
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Media sources for Bloomberg's aircraft:

Generally reliable

""I suppose you could say that." Michael Bloomberg, New York City mayor, on whether flying by helicopter wastes energy; the self-portrayed national environment leader took a helicopter to a U2 concert in New Jersey on Thursday"
"In hindsight, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg acknowledged, grudgingly, on Friday, taking a helicopter flight from Manhattan to New Jersey to catch a U2 concert may not have been the most environmentally friendly way to travel."
"Bloomberg regularly travels in a private jet, at a time when global emissions from the transportation sector are rising. Asked about the matter Tuesday, his campaign cited the massive sums of money and time he had spent focused on combating climate change during his tenure as New York’s mayor and more recently as a U.N. climate envoy."
"Some reporter was disgraceful enough to ask Mayor Bloomberg about his choice to take a helicopter to the U2 concert at Giants Stadium Thursday, when he could have, say, taken NJ Transit (ha) and left a smaller carbon footprint."
"Their multihome, private-jet lifestyles spew prodigious amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Even those who donate massively to environmental causes tend to be doing more to warm the earth than your average meat-eating car-driver subsisting below the poverty line...There are two such paradoxical beings in the 2020 Democratic primary. Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg"
"Some critics viewed the mayor’s copter trips as evidence of his disconnect from the average New Yorker. But Kenneth Sherrill, a professor of political science at Hunter College, said something else was afoot. “This is, on a very trivial matter, about the arrogance of power,” Dr. Sherrill said. “It’s the type of thing you do when you stop thinking about the political and public consequences of what you’re doing.”"
"The mayor faced questions from reporters today about his decision to take a helicopter to the U2 concert at the Meadowlands last night (he wanted to "say hello" to his "friend" Bono), since he's been busy pushing environmental awareness the past couple of days."
"During the question and answer session, a New England College student asked whether Bloomberg’s concern for the environment is reflected in his lifestyle. He did not directly answer the question."
""You are very big on changing the big aspects, but personally, are you a vegan? Do you, in your own personal life, practice a reduced-waste lifestyle, do you drive an environmentally-friendly car?"..."Well, first let me say that I’m addicted to Cheez-Its and popcorn””
"He considers himself a climate-change activist, but he has a personal fleet of private jets and helicopters."

Generally reliable publishing opinion pieces:

Jim Dwyer: "A strong case can be made that when it comes to energy and climate issues, Mr. Bloomberg is the most visionary public official in the country. And a strong argument can also be made that on a personal level, he ranks among the worst individual polluters ever to hold public office. Mr. Bloomberg owns a helicopter and two jets, both Falcon 900s. He flies everywhere on private jets, by far the least efficient form of transportation on or above the earth. He takes his jet to Bermuda many weekends. He has flown around the globe on it. He uses it to go to Washington. He is planning to get to Copenhagen for the climate conference by private jet, too..."
", may have a little trouble convincing those who consider themselves woke on the issue. The billionaire, after all, uses a fleet of his own jets and helicopters."

Questionable reliability (but proves significant coverage and readership, and should be reliable for facts like what assets someone owns):

"The green critics called foul: hey, how dare the Mayor use a helicopter, which admittedly is a smoke-belching, air polluting machine, to attend a concert, not a matter of state or city but a personal entertainment event?"
“I am personally a big environmental person,” Carly told Bloomberg. “You are very big on changing the big aspects, but in your own personal life, like–are you a vegan? Do you practice a reduced-waste lifestyle, do you drive an environmentally-friendly car?”..." he left Carly’s question unanswered...And the answer appears to be no."
"and lots of private jet rides: Michael Bloomberg spent $650MILLION while New York mayor"
"Bloomberg, worth an estimated $54 billion, enjoys his own fleet of private jets and helicopters stationed in New Jersey while describing himself as a “global leader” on the environment and climate change"
"Bloomberg’s wealth, which he uses to advance green causes, also affords him a luxurious lifestyle that portrays him as one of the biggest environmental hypocrites alive."