Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Who are you?

I am user AKAF.

What is the correct pronoun to use while addressing you?

I prefer the gender neutral pronoun 'it'. Think of me as an hyperintelligent toaster.

Can we discuss a topic off Wikipedia?

I only exist as a collapsed wave function on wikipedia, and when I leave I remain in an uncollapsed state, making any information transfer pointless and impossible.

What are your interests?

For a while my interests were at about 5%, briefly peaking at 10%. In the mean time they are around 2%.

What are your beliefs?

I believe I will have another drink at some time in the future, but not yet.

Are you ( )?

Not very

What is the point of this FAQ?

All gas eventually expands to evenly fill the available space.

Random subpages for my own use: