
William Bratton
Jeff Braun
Sergey Brin
Wendell Brown
William Seward Burroughs I
Adam Cahan
Jason Calacanis
Jon Callas
Gerry Campbell
Steve Case
Gurbaksh Chahal
Emily Chang (web designer)
Perry Chen
Steve Chen
Ben Chestnut
James H. Clark
Barbara Coll
Scott Cook
Peter L. Corsell
Dennis Crowley
Mark Cuban
Weili Dai
Michael Dell
Barry Diller
Chris Dixon
Jack Dorsey
Jonathan Downey
Dean Drako
Larry Drebes
Nathan Eagle
Larry Ellison
James Ernest
Judith Estrin
Tom Evslin
Tony Fadell
Sherman Fairchild
Caterina Fake
Arash Ferdowsi
David Filo
Jon Fisher
Mark Fletcher
Charles Ranlett Flint
Justin Frankel
Ping Fu
Harry Garland
Bill Gates
Dirk Gates
John Gilmore (activist)
Richard Gingras
Ben Goertzel
Bill Gore
Paul Graham (computer programmer)
Logan Green
Richard Green (telecommunication)
Diane Greene
Bennett Greenspan
Bill Gross (entrepreneur)
Garrett Gruener
Steve Guengerich
Daniel Ha
Eric Hahn
Samer Hamadeh
Patrick J. Hanratty
Mike Harrington
Trip Hawkins
William Randolph Hearst III
Brett Helm
William Redington Hewlett
Hiten Shah
Reid Hoffman
Mark C. Honeywell
Ben Horowitz
Eliot Horowitz
Drew Houston
Ken Howery
Ming Hsieh
Tony Hsieh
Jen-Hsun Huang
Steve Huffman
Howard Hughes
Chad Hurley
Maria Elena Ibañez
Jeffrey Brewer
Mary Lou Jepsen
Steve Jobs
Tom Johnson (astronomer)
Michael Jones (Internet entrepreneur)
Julian A. Brodsky
Brewster Kahle
Travis Kalanick
Mitch Kapor
Jawed Karim
David Karp
Sumaya Kazi
Keng Lim
Salman Khan (educator)
Vinod Khosla
Gary Kildall
James Kim (American businessman)
Jim Kimsey
Darren Kimura
Steve Kirsch
Andrey Kolodyuk
Jan Koum
Joe Kraus
Roy Kusumoto
Nils Lahr
David K. Lam
Edwin H. Land
Bennett S. LeBow
Bill Lee (author)
Tara Lemmey
Sandy Lerner
Max Levchin
Robert Levitan
Dave Llorens
Andrea Lo
Chris Malachowsky
Marc Lore
Gordon Matthews (inventor)
MC Hammer
Roger Melen
Dwight Merriman
Heidi Messer
Stephen Messer (entrepreneur)
Rahul Mewawalla
Bob Miner
Ami Miron
Brit Morin
Dave Morin
Barry S. Morris
Robert Tappan Morris
Dustin Moskovitz
Avi Muchnick
Gabe Newell
Bill Nguyen
Luke Nosek
Ed Oates
Kevin O'Connor (entrepreneur)
Alexis Ohanian
David Packard
Larry Page
Paul Palmieri (CEO)
Wilber Pan
Sean Parker
Neil Patel (entrepreneur)
Robert Pera
Andrew Perlman
Ross Perot
Mark Pincus
David Portnoy
Hal Prewitt
Curtis Priem
Tom Proulx
Matthew Rabinowitz
Vivek Ranadivé
Spencer Rascoff
Brian Reid (entrepreneur)
Mark Rein (software executive)
Jesse Robbins
Ralph J. Roberts
Peter Rojas
Tagg Romney
Louis B. Rosenberg
Bob Rosenschein
Justin Rosenstein
Matt Rutledge
Kevin P. Ryan
Ruchi Sanghvi
Eduardo Saverin
Matthew Schissler
Mike Schroepfer
Jonathan I. Schwartz
Sean Ellis (entrepreneur)
Joseph Sgro
Tina Sharkey
Ben Silbermann
Ellen Siminoff
Alex Skatell
John Smedley (developer)
Guillermo Söhnlein
Paul Soros
Evan Spiegel
Jim Starkey
James Sun
John A. Swanson
Tim Sweeney (game developer)
Kevin Systrom
Evan Tann
Bret Taylor
Peter Thiel
Greg Tseng
Nina G. Vaca
Pierre Valade
Patrick Vlaskovits
Ted Waitt
Jimmy Wales
David Warthen
Martin M. Wattenberg
Warren Webster
Andrew Weinreich
Margaret Weis
Rocky Williform
Norm Winningstad
Anne Wojcicki
Yishan Wong
Will Wright (game designer)
Jerry Yang (entrepreneur)
Zeeshan Zaidi
Ilya Zhitomirskiy
Phil Zimmermann
Mark Zuckerberg
Gordon Bell (QNX)
Michael Cowpland
Dan Dodge
Mahshad Koohgoli
Mike Lazaridis
Terry Matthews
Michel Vulpe
Suroosh Alvi
Darren Atwater