Talk:List of szlachta

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Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

List updater

NOTE: Updater DOES NOT DELETE obsolete entries, so you have to manualy delete the entries from A list below before running him to remove entries already in the main article.

In subsection A below, listed are articles which are missing from the List of szlachta. They were found by looking in the categories in subsection C. One can add more categories to be searched to subsection C, see some suggestions in subsection D.

All this process can be restarted by clicking on the link at the bottom of subsection E.

Please note that anything around here is editable, but please don't modify the lines of the form

<!-- bottag:X:begin -->

or their order.

A: Articles missing from the List of szlachta

Adam Aleksander Sanguszko -- Adam Petrovich Ozharovsky -- Adam Tarnowski (senior) -- Agenor Gołuchowski (senior) -- Albert Wijuk Kojałowicz -- Aldona of Lithuania -- Aleksander Bychowiec -- Aleksander Fredro -- Aleksander Janusz Zasławski -- Aleksander Kostka Napierski -- Aleksander Słuszka -- Aleksander Zasławski -- Aleksandra Piłsudska -- Alexandra of Lithuania -- Alfred von Niezychowski -- Ambroży Mikołaj Skarżyński -- Andrey Sheptytsky -- Andrzej Abramowicz -- Andrzej Alojzy Ankwicz -- Andrzej Górski -- Andrzej Jaraczewski -- Andrzej Kościelecki -- Andrzej Krzycki -- Andrzej Młodziejowski -- Andrzej Odrowąż -- Andrzej Opaliński (1540–1593) -- Andrzej Opaliński (1575–1623) -- Andrzej Szołdrski -- Andrzej Trzebicki -- Anna Alojza Ostrogska -- Anna Catherine Constance Vasa -- Anna Karolina Orzelska -- Anna Katarzyna Sanguszko -- Anna Leszczyńska (1660–1727) -- Anna Maria Komorowska -- Anna Miełżyńska -- Anna Radziwiłł -- Anna Radziwiłł (nobility) -- Anna Rosina de Gasc -- Anna Tarło -- Anna Teresa Ossolińska -- Anna Tyszkiewicz -- Antanas Mackevičius -- Antoni Baranowski (general) -- Antoni Berezowski -- Antoni Stanisław Czetwertyński-Światopełk -- Antoni Uniechowski -- Apolonia Ustrzycka -- Archduke Karl Albrecht of Austria -- Archduke Leo Karl of Austria -- Artur Potocki -- Atanazy Miączyński -- Augustinus Rotundus -- Bacciarelli -- Balthus -- Barbara Tarło -- Bartosz Paprocki -- Bogusław Fryderyk Radziwiłł -- Bogusław Radoszewski -- Bolesław I of Masovia -- Bolesław IV of Warsaw -- Bolesław Wysłouch -- Bolko I the Strict -- Bronisław Komorowski -- Carolyne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein -- Casimir Pulaski -- Casimir Zagourski -- Catherine Jagellon -- Catherine Radziwill -- Catherine of Austria, Queen of Poland -- Catherine of Pomerania, Countess Palatine of Neumarkt -- Clan of Ostoja -- Confederation of the Polish Nobility -- Constance of Świdnica -- Count Agenor Maria Gołuchowski -- Count Alexandre Joseph Colonna-Walewski -- Count Kasimir Felix Badeni -- Countess Maria Carolina Zamoyska -- Countess Palatine Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg -- Czartoryski family -- Czesław Miłosz -- Dominik Potocki -- Dorota Tarnowska -- Dymitr of Goraj -- Edmund Taczanowski -- Edward Bernard Raczyński -- Edward Rydz-Śmigły -- Elena Poniatowska -- Elisa Radziwill -- Elisabeth of Kalisz -- Eliza Orzeszkowa -- Elizabeth of Austria (1526–1545) -- Elizabeth of Pomerania -- Elizaveta Ostrogska -- Elżbieta Konstancja Potulicka -- Elżbieta Szydłowiecka -- Elżbieta Szydłowska -- Emeryk Hutten-Czapski -- Erich Klossowski -- Ernst Magnus Dönhoff -- Feliks Oraczewski -- Felix Dzerzhinsky -- Feodor Ostrogski -- Ferdynand Radziwiłł -- Franciszek Antoni Kwilecki -- Franciszek Ksawery Chomiński -- Franciszek Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki -- Franciszek Zabłocki -- Franciszka Siedliska -- Franciszka Urszula Radziwiłłowa -- Fryderyk Józef Moszyński -- Fryderyk Skarbek -- Gabriel Narutowicz -- Gaude Mater Polonia -- Georg Detlev von Flemming -- Giedroyć -- Gniewosz of Dalewice -- Godzimir Małachowski -- Gothard Wilhelm Butler -- Grushetsky -- Gutowski -- Hans von Halban -- Hedwig of Kalisz -- Helen of Znojmo -- Helena Antonia -- Helena Tekla Ossolińska -- Henry V, Duke of Legnica -- Henry of Masovia -- Henryk Dobrzański -- Hieronim Chodkiewicz -- Hieronim Jarosz Sieniawski -- Hieronim Moskorzowski -- Hieronim Ossoliński -- Hieronim Wołłowicz -- House of Griffins -- House of Radziwiłł -- Hubert Taczanowski -- Ignacy Bohusz -- Ignacy Hryniewiecki -- Ignacy Potocki -- Ignacy Ścibor Marchocki -- Ignatz von Popiel -- Ilia Ostrogski -- Irena Adamowicz -- Isabella Jagiellon -- Jadviga Tarlo-Mniszech -- Jadwiga Maria Potocka -- Jadwiga Snopkowska -- Jadwiga Tarło (XVI-?) -- Jakub Ostroróg -- Jakub Szczawiński -- Jakub Szydłowiecki -- Jakub Wejher -- James Louis Sobieski -- Jan Andrzej Morsztyn -- Jan Czeczot -- Jan Hieronimowicz Chodkiewicz -- Jan Jerzy Grabowski -- Jan Kanty Moszyński -- Jan Karol Dolski -- Jan Kochanowski -- Jan Kostka -- Jan Lipski -- Jan Mikołaj Daniłowicz -- Jan Mikołaj Smogulecki -- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki -- Jan Nowak-Jeziorański -- Jan Samuel Chrzanowski -- Jan Suchorzewski -- Jan Walenty Węgierski -- Jan Wejher -- Jan Wielopolski the elder -- Jan of Melsztyn -- Jan of Tarnów -- Jan of Tarnów (1367–1433) -- Janisław I -- Janusz III of Masovia -- Janusz Radziwiłł (1880–1967) -- Jerzy Józef Potocki -- Joanna Grudzińska -- Joanna Katarzyna Radziwiłł -- John Gielgud -- Jonasz Szlichtyng -- Joseph Conrad -- Jursitzky -- Justynian Szczytt (d. 1677) -- Józef Ankwicz -- Józef Haller -- Józef Kossakowski (bishop) -- Józef Kossakowski (colonel) -- Józef Mackiewicz -- Józef Piłsudski -- Józef Pułaski -- Józef Zabiełło -- Józef z Kocięcina Kocięcki -- Karol Dominik Przezdziecki -- Karol Ferdynand Vasa -- Karolina Teresa Radziwiłł -- Katarzyna Eugenia Tyszkiewicz -- Katarzyna Karolina Radziwiłł -- Katarzyna Kobro -- Katarzyna Tomicka -- Kazimierz Brodziński -- Kazimierz Karwowski -- Kazimierz Sosnkowski -- Klemens Kurowski -- Klemens Stefan Sielecki -- Konotopski -- Konrad III Rudy -- Konstancja Poniatowska -- Konstancja Potocka -- Kot -- Krupski -- Krystyna Skarbek -- Krzysztof Boguszewski -- Krzysztof Mikołaj "the Thunderbolt" Radziwiłł -- Kuncewicz family -- Kunigunde of Poland -- Leon Biliński -- Leon Schiller -- Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg -- List of Polish titled nobility -- Lorenz Christoph Mizler -- Ludwik Narbutt -- Ludwik Tyszkiewicz -- Ludwik Wejher -- Ludwika Karolina Radziwiłł -- Ludwika Maria Poniatowska -- Maciej Grabowski -- Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski -- Maciej Stryjkowski -- Maciej Łubieński -- Maksymilian Ossoliński -- Marcello Bacciarelli -- Marcin Dunin -- Marcin Szyszkowski -- Marcin Wadowita -- Marcjan Aleksander Ogiński -- Margaret of Masovia -- Maria Anna Katharina Rutowska -- Maria Aurora of Spiegel -- Maria Clementina Sobieska -- Maria Karolina Sobieska -- Maria Klementyna Sanguszko -- Maria Naryshkina -- Maria Teresa Sobieska -- Maria Wirtemberska -- Maria Zofia Czartoryska -- Maria of Bytom -- Marianna Wiśniowiecka -- Marie Walewska -- Mathias Franz Graf von Chorinsky Freiherr von Ledske -- Melchior Weiher -- Michał Florian Rzewuski -- Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski -- Michał Kazimierz Ogiński -- Michał Kochanowski -- Michał Radziwiłł Rudy -- Michał Sędziwój -- Michał Tyszkiewicz -- Mieczysław Jałowiecki -- Mieczysław Karłowicz -- Mielżyński -- Mikołaj Abramowicz -- Mikołaj Błociszewski -- Mikołaj Daniłowicz -- Mikołaj Hlebowicz (d.1632) -- Mikołaj Kiczka -- Mikołaj Kurowski -- Mikołaj Oleśnicki -- Mikołaj Oleśnicki the younger -- Mikołaj Sienicki -- Mikołaj Szyszkowski -- Mikołaj Wejher -- Mikołaj Wolski -- Mikołaj of Bogoria and Skotnik -- Mstislav Rostropovich -- Naiman-Beg -- Names and titles of Jogaila -- Natalia Potocka -- Nathanael Matthaeus von Wolf -- Niemierza z Gołczy -- Nora Picciotto -- Offices in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth -- Oleg Yankovsky -- Oppeln-Bronikowski -- Orlyk family -- Ossowski -- Ossowski family (Dołęga coat of arms) -- Pas kontuszowy (sash) -- Paweł Czartoryski -- Paweł Jan Działyński -- Piotr Dunin -- Piotr Włostowic -- Piotr of Bogoria and Skotnik -- Polish clans -- Princess Louise of Prussia (1770–1836) -- Princess Maria de los Dolores of Bourbon-Two Sicilies -- Princess Mathilde, Duchess of Brabant -- Przemysław of Toszek -- Przybysław Dyjamentowski -- Rafał of Tarnów -- Raman Skirmunt -- Rostislav Yankovsky -- Róża Maria Potocka -- Róża Maria Wodzicka -- Róża Potocka (1780–1862) -- Róża Potocka (1849–1937) -- Samuel Kmicic -- Samuel Osiński -- Schildenfeld -- Seweryn Franciszek Czetwertyński-Światopełk -- Seweryn Wysłouch -- Skwierczyński family -- Sophia Olelkovich Radziwill -- Sophia of Masovia -- Spytek of Melsztyn -- Spytek of Melsztyn (died 1399) -- Spytek of Tarnów and Jarosław -- Stanislaus I of Masovia -- Stanislaw Szymanski -- Stanisław Bułak-Bałachowicz -- Stanisław Chodecki -- Stanisław Dunin-Karwicki -- Stanisław Dunin-Wąsowicz -- Stanisław Jerzy Lec -- Stanisław Kopański -- Stanisław Kostka (1475–1555) -- Stanisław Kostka Gadomski -- Stanisław Lanckoroński (hetman) -- Stanisław Mackiewicz -- Stanisław Sarnicki -- Stanisław Szeptycki -- Stanisław Tarnowski -- Stanisław Warszycki -- Stanisław Wojciechowski -- Stanisław Łubieński -- Stanisława of Bogoria and Skotnik -- Stefan Chmielecki -- Stefan Kunicki -- Stefan Potocki -- Stefan Sadorski -- Stibor of Stiboricz -- Sułkowski family -- Szymon Samuel Sanguszko -- Szymon Szymonowic -- Tadeusz Czacki -- Tadeusz Wróblewski -- Tamara Czartoryska -- Tamara de Lempicka -- Tarło (surname) -- Tekla Róża Radziwiłł -- Teodor Kazimierz Czartoryski -- Teodor Narbutt -- Teofila Ludwika Zasławska -- Teofilia Sieniawska -- Teofilia Tarło -- Teresa Czartoryska -- Teresa Karolina Rzewuska -- Teresa Sapieha -- Tetmajer -- Tomasz Antoni Zamoyski -- Tomasz Franciszek Zamoyski -- Ulryk Hozjusz -- Ursula Katharina of Altenbockum -- Urszula Meyerin -- Vintsent Dunin-Martsinkyevich -- Volodymyr Antonovych -- Von Gaffron und Oberstradam -- Vyacheslav Lypynsky -- Wacław Hański -- Wespazjan Kochowski -- Wilhelmina Maria Frederica of Rochlitz -- Witold Chodźko -- Wladislaw Taczanowski -- Wojciech Jaruzelski -- Wojciech of Bogoria and Żminogród -- Wysoczański -- Wysłouch -- Władysław Plater -- Władysław Sikorski -- Władysław Taczanowski -- Władysław Zdzisław Zamoyski -- Włodzimierz Alfons Czartoryski -- Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski -- Yurii Chodkiewicz -- Zabłocki -- Zbigniew Oleśnicki (cardinal) -- Zbigniew Oleśnicki (primate of Poland) -- Zbigniew Tęczyński -- Zbigniew of Brzezia -- Zbigniew Ścibor-Rylski -- Zdzisław Zamoyski -- Zenon Kazimierz Wysłouch -- Zofia Ostrogska -- Zofia Szydłowiecka -- Zygmunt Gloger -- Zygmunt Grudziński (1568–1653) -- Zygmunt Kurnatowski -- Zygmunt Mineyko -- Łukasz Górnicki -- Baczewski family -- Białobrzeski family -- Chołodecki family -- Danielewicz -- Dassanowsky family -- Duracz family -- Działyński family -- Dönhoff -- Hauke-Bosak family -- Hlebowicz family -- Hryniewiecki family -- Kalinowski family -- Karpiński family -- Kiszka family -- Kossakowski -- Kościelecki Family -- Ledóchowski family -- Markuszewski family -- Montelupi -- Movilești family -- Mycielski family (Dołęga coat of arms) -- Mystkowski family -- Ostoja-Ostaszewski -- Piotrowski family -- Piłsudski family -- Puzyna -- Rzewuski family -- Sapieha family -- Sielecki family -- Svyatopolk-Mirsky family -- Szczytt family -- Taczanowski family -- Tyzenhaus family -- Tęczyński family -- Von Loppenow -- Von Plötzke family -- Weyher family -- Zaleski family (Dołęga coat of arms) -- Zborowski family -- Adam Poniński (1732–1798) -- Adam Poniński (1758–1816) -- Adam Zamoyski -- Adam Zygmunt Sapieha -- Adelaide of Poland -- Aleksander Albert Krajewski -- Aleksander August Zamoyski -- Aleksander Ignacy Lubomirski -- Aleksander Michał Lubomirski (d. 1675) -- Aleksander Michał Lubomirski (d. 1677) -- Aleksander Michał Sapieha -- Alexandra Francis Rzewuska -- Andrzej Artur Zamoyski -- Andrzej Zamoyski -- Anna Leszczyńska (1699–1717) -- Anna Lubomirska (d. 1736) -- Anna Lubomirska (d. 1763) -- Antoni Augustyn Deboli -- Antoni Kazimierz Ostrowski -- Barbara Lubomirska (17th century) -- Barbara Zápolya -- Benedykt Chmielowski -- Bogoriowie -- Bolesław Jerzy of Mazovia -- Branicki family (Gryf coat of arms) -- Chajka -- Czarniecki -- Daniel Czapliński -- Dobiesław "Lubelczyk" Kurozwęcki -- Dobiesław Kmita -- Elizabeth Granowska -- Erazm Otwinowski -- Euphemia of Greater Poland (1253–1298) -- Eustachy Tyszkiewicz -- Feliks Zamoyski -- Filon Kmita -- Firlej family -- Florian Zamoyski -- Franciszek Malewski -- Franciszek Pius Radziwiłł -- Franciszek Salezy Jezierski -- Franz von Hillenbrand -- Fryderyk Sapieha -- Gabriel Podoski -- Gryzelda Konstancja Zamoyska -- Hatice Muazzez Sultan -- Helena Zamoyska -- Iwan Tyszkiewicz -- Izabela Elżbieta Morsztyn -- Izabela Maria Lubomirska -- Jabłonowski family -- Jakub Sienieński -- Jan Czarnowski -- Jan Działyński (1590-1648) -- Jan Jakub Zamoyski -- Jan Niemojewski -- Jan Ponętowski -- Jan Zamoyski (1627–1665) -- Jan Zamoyski (XV-XVI) -- Jan Zamoyski (XVI-) -- Jan Zamoyski (XVI-1619) -- Jan Zborowski -- Jan of Czarnków -- Janusz Aleksander Sanguszko -- Janusz I of Warsaw -- Jarosław of Bogoria and Skotnik -- Joanna Barbara Zamoyska -- Jozef Michal Poniatowski -- Julia Lubomirska -- Justynian Szczytt (1740–1824) -- Józef Judycki -- Józef Pawlikowski -- Kazanowski family -- Kazimierz Leon Sapieha -- Klemens Zamoyski -- Konstanty Kazimierz Brzostowski -- Konstanty Ludwik Plater -- Konstanty Tyszkiewicz -- Konstanty Zamoyski -- Krystyna Lubomirska (d. 1645) -- Krystyna Lubomirska (d. 1669) -- Krzysztof Grodzicki -- Krzysztof Michał Sapieha -- Ksawery Lubomirski -- Lanckoroński family -- Lestek -- Leszczyński family -- Maciej Zamoyski -- Marcelina Czartoryska -- Marcin Zamoyski -- Marianna Zamoyska -- Marie Catherine Vasa -- Maurycy Klemens Zamoyski -- Michał Hieronim Krasiński -- Michał Zdzisław Zamoyski -- Mikołaj "Lubelczyk" Kurozwęcki -- Mikołaj Jerzy Czartoryski -- Mikołaj Sapieha (1588–1638) -- Nanker -- Opaliński family -- Ossoliński family -- Paweł Stefan Sapieha -- Piotr Pac -- Poniatowski family -- Rafał Leszczyński (1526–1592) -- Remigiusz Koniecpolski -- Rozalia Lubomirska -- Siemowit IV, Duke of Masovia -- Sobieski family -- Stanisław Koniecpolski (died 1682) -- Stanisław Kostka Zamoyski -- Stanisław Krasiński (1558–1617) -- Stanisław Krasiński (1585–1649) -- Stanisław Ledóchowski -- Stanisław Lubomirski (d. 1585) -- Stanisław Niemira -- Stanisław Radziwiłł -- Stanisław Zamoyski -- Stefan Adam Zamoyski -- Stefan Zamoyski -- Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska -- Tomasz Józef Zamoyski -- Tomasz Sapieha -- Tomasz Zamoyski -- Tomasz Łaźniński -- Wartislaw VII, Duke of Pomerania -- Wojciech Dębołęcki -- Władysław Gurowski -- Władysław Stanisław Zamoyski -- Yuriy Trubetskoy -- Zasławski family -- Zawisza Czerwony -- Zbigniew Firlej -- Zdzisław Jan Zamoyski -- Zofia Czarnkowska Opalińska -- Zygmunt Grudziński (1560–1618) -- Świętobor, Duke of Pomerania --

B: Place here articles not wanted either in the List of szlachta or in subsection A.

20th century (technically can be added to the list, if you want)

Anthony Radziwill -- Carole Radziwill -- Lee Radziwill -- Countess Karolina Lanckorońska -- Count Karol Lanckoroński -- Maria Amparo, Countess of Vista Alegre -- Ludwig zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg -- Anna Christina Radziwill -- Tadeusz Gosiewski -- Jan Trubecki --

Not Polish

Aldona Ona -- Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky -- Elizabeth Lacković -- Yuriy I of Halych -- Vladimir Waloc Trubetsky Fyodor Nikitich Trubchevsky -- Wigund-Jeronym Trubchevsky -- Aleksey Trubchevsky -- Sigrid the Haughty -- Lev Danylovich -- Elisabeth of Austria (d. 1505) -- Maria Josepha of Austria -- Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien -- Yefim Chaplits -- Casimir Gzowski -- Nikolai Ivanovitch Sviatopolk-Mirskii --

Royalty, not nobility

Anna Jagiellon -- Anna of Masovia -- Isabella Jagiełło -- Gertrude of Poland -- Władysław Opolski -- Agnes of Babenberg -- Anna of Byzantium -- Rikissa of Poland -- Władysław I Herman -- Władysław II the Exile -- Władysław III Spindleshanks Zbigniew of Poland -- John Albert Vasa -- Mieszko III the Old -- Mieszko IV Tanglefoot -- Leszek I the White -- Leszek II the Black -- Kazimierz II the Just -- Konrad I of Masovia -- Mindowhowna -- Bezprym -- Catherine Jagiellon -- Alexander Charles Vasa -- Bogusław XIV of Pomerania -- Boleslaus George II of Masovia -- Bolesław I the Tall -- Bolesław II the Bald -- Bolesław II the Bold -- Bolesław III Wrymouth -- Bolesław IV the Curly -- Bolesław V the Chaste -- Casimir IV of Pomerania -- Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Opole -- Constance of Austria -- Cymburgis of Masovia -- Rzepicha -- Siemomysł -- Siemowit -- Popiel -- Lestko -- Chościsko -- Henryk I the Bearded -- Henryk II the Pious -- Henryk III the White -- Henryk IV Probus -- Saint Casimir --

Too early (knights, <15th century)

Jan Piast -- Rafał z Tarnowa -- Zbigniew Cardinal Oleśnicki -- Zbigniew Oleśnicki (Primate of Poland) -- Mikołaj z Bogorii i Skotnik -- Jan z Melsztyna -- Jan z Tarnowa -- Jan z Tarnowa (1367-1433) -- Jarosław z Bogorii i Skotnik -- Gniewosz z Dalewic -- Powała of Taczew -- Przedpełko Kropidłowski -- Spytek z Melsztyna -- Spytek z Melsztyna (1322-1399) -- Spytek z Tarnowa i Jarosławia -- Zbigniew z Brzezia -- Wojciech z Bogorii i Żminogrodu -- Piotr z Bogorii i Skotnik -- Stanisława z Bogorii i Skotnik -- Janusz Suchywilk -- Jakub Świnka --


Leelee Sobieski -- John Sobieski Stuart --

Not people

Żupan -- With Fire and Sword -- Gallery of Jan III Sobieski -- Pas kontuszowy -- Niasviž Castle -- Radziwiłł Chronicle -- Lubomirski Coat of Arms -- Ossolin -- Ossolineum -- Ostrogski Coat of Arms -- Czartoryski Museum -- Czartoryski-Schlössel -- Hôtel Lambert -- Svyatopolk-Mirsky -- Gaude mater Polonia -- Branicki (Gryf) -- Gosiewski (Korwin) -- Gosiewski (Ślepowron) -- Princes Czartoryski Foundation -- Palais Lanckoronski -- The Princely Houses of Poland -- Coat of arms of Lubomirski -- Coat of arms of Ostrogski -- Mir Castle Complex --

C: Categories to be searched

The bot will look for potential additions to the List of szlachta in this list of categories. You may add any other categories to this list, for example from subsection D below. Use the format [[:Category:XXX]] (the colon (:) shows up twice!).

Category:Polish nobility -- Category:Polish noble families -- Category:Polish nobility stubs -- Category:Bogoriowie -- Category:Branicki (Gryf) -- Category:Branicki (Korczak) -- Category:Chodkiewicz -- Category:Chołodecki -- Category:Czartoryski -- Category:Dzieduszycki -- Category:Firlej -- Category:Jabłonowski -- Category:Kazanowski -- Category:Koniecpolski -- Category:Kostka -- Category:Krasiński -- Category:Lanckoroński -- Category:Leszczyński -- Category:Lubomirski -- Category:Massalski -- Category:Odrowąż -- Category:Opaliński -- Category:Ossoliński -- Category:Ostrogski -- Category:Poniatowski -- Category:Potocki -- Category:Raczyński -- Category:Radziwiłł -- Category:Rzewuski -- Category:Sanguszko -- Category:Sapieha -- Category:Sieniawski -- Category:Sobieski -- Category:Sołtyk -- Category:Tarnowski -- Category:Tarło -- Category:Umiastowski -- Category:Wielopolski -- Category:Wiśniowiecki -- Category:Zamoyski --

D: Potential searchable categories

Move up to subsection C any categories which the bot should search for missing articles in the List of szlachta.

Category:Báthory family -- Category:Duchesses of Courland -- Category:Orders of knighthood of Poland -- Category:Polish Counts of the Holy Roman Empire -- Category:Polish Princes of the Holy Roman Empire -- Category:Polish indigenes -- Category:Polish landowners -- Category:Polish nobility coats of arms -- Category:Polish noble titles -- Category:Polish royalty -- Category:Thurzó family -- Category:Bogoriowie family -- Category:Branicki (Gryf) family -- Category:Branicki (Korczak) family -- Category:Chodkiewicz family -- Category:Chołodecki family -- Category:Clan of Ostoja -- Category:Czartoryski family -- Category:Dzieduszycki family -- Category:Firlej family -- Category:Flemming family -- Category:Giedraitis family -- Category:Gosiewski (Korwin) family -- Category:Gosiewski (Ślepowron) family -- Category:House of Jagiellon -- Category:House of Piast -- Category:House of Sobieski -- Category:House of Vasa -- Category:Jabłonowski family -- Category:Kalinowski family -- Category:Kazanowski family -- Category:Koniecpolski family -- Category:Kostka family -- Category:Krasiński family -- Category:Kuncewicz family -- Category:Lanckoroński family -- Category:Leszczyński family -- Category:Lubomirski family -- Category:Massalski family -- Category:Morsztyn family -- Category:Odrowąż family -- Category:Ogiński family -- Category:Opaliński family -- Category:Ossoliński family -- Category:Ostaszewski family -- Category:Ostrogski family -- Category:Ostroróg family -- Category:Pac family -- Category:Plater family -- Category:Poniatowski family -- Category:Potocki family -- Category:Raczyński family -- Category:Radziwiłł family -- Category:Rzewuski family -- Category:Sanguszko family -- Category:Sapieha family -- Category:Sieniawski family -- Category:Sołtyk family -- Category:Taczanowski family -- Category:Tarnowski family -- Category:Tarło family -- Category:Tyszkiewicz family -- Category:Tęczyński family -- Category:Umiastowski family -- Category:Wielopolski family -- Category:Wiśniowiecki family -- Category:Zamoyski family -- Category:Zasławski family -- Category:Zborowski family --

E: Articles in List of szlachta not in categories

May be redirects or articles which should be removed/categorized.

Jan Wielopolski (XVII-1688) -- Jerzy Radziwiłł -- Emilia Plater -- Dominik Dziewanowski -- Poniatowski -- Chodkiewicz -- Voivode -- Augustyn Józef Czartoryski -- List of Polish rulers -- Mikołaj Światopełk-Mirski -- Kazimierz Pułaski -- List of Polish coats of arms -- Jan Klemens Branicki -- Stanisław Krasiński -- Stanisław Leszczyński -- Internetowa encyklopedia PWN -- Stanisław Szczęsny Potocki -- Piotr Trubecki -- Adam Jerzy Czartoryski -- Eliza Branicka -- Jakub Ludwik Sobieski -- Polonization -- Tyszkiewicz family -- The Princely Houses of Poland -- Marie, Countess Walewski -- Barbara Lubomirska (XVI-) -- Anna Lubomirska (XVII-1736) -- Jan Tęczyński (?-1583) -- Antoni Radziwiłł -- Kazimierz Jordan-Rozwadowski -- Kasimir Felix Graf Badeni -- Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski -- Teresa Kunegunda Sobieska -- Magnates -- Vilna -- Anna Lubomirska (XVIII-1763) -- Andrzej Kmicic -- Social class -- Ostrogski -- Election -- Sanguszko -- Stanisław Lanckoroński -- Stanisław Lubomirski (XVI-1585) -- Lithuanian nobility -- Stanisław August Poniatowski -- Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski -- Didnia -- Jan Trubecki -- Tiedemann Giese -- Troki -- Adam Karol Czartoryski -- Monarch -- Agenor Gołuchowski (father) -- Stanisław Koniecpolski (XVII-1682) -- Stefan Bidziński -- Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski -- Peter Hussakowski (Ussakowski) -- Chorąży -- Krzysztof Mikołaj "the Lightning" Radziwiłł -- Elżbieta Czartoryska -- Hieronim Augustyn Lubomirski -- Partitions of Poland -- Alexandre Joseph Count Colonna-Walewski -- Marshal -- Jerzy Detloff Fleming -- Ludwik Pac -- Nester Trubecki -- Poland -- Kazimierz Siemienowicz -- Count palatine -- Krzysztof Radziwiłł -- Maria Klementyna Sobieska -- Maria Leszczyńska -- Zamoyski -- Izabela Fleming -- Jan Kostka (1529–1581) -- Onufry Zagłoba -- WIEM Encyklopedia -- Aleksander Michał Lubomirski -- Castellan -- Queen regnant -- Stanisław Koniecpolski -- Union of Lublin -- Kanclerz -- Dominik Radziwiłł -- Stanisław Lubomirski (1704–1793) -- Lubomirski -- Wincenty Krasiński -- General -- Stanisław Tarnowski (1837–1917) -- Maria Zofia Sieniawska -- Aleksander Michał Lubomirski (XVII-1673) -- Henryk Sienkiewicz -- Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski -- Zygmunt Krasiński -- Fiodor Nikiticz Trubecki -- Michael Glinski -- Pac (family) -- Second Polish Republic -- Chivalry -- Radziwiłł -- Hetman -- Encyklopedia WIEM -- Mielzynski -- Józef Antoni Poniatowski -- Jan Aleksander Koniecpolski -- Ducal Prussia -- Czartoryski -- Knight -- Jan Tęczyński (1485–1553) -- Stanisław Lubomirski (1583–1649) -- Anna Jabłonowska -- Stanisław Kostka (1487–1555) -- Pawel Czartoryski -- Ruthenia -- Wigund-Jeronym Trubecki -- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth -- Artur Potocki (1787–1832) -- Tarnowski -- Bolesław Prus -- Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski -- Bishop -- Anna Krystyna Lubomirska (d. 1667) -- Delfina Potocka -- Adam Ludwik Czartoryski -- Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki -- Włodzimierz Wałoc Trubecki -- Greenwood Publishing -- Nicolaus Wasilewski -- Anna Eufrozyna Chodkiewicz -- Nobility -- Władysław Krzysztof Grabiński -- Mikołaj Firlej (?-1601) -- Agenor Maria Gołuchowski -- Stanisław Kazanowski -- Edward Raczyński (1891–1993) -- Sapieha -- Jan III Sobieski -- List of Poles -- Potocki -- Roman Ignacy Potocki -- Florian Pacanowski -- Karol Antoni Ussakowski -- Battle of Vienna -- Galicia (Central Europe) -- The Trilogy -- Krystyna Branicka -- Julia Lubomirska (1764–1794) -- Prince-Bishop -- Encyklopedia Interia -- Krystyna Lubomirska (XVII-1669) -- Kingdom of Poland (1385–1569) -- Bogdan Chmielnicki -- Rafał Leszczyński (1579–1636) -- Paweł Trubecki -- Andrzej Taczanowski -- Grand Duchy of Lithuania -- Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł -- Wincenty Gosiewski -- Alfred Niezychowski -- Rembrandt -- Andrzej Trebicki -- Jan Stawicki -- Ogiński -- Lanckoroński -- Wiśniowiecki -- Andrzej Leszczyński (1553–1606) -- Tęczyński -- Krystyna Lubomirska (XVII-1645) -- Wacław Sobieski --

Refresh the above lists

Old talk

I'd like to list of all important szlachta (szlachcice) of Poland and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth here. Perhaps a category will follow... --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 18:49, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)

A hell of a work awaits you then. I hope that you know that the szlachta constituted some 10% of population of Poland and Lithuania, which means that there were some million members of szlachta per every generation... Finding the notable ones is a really hard task. Good luck! [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 21:03, Sep 11, 2004 (UTC)
It is a big project, but for now I am interested mainly in the XVII century. And when it comes to 'important' I doubt it there were more then few dozens per century... --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19:33, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)


Are members of House of Vasa szlachta or not? Jan Olbracht Waza, Aleksander Karol Waza, Wladyslaw IV Waza, etc.? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 16:03, 19 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Are you asking about indigenatum or about them being gentry? [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 19:49, Nov 19, 2004 (UTC)
Errr...I am afraid I don't understand your question. What is indigenatum? Basically I wonder if they should be added to the list or not. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 21:49, 19 Nov 2004 (UTC)
I'm not sure what is the proper English name (if they have any). Just check the pl:Indygenat article, it's all there. [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 22:00, Nov 19, 2004 (UTC)
Right, so they were indigenatum-ers? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 14:35, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)
No idea. But I guess so, since the nation could not elect a king that would not be its member. [[User:Halibutt|Halibutt]] 19:31, Nov 22, 2004 (UTC)

List of non-szlachta

I am thinking of making list of people related to the PLCommonwealth other then szlachta. I am not sure how to call it. For now, I will use this section for the temporary list, after we have some entries perhaps I or you will have a better idea what to do with it. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 22:14, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)

* Marcin Kromer (1512-1589) - or was he a szlachcic? I can't find conclusive answer...

Na Pl. wiki pisze ze w 1552 zostal przyjety do szlachty. [1] jego herb i info [2].--Emax 17:06, 22 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Tnx. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 19:07, 22 Nov 2004 (UTC)

* Kazimierz Pułaski (1745-1779) - szlachta or not? no info in his article

* Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817)

Gdzies czytalem ze wywodzil sie z rodziny szlacheckiej uzywajacej herbu Roch III--Emax 17:06, 22 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Jakbys mogl potwierdzic zrodlo bylbym bardzo wdzieczny :) --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 11:40, 15 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Gdzies przypadkowo na to wpadlem, szukajac innego herbu. Wpisz w wyszukiwarke Kosciuszko Roch III itd. moze szybko znajdziesz :)--Emax 14:59, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Mam cos 00:56, Jan 12, 2005 (UTC)
Dzieki, przenosze go :) --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 11:03, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Polski Słownik Biograficzny

Tnx to the help of dr Marek Jerzy Minakowski, the list of people mentioned in the giant Polish Biographical Dictionary is here: List of Poles from Polski Słownik Biograficzny. Or will be as soon as I can figure how to convert ~25,000 entries into a Wiki-readable format. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 12:53, 9 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

This template should develop into a useful tool.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 02:52, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

New category

What do you think about creating a new Category:Polish noble families, for the families? We have quite a few now. It would be a subcategory of Category:Noble families, and be equal for example to Category:Russian noble families.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 05:09, 14 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"Szlachta" vs. ?

A distinction is made in this article that eludes me. We are told that "Szlachta is the proper term for Polish nobility beginning about the 15th century. Individuals listed as having lived earlier [none are so listed] should be referred to simply as Polish 'nobility,' not as 'szlachta.'" How does "simple Polish 'nobility'" translate into Polish? logologist|Talk 04:41, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Rycerze, możni. To the best of my knowledge szlachta was the term used from around 15th century, not earlier. Woje Mieszka czy rycerze spod Grunwaldu to nie szlachta przeciez?--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 04:49, 17 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Since this article deals, by its own statement, essentially with Poland's magnates, wouldn't it more properly be titled "List of Polish magnates"? logologist|Talk 20:58, 19 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There are quite a few non-magnates here as well, as well as ancestors and 20th century descendants. Besides, it's hard to draw a clear line between magnates and non-magnates - it's like trying to differentiate between high class and middle/lower classes, but without benefit of income/wealth statistics (in most cases). While I don't doubt that eventually we will have enough data (and wikipedian power :>) to create a list of magnates, I think that time is still far away.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus Talk 01:17, 20 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Complete list?

Naming of szlachta

I think you all know that many ways of writing names and surnames of Polish-Lithuanian nobles exist (Lithuanian, Polish an Belarussian). For example : Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł , Mykolas Kazimieras Radvila, Міхал Казімер Радзівіл. In my opinion nobles that lived in Poland before Union of Lublin should be named only in polish way. Names of nobles taht lived in Grand Duchy of Lithuania should be written in Lithuanian and Belarussian. Nobles of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth should have names written in all three languages. Sometimes even adding variants of other languages. For ex. Bogdan Khmelnycki should be written in Polish, Lithuanian, Belarussian and Ukrainian. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 07:27, December 1, 2007

Purpose of the list and criteria for inclusion

When I started this list years ago, I understood Wikipedia much less, and it was feasible to try to include all szlachta articles in it, as we had only few of them. Now, it is of course both impossible (we have thousands) and unneeded (that what's the category system is for). Still, the list is useless in listing the most important noble families and most important nobles. But we should decide on the criteria of notability. Based on pl:Wikipedia:Głosowania/Zasady encyklopedyczności rodów szlacheckich w Polsce I have the following suggestions:

  • for the families
    • all three: 1) has at least three members notable in its own right; 2) has a notable impact on history of country or at least a region and 3) is mentioned in at least one reliable source
  • for individuals
    • all of the following: 1) held an office; 2) had a notable impact on history and 3) is mentioned in at least one reliable source

Reliable source are sourced listed on pl wikipedia in their notability sections, plus all other sources we would recognize as reliable (PSB, and so on). Please note that the critieria for inclusion in the list are stricter then those for notability: any family or noble who fulfills 3 and either 1 or 2 is notable, but you need all three to be in our list. Comments? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 17:27, 12 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Update: I've pruned families under the above proposal, and added references from major Polish encyclopedias to the remaining ones. The remaining unreferenced ones should be referenced as soon as possible to justify their remaining in the list. --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 01:33, 13 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Let me see if I understand, so your three requirements for inclusion are for families on the List of Szlachta, not the list of Polish Noble Families, correct? If so then the three requirements do not set the bar high enough, the Chołodecki family, which I have researched, easily meets your 3 criteria, but it was certainly not a family "that had accumulated great wealth and political power and had few equals" as the preamble to the list of Szlachta states, if that is what we want, then that should be our requirement. I would say that Noble families that had a significant cultural influence should also be on that list. --Milicz (talk) 17:44, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
But how do we define a "significant cultural influence"? Being rich, powerful and famous is more easy to check.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 17:59, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I was thinking for noble families like Kossak which had numerous famous painters, Witkiewicz (famous painters, writers), Słowacki (famous writers) you could also include Mickiewicz, Sienkiewicz, although they were really limited to one individual, etc. --Milicz (talk) 18:31, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Kossaks are an interesting example, indeed. I would however exclude them from the current list, even through the individuals would be notable in our list of individuals and thus criteria for inclusion in it should be rewritten. My intent for the list of the families - and feel free to disagree and convince me otherwise - is to have only the "key" families listed. Kossak family may had had 3 famous painters, but people think of Kossak's the painters, not of Kossak family, which had done nothing notable other than had three great sons. Radziwiłł family, or Zamoyski one, were an institution in itself. Kossak family wasn't. Is this more clear? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 19:12, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, that is more clear. Do we include families that disappeared because they had no male heirs like the Zbaraski's or Zasławski's?--Milicz (talk) 19:49, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Both of them were quite powerful before they disappeared, so I'd say yes. Would you like to rewrite and repost my proposed notability criteria below, so we can make sure we are on the same page? --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 20:10, 19 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I would propose
  • for the families
    • A family that had great wealth and political power and had few equals during its heyday, such a family would necessarily include all of the following: 1) Multiple members notable in their own right; 2) a notable impact on the history of the country, 3) is mentioned in reliable sources and 4) had substantial land holdings.
  • for individuals
Comments: substantial land holdings is important, but may be a bit difficult to prove with sources. It may be a bit too detailed for this anyway (note that we don't have a point for political power...). As for people, I'd note that criteria should be always 3), and either 1) or 2) (both not required). Actually, come to think of it, maybe we could drop 1 and just stick with 2? Not every voivode was important... --Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 00:29, 20 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Only few non-szlachta Poles were notable till the 18/19 century, so we have List of Poles.Xx236 (talk) 07:22, 13 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

See also corresponding list on pl wiki: pl:Magnateria_polska#Polskie_rody_magnackie.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 02:03, 27 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I am done with the family section. I've left only families which fullfilled the criteria discussed above (importance). Note that I had to prune some families which seem to fullfill them on common knowledge but for which I couldn't find reliable sources to confirm my "feeling". I hope in the future we can expand the list, as we find better references, per WP:V.--Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus| talk 03:52, 27 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Discussion about naming [3]. M.K. (talk) 14:34, 28 April 2010 (UTC) P.S> I also made an error leaving word "nobility" here.[reply]

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