User:Arthur Rubin/Rules

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


  • Rubin, Jean E. (1990). Mathematical Logic: Applications and Theory. Saunders College Publishing. ISBN 0-03-012808-0.
  • Note: I'm going to skip rules of identity
  • Note: Even if this is a potentional copyright violation, does anyone doubt I can get permission?
  • Tautology:
    If ( is a tautology), then
    (note that n may equal 0.)
  • Tautologically Equivalent Formulas
    If and is obtained from by substituing some occurences of by , then
  • (Implict rule of proof)
    , then

Specific tautologies:

  1. Rule of Detachment, Modus Ponens
  2. (Modus Tollendo Tollens)
  3. (Modus Tollendo Ponens)
  4. (Rule of Simplification)
  5. (Rule of Addition)
  6. Rule of Adjunction
  7. (Rule of Hypothetical Syllogism)
  8. Rules of Alternative Proof
  9. Rule of Absurdity
  10. (Rule of the Excluded Middle)
  11. (Rule of Contradiction)
  12. Communtative Rules
  13. Associative Rules
  14. Distributive Rules
  15. De Morgan's Rules
  16. (Rule of Double Negation)
  17. Rules for the Conditional
  18. Rules for the Biconditional
  19. Idempotency Rules
  20. Rules of Contraposition
  21. (Rule of Exportation-Importation)
  22. Rules of Absorption

(non-tautological rules)

  • Conditional Proof
    If then
  • Indirect proof
    If , then

(non-tautological rules of the predicate calculus)

  • Existential generalization
    if the substitution of t for v in
  • Existential Proof
    If , then , provided that
    1. The substitution of v for u in is valid
    2. v is not free in
    3. v is not free in
  • Universal Generalization
    If , then ,
    if v is not free in .
  • Universal Specification
    if the substitution of t for v is valid.