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There is a page named "Talk:Legal status of Hawaii" on Wikipedia
- appearing as an article. I've moved it to Talk:Legal status of Hawaii\old edit sections for legal status of Hawaii page. Nick-D (talk) 00:24, 4 March 2012 (UTC)...10 KB (1,421 words) - 07:19, 2 August 2024
- dispute the legal status of Hawaii, but on the basis of theory, not of jurisprudence or any act of any nation. For example, there is Legal status of Taiwan...13 KB (2,150 words) - 13:42, 4 September 2010
- "The legal status of Hawai'i is not a major dispute. Further, this issue is not recognized or discussed by the majority of American and Hawaiian citizens...2 KB (399 words) - 13:40, 4 September 2010
- to start a Legal Status of Texas article soon. I am not a proponent of Texas independence. However, as there is an article on this for Hawaii there is a...8 KB (1,323 words) - 13:42, 4 September 2010
- that Hawaii was legally a State of the United States, would it be accepted? If the Supreme Court ruled tomorow that Hawaii was legally a State of the United...10 KB (1,642 words) - 13:41, 4 September 2010
- It would be just as POV to put something in like, "The legal status of Hawaii is a subject of dispute between every nation that ever had diplomatic relations...9 KB (1,528 words) - 13:40, 4 September 2010
- system of pre-contact Hawaii that oppressed and enslaved women and the lower-classes? So is it undue weight to present the far-fetched legal theories of sovereignty...12 KB (2,069 words) - 13:43, 4 September 2010
- Even in the legal sense (and the fact that this is a "legal status" page is irrelevant in this particular context, because the reputations of sovereignty...10 KB (1,556 words) - 13:42, 4 September 2010
- legal issues, and neither the Green Party, Hawaii's congressional delegation, Bill Clinton, nor the U.S. Congress has ever asserted that the State of...12 KB (1,985 words) - 13:41, 4 September 2010
- request from Talk:Legal status of Hawaii. It matches the following masks: Talk:Legal status of Hawaii/Archive <#>, Talk:Legal status of Hawaii. This page was...5 KB (42 words) - 03:03, 3 August 2024
- "Anti-Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement" - people who oppose independence of Hawaii, especially based on racial terms, believe that all Hawaiians of all ethnicities...4 KB (499 words) - 13:40, 4 September 2010
- "kanaka maoli were the ultimate colonists, coming to the Hawaiian islands in wave after wave of immigration, each one usurping the people that had come...9 KB (1,593 words) - 13:43, 4 September 2010
- laws of these chiefdoms. However, this should only be a very small portion of the article and only used to illustrate that the legal status of Hawaii questions...13 KB (2,028 words) - 15:30, 29 July 2024
- learned this on the Hawaiian Sovereignty page, when I started inserting undeniable facts that pushed POV: (quoted from the Talk:Hawaiian sovereignty movement...5 KB (842 words) - 13:41, 4 September 2010
- overthrow of their native land, as Hawaii does? Again, all this activity within Hawaii has it's roots in the dispute over Hawaii's legal status. It is often...204 KB (33,554 words) - 15:06, 4 September 2010
- What determines legal status? ability to apply power/control government services, etc. (de facto control) U.S. law pro-akaka bill anti-akaka bill claims...2 KB (235 words) - 22:37, 7 October 2007
- together using the same general presentation style as found in the Legal status of Hawaii article. I think that approach works here but please offer suggestions...19 KB (3,080 words) - 15:43, 16 February 2024
- ---cmholm 04:03, 18 July 2007 (UTC)cmholm I see there's a page Legal status of Hawaii, which seems relevant. Should this page link to it? Normally, I'd...10 KB (1,554 words) - 05:39, 11 February 2024
- Recent Legal Debate on Jainism". Is this just a recent debate? Has the legal status of Jainism as a religion separate from Hinduism always been legally debated...25 KB (4,107 words) - 18:40, 20 November 2024
- Federal Recognition of Indian Tribes in the United States The Political Status of the Native Hawaiian People "What Kine Hawaiian Are You?": A Mo'olelo...8 KB (425 words) - 12:28, 28 February 2024
- access to safe and legal abortions services at the state and federal levels. Currently, seven states - California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland
- need to have a special application of the policy, as the Wikimedia Foundation could loose it's non-profit status in the US (where the foundation is located)