Taxonomy mnemonic

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The hierarchy of scientific classification
The hierarchy of scientific classification

Taxonomy mnemonics are used to memorize the scientific classification applied in taxonomy. They are usually constructed with a series of words that begin with the letters KPCOFGS, corresponding to the initials of the primary taxonomic ranks. Words beginning with D (corresponding to domain) are sometimes added to the beginning of the sequence, and words beginning with S (corresponding to subspecies) are sometimes added at the end of the sequence.

For example, Dear King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti[1] has the first letter of each word corresponding in order to the first letter of the descending order of scientific classification.

Mnemonic Zoology term
Dear Domain
King Kingdom
Phillip Phylum
Came Class
Over Order
For Family
Good Genus
Spaghetti Species

Zoology mnemonics

Zoology mnemonics, which are used to memorize the scientific taxonomic classification system, include:

  • "Despicable King Phillip came over for grandma's specialty."
  • "Despicable King Phillip covets our fancy giant swimming pool."
  • "Dizzy kids puke cereal on Fair Grounds staff."
  • "Do kindly place candy out for good students."
  • "Drunken Kangaroos Punch Children on Family Game Shows" was seen on an episode of "The Game Theorists"
  • "Dumb kids playing catch on freeways get squashed."
  • "Dumb King Phillip came over for grape soda."
  • "Dumb Kings Pee Clouds On Fresh Good Soup."
  • "Keep pond clean or fish get sick."[1]
  • "Kevin, please come over for gay sex." was seen in Community episode: "Virtual Systems Analysis"
  • "Kim Pine, can our family go swimming?"
  • "King prawns curl over fresh green salad."
  • "Kings play Croquet on fine grass slopes."
  • "Kings play cards on fat guys' stomachs."
  • "Kings play chess on fancy glass stools."
  • "Kinky people come over for group sex."

Keep in mind that including or excluding "Domain" from this will work either way.

Botany mnemonics

Botanical taxonomy uses the rank of division in place of phylum. Some botany mnemonics follow one of the "King Phillip" variants, with David in place of Phillip.

See also


  1. ^ a b Evans, Rod L. (2007). Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge: The Book of Mnemonic Devices. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-4406-2207-6.