
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Matrix (mathematics)
Perfect matrix
Adjacency matrix
Algebraic Riccati equation
Alternant matrix
Alternating sign matrix
Arrowhead matrix
Augmented matrix
Autocorrelation matrix
Balanced matrix
Bézout matrix
Bicomplex number
Binary matrix
Birkhoff polytope
Bisymmetric matrix
Block matrix
Block reflector
Brahmagupta matrix
Butson-type Hadamard matrix
Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix
Cartan matrix
Cauchy matrix
Centering matrix
Centrosymmetric matrix
Circulant matrix
Column space
Column vector
Commutation matrix
Companion matrix
Completely-S matrix
Complex Hadamard matrix
Condition number
Conductance (graph)
Conference matrix
Conformable matrix
Conjugate transpose
Consimilar matrix
Constrained generalized inverse
Continuant (mathematics)
Copositive matrix
Corner transfer matrix
Covariance matrix
DFT matrix
Decomposition matrix
Degree matrix
Design matrix
Diagonalizable matrix
Diagonally dominant matrix
Distance matrix
Doubly stochastic matrix
Drazin inverse
Duplication and elimination matrices
Edmonds matrix
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Euclidean distance matrix
Exchange matrix
Fock matrix
Frobenius matrix
Fuzzy matrix theory
Fuzzy associative matrix
Gamma matrices
Gell-Mann matrices
Generalized inverse
Generalized permutation matrix
Gramian matrix
Green's matrix
Hadamard matrix
Hadamard's maximal determinant problem
Hamiltonian matrix
Hankel matrix
Hasse–Witt matrix
Hat matrix
Hermitian matrix
Hessenberg matrix
Hessian matrix
Higher spin alternating sign matrix
Higher-dimensional gamma matrices
Hilbert matrix
Hollow matrix
Householder transformation
Hurwitz matrix
Identity matrix
Incidence matrix
Integer matrix
Invertible matrix
Involutory matrix
Irregular matrix
Jacket matrix
Jacobian matrix and determinant
Jones calculus
Kernel (matrix)
Krawtchouk matrices
Laplacian matrix
Lehmer matrix
Leslie matrix
Levinson recursion
List of matrices
Magic square
Main diagonal
Matrix chain multiplication
Matrix polynomial
Matrix congruence
Matrix equivalence
Matrix group
Matrix of ones
Matrix representation
Metzler matrix
Modal matrix
Moment matrix
Montante's method
Moore determinant
Mueller calculus
Nilpotent matrix
Nonnegative matrix
Normal matrix
Orthogonal matrix
Orthostochastic matrix
Overlap matrix
Packed storage matrix
Paley construction
Parry-Sullivan invariant
Pascal matrix
Pauli matrices
Permutation matrix
Persymmetric matrix
Pick matrix
Polyconvex function
Polynomial matrix
Positive-definite matrix
Quaternionic matrix
Quincunx matrix
Redheffer matrix
Regular Hadamard matrix
Rotation matrix
Row equivalence
Row space
Row vector
Sample mean and sample covariance
Scatter matrix
Seidel adjacency matrix
Shear matrix
Shift matrix
Signature matrix
Similar matrix
Similarity matrix
Skew-Hamiltonian matrix
Skew-Hermitian matrix
Skew-symmetric matrix
Stieltjes matrix
Stiffness matrix
Stochastic matrix
Substitution matrix
Supnick matrix
Sylvester equation
Sylvester matrix
Symmetric matrix
Symplectic matrix
Toeplitz matrix
Transformation matrix
Triangular matrix
Tutte matrix
Unimodular matrix
Unimodular polynomial matrix
Unistochastic matrix
Unitary matrix
Vandermonde matrix
Vectorization (mathematics)
Walsh matrix
Weyl–Brauer matrices
Wigner D-matrix
Wilkinson matrix
X–Y–Z matrix
Z-matrix (mathematics)
Zero matrix
Zero mode