
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

AlmightyST3 is the Wikipedia and online alias of Steve (surname withheld), a self-styled poet, philosopher, and ev'ryman, who is distinguished by colorful writing style, sarcastic wit, and non-stop cynicism, fused to a jaded worldview.

He was born on March 13, 1981 in Mitchellville, Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC. A gifted child, he was reading books by the age of 2 and began attempts at writing them by the age of 8. He also learned the clarinet, saxophone, and numerous percussion instruments. At age 15, he parlayed his love of film into a screenwriting hobby. As of this writing, he has -- in one form or another -- 23 screenplays, of various genres. His goal is to get some of these works produced, without the help of the [Hollywood] studio system if possible.

Currently, AlmightyST3 is going into his final year at the University of Maryland, College Park. By June of 2004, he will have received his B.A. in Communication, concentrating primarily in public relations. It is believed that a Master's Degree is in his future.

Being an Everything2 fan, AlmightyST3 is comfortable with online encyclopedias like this, and hopes to contribute in the near future.