
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Please browse the many articles that our Wikipedia has about the various taxa of living organisms!

The sorting order of these lists tries to follow the principle of most-familiar-first. Whenever a list of obscure taxa needs to be sorted, we try to follow the principle of listing the taxa in order of first published description. This last principle can be tricky too, and since we don't have access to all the relevant information about dates of first public description, many of the sublists in this outline are in semirandom order.

The names of phyla and divisions (equivalent taxonomical levels reflecting differences of nomenclature between zoologists and botanists) are in bold text.

Domain Eucarya

The eukaryote regna are sorted this way to reflect the idea that animals and fungi are closely related to the opisthokont group of protists, and the plants are related to another group of protists. Protists are the paraphyletic subtaxon of eukaryotes. So yes, plants are much more familiar than protists and were discovered earlier.

Regnum Animalia

Other bilaterian phyla
Non-bilaterian animal phyla

Regnum Fungi

Regnum Protista

(Soon to be many regna. See also: eukaryote.)


and unikonts:

Regnum Plantae

Domain Bacteria

Domain Archaea

as with domain Bacteria, phyla/divisions are gradually morphing into kingdoms

Viruses (not alive, i. e. ametabolic, but evolving anyway)

See also