
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wales Archaeological Trusts Primary Reference Numbers: A template to provide a link to the Archwillio data page, or other organisation where supported (Historic Wales, Coflein, National Trust), for an archaeological site, from the Trust and PRN/identifier supplied.


Short form
best suited to list references, where the abbreviations are explained elsewhere
{{ Watprn | Trust abbreviation | PRN number }}

e.g. {{Watprn|GGAT|00987g}}

Long form
where a fully explained reference is required (identified by using the optional 'title=' parameter)

{{ Watprn | Trust abbreviation | PRN number | title=Site name}}

e.g. {{Watprn|GGAT|00987g|title=Gray Hill Circle}}

Trust abbreviations

There are four trusts that cover the whole of Wales. Further websites/databases are also supported. These are:-

Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust
Gwynedd Archaeological Trust
Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
Dyfed Archaeological Trust
RCAHMW website (using NPRN at www.coflein.co.uk)
National Trust website (uses the 'website-name-of-the-property rather than a code number). Adding a Title= with a short form or standard name for the property is also recommended for NT
Historic Wales, a map-based resource with links to the Cadw site description, and other useful databases.
Cadw Scheduled Monument Reports. Includes site description and interpretation. Nb, it requires the page code - not the SAM number!

If a PRN number is supplied, it provides a link directly to that entry in the Historic Environment Record database at Archwillio, e.g. GGAT PRN: 00987g

If no PRN is supplied, it provides a link to the relevant search page, e.g. GGAT PRN not yet identified, although HW finds the site using just grid reference data.

Optional parameters

If a Title is supplied, by using the optional 'title=' parameter, further optional parameters will also be displayed:-

Normally this will be the 'official' name for the site being referenced.
to note the date at which the entry was last consulted.
to identify a particular author, if the database entry identifies a particular author.

As with the short form, the long form can be used with or without the PRN/unique identifier. eg:

e.g. {{Watprn|coflein|308078|title=Holyhead Mountain Hut Circles|access-date=4 February 2016|author=John Wiles (2007)}}
e.g.{{Watprn|NT|marloes-sands-and-mere|title=Marloes Peninsula|access-date=4 February 2016}}

Historic Wales has three compulsory un-named parameters

  1. the Cadw reference ID (two letter county code and three digit number)
  2. OS grid Northing
  3. OS grid Easting. These use the full six-digit form of grid reference, and must avoid all spaces or it will break the URL.
e.g.{{Watprn|HW|AN032|370700|232900|title=Barclodiad-y-Gawres Burial Chamber|access-date=3 September 2017}}