
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


About me: I am a college student that likes to travel to new places when I can, and try new food or experiences when I'm there. It's amazing to me how people can make vastly different clothing, media, and food out of basically the same materials. Right now I'm working as a cashier while I work towards my degree but I still have my passport ready for when I can go again!

My Wikipedia interests: I'm interested in travel and culture, particularly the food of different cultures. I've been fortunate enough to travel to several countries at this point in my life and I'd love to visit more! One thing I got to try while traveling was naan baked by my friend from India. She never got the chance to teach me her recipe but she said it only took a few ingredients. Here is a link to a list of Indian breads

Article Evaluation

Wikipedia is an open source website where information is freely shared and provided by users all across the world. Topics are varied yet can still get narrowed down and very in-depth, depending on contributions. I visited the naan article on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: some of the links in references are dead, the relevance of describing other breads, and a lack of links to any recipes.

There are several problems in the reference section. Several references do not have active links such as the reference to Bernard Clayton’s New Complete Book of Breads by Bernard Clayton Jr. Other references have active links but lead to a dead site. The reference “The Independent”, retrieved September 6th, 2015, is an example of a link that leads to a 404 page. Others lead to source code like reference #14 “Recipes-Wegmans” but clicking on the hyperlink “the original” works.

Within the article, there are descriptions of several styles of naan from different regions of the world, as well as short descriptions of ingredients and typical styles of serving and eating the bread. By the end of the article, in between two other sentences about naan specifically, it describes Luri fiçá in Rohingya, which is similar to naan but made of rice and served at festivals. While the tidbit is interesting and something I didn’t know about before, it serves no purpose and doesn’t tie in with the other information within the article, other than being a similar kind of bread from a nearby region. It is the only mention and doesn’t reference any other types of breads from the same region.

While the article briefly describes basic ingredients and methods of bread preparation, there is no actual recipe or hyperlink to a recipe included in the text. If you sift through the broken links in the references, there are recipes included there. While wikipedia is not a cooking site, links or text about traditional recipes vs modern recipes could have been included while providing information on the history behind different cultures developing their own naan styles.

Overall, this article gives you a basic idea of what naan is and an in-depth knowledge of the history and different regions it originates from. Most references in the bottom of the article are unusable, except for the recipe links.
