
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wikipedia principles

"It is better and more desirable to absolve a thousand sinners than to kill one innocent one someday"


Wikipedia cannot be a single source of knowledge, but certainly strives to provide and provides reliable and rich primary information that is constantly correcting itself and most importantly, contains many references and references from which one can already begin to conduct serious research on various topics, therefore Wikipedia has a heavy responsibility.

I Opposes superficial pop culture, political correctness, and identity politics that distance us from the truth we are trying to achieve. To my friend, if there is a pop composition whose commercial success cannot be ignored, it should have value, but it should not be singled out or recommended, even if it is well written. In everything that concerns artistic judgment, I advocate "moderate objectivity"

Regarding academic status, here too, this should not be so absolute. some professors have not achieved significant academic achievements, such for example only synthesizing existing material without innovating anything, and there are holders of doctorate degrees who have produced doctoral theses, postdoctoral theses, articles, and books as important as them, again, It takes a long time to decide this issue and I am just putting this matter on the table.

Technical improvement, proofreading, links, and footnotes in the right place, and uniformity must be observed.

One must constantly strive to correct errors and incorrect labels, and deepen research and doubt. History may have been written by the winners, we try to make it as accurate as possible. One must maintain appropriate language and on the other hand, not be offended by anything, we are not children and one must know how to accept criticism, however difficult it may be.

I suggest that Wikipedia have a volunteer notary to verify historical documents and certificates, or at least an expert in the field as historical research relies on historical documents and certificates.

I want to believe, as one of the mentors told me, that most things here are done with a positive intention.

My experience on Wikipedia

In my opinion, Wikipedia strives, in addition to providing knowledge, to make the world a better place, and indeed, there are some educated and kind-heated people here there were times when I enriched myself with my knowledge, wrote many entries and even made thousands of edits, but some cyberbullies hurt me. This is about some who are doing great damage to Wikipedia and not only to someone like me, a struggling person who used to live on social security benefits and a humanities graduate who has no profession, but to others as well and they caused a severe worsening of my mental state.

At times I felt like I was in a particularly bad episode of Black Mirror. While my motive in the past was clear, including a financial motive (In the Hebrew Wikipedia only), the motives of those people who harm the values ​​and efforts of other Wikipedia people and do not serve the highest good intentions are not clear. My health has been compromised and again, I hope the lesson was learned and there will be no more cyberbullying on Wikipedia. I forgive everyone who hurt me on Wikipedia.

Psalm 3

A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom.

O LORD, my foes are so many! Many are those who attack me;

many say of me,

“There is no deliverance for him through God.” Selah.

But You, O LORD, are a shield about me,

my glory, He who holds my head high.

I cry aloud to the LORD,

and He answers me from His holy mountain. Selah.

I lie down and sleep and wake again,

for the LORD sustains me.

I have no fear of the myriad forces

arrayed against me on every side

Rise, O LORD!

Deliver me, O my God!

For You slap all my enemies in the face;

You break the teeth of the wicked.

Deliverance is the LORD’s;

Your blessing be upon Your people! Selah.