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There is a page named "Talk:Sodium tail of the Moon" on Wikipedia
- link on Sodium tail of the Moon. Please take a moment to review my edit. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether...2 KB (343 words) - 00:44, 30 January 2024
- Talk:Apollo 11/Archive 3 (category Talk pages with comments before the first section)over the American Flag when the crew left the moon. The now 77-year old astronaut said this in a lecture he gave at the Technical University of Delft...239 KB (34,559 words) - 12:24, 5 May 2022
- Why is green light not used in photosynthesis? --sodium Supposedly because the first sea-based plant life used a different photochemical reaction with...35 KB (5,048 words) - 05:49, 31 January 2023
- etc is at [1]: "In 1958, W.J. Heiman of the U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory released data on the sodium-24 activity induced in sea water after...28 KB (3,975 words) - 23:25, 30 June 2022
- Talk:Comet ISON (category Pages within the scope of WikiProject Astronomical objects (WP Astronomy Banner))(help) - the table of conclusions consists of 30 points ranging from a derived ejection of material about 100AU from the sun to the influence of sodium sublimation...48 KB (6,692 words) - 21:09, 30 January 2024
- consider the fact that there are some quite abundant substances, that even in trace quantities can change the colour of flame. E.g. sodium changes the light...49 KB (7,965 words) - 02:32, 7 July 2017
- formations, the fullback is usually positioned closer to the line than the halfback. --SodiumBenzoate 05:38, 30 August 2005 (UTC) Why was "origin of term" removed...33 KB (4,794 words) - 09:55, 10 March 2024
- Talk:Chemtrail conspiracy theory/Archive 4 (section Remove At Least Weather Control From Theories About Chemtrails - Possibly The Best Evidence For Contrail Unnaturalness)to form a substance that can be digested and flushed from the body without assistance. Sodium Chloride (table salt) for example. Both base elements will...152 KB (19,891 words) - 05:21, 31 January 2023
- Talk:Reductionism (category Wikipedia article talk pages incorporating the backwards copy template)that the orbit of the moon and an apple falling off a tree obey the same law of gravity. But this does not mee that the apple falls "because" of the theory...79 KB (11,579 words) - 05:55, 6 January 2024
- 22:37, 12 August 2020 (UTC) I think it might be worthwhile to mention sodium in the atmosphere, as especially at high altitudes its emissions are easily...97 KB (13,420 words) - 20:53, 30 January 2023
- Talk:Nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents/Archive 2 (section Explanation of the differences between nuclear and radiation)left on the Moon) end up dumping a several-kilogram chunk of plutonium on the Pacific ocean floor near New Zealand? This was my understanding in the past...97 KB (14,496 words) - 15:38, 1 March 2022
- Talk:Orthomolecular medicine/Archive 6 (section Request for comment on the attribution of criticism in the lead)an article about the Moon out of the Solar system article because the moon's article does not directly state that the moon is in the solar system. If...250 KB (34,193 words) - 01:06, 28 September 2024
- I really think that this is a natural process. We are coming off the tail end of the Little Ice Age and it's only natural that things get warmer for a...327 KB (52,673 words) - 16:57, 30 September 2024
- hundred people. The problem is the adaptation has also altered their voltage gated sodium channels and they are slower after eating the toxin. Thus they...279 KB (41,471 words) - 19:21, 31 January 2023
- understood by mere summation of the properties and modes of action of the subordinate systems. For example, when the metal sodium and the gas chlorine combine...146 KB (22,311 words) - 18:08, 3 February 2025
- are] not due to the shadow of the Earth on the Moon and "a concussion does not usually knock a person unconscious" are true, but "The Moon is only up at...148 KB (12,148 words) - 13:08, 9 August 2024
- Talk:Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/Archive 6 (section Moving the controversy section out of the opening and into a paragraph near the end)produced by the removal of artificial colourings and sodium benzoate from their diet.” and “you could halve the number of kids suffering the worst behavioural...452 KB (74,428 words) - 11:05, 26 June 2023
- diffuse these two different elements. Sodium and Chlorine could be compounded to form the table salt, but Baconian system of progress and faith could in no way...300 KB (51,853 words) - 10:27, 2 March 2023