Talk:34th Tank Division (Soviet Union)

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February 5, 1945, the Supreme Commander of the Polish Army, Lt. Gen. Michal Rola-Zymierski issued Order No. 26/Org. inclusion in the Soviet part of the Polish Army 16 Armoured Brigade, assigned her to the provision and subordinating the army commander of the 2nd Army. The basis for issuing the order was an order No. 302010 Headquarters, Supreme Commander of the Red Army from 3 October 1944

16 BPanc. was organized on the basis of war-time Soviet armored brigade No. 010/500 - 010/506 on the state of 1354 soldiers. According to part-time in units of the brigade comprised the following:

   * The command of Brigadier-by-time No. 010/500 on the state of 54 soldiers,
   * 1 battalion of tanks by part-time No. 010/501 on the state of 148 soldiers,
   * 2-time battalion of tanks by No. 010/501 on the state of 148 soldiers,
   * 3-time by a battalion of tanks No. 010/501 on the state of 148 soldiers,
   * Motorized Rifle Battalion No. 010/502 time by the state of 507 soldiers,
   * Anti-aircraft machine-gun company by part-time No. 010/503 on the state of 48 soldiers,

Company had five platoons command: communication with the two T-34/85 tanks, reconnaissance of three armored cars BA-64, engineers, security staff and economic development.

Technical supply company had four platoons: repair of combat equipment and vehicles, the platoon of supplying fuel, ammunition and platoon transport for special works.

On 23 February 1945 soldiers took the oath.

February 26, the rearrangement of two Army Army, the brigade was ordered to move to the area of ​​the Cross in Western Pomerania. It was transported by rail, unloaded at the station Paczkowo and deployed in the area Habitats. Hence regrouped to march Sagittarius Krajenskie route by Wielen and Drezdenko. March 20th was ordered to march at Wroclaw. Departed March 29 from the station to Old Kurowo Oleśniczki. There he took the district conducted a centeredness and combat support equipment. April 5th Brigade, along with the entire 2nd Army troops became part of the outer locking ring Wroclaw lap.

That day, the brigade had 1,312 soldiers, including 250 officers, 559 NCOs and 503 privates. For arming the brigade were 438 rifles and 528 pistols, 22 hand machine guns, four heavy machine guns, 9 antiaircraft machine guns, four 76.2 mm guns, 18 rifle, 83 vehicles and 65 tanks T-34-85.

In connection with preparations for the Berlin operation brigade was moved to the area of ​​forests on the Neisse. Group of staff officers made a reconnaissance brigade routes of action and probable future directions of the enemy counterattacks from the area of ​​Rothenburg. April 15, under the orders of the commander of an army armored 2 HR, the brigade marched out of the starting positions and focused in the area forester Haustern with the task of sufficient safety on the section Tormersdorf Nysa, Ober Vorwerk and exit on the west bank of the channel Neugraben. After breaking through Neisse, in the morning on April 17th Brigade reached the eastern shore of the river Weisser Schöps (Bely Šepc) and then it forced the region Uhsmannsdorf Spreehammer Nieder and mastered. April 19 came in succession Klitten, Nieder Prauske, in the evening reached the river Spree. It forced the 21 April, taking Lieske and Neudorf. April 22 brigade was in the lap and suffered huge losses in men and equipment. After leaving the lap took up defensive positions in the region Klitten. May 1 concentrated in the region of thick Ostfeld (Mortka), and the next day in Friedersdorf, where to 4 May recreated combat capability.

May 5th Brigade was asked to take part in the Prague. Acting from 28 spas, together with 5 and 9 DP, May 8, took Schonberg, and the next day reached the Elbe river in the region of Bad Schandau. Its combat route it ended in the Czech brigade Decinie.

On 10 May 1945, the brigade consisted of 405 (31% of the state of 5 April 1945) the soldiers, including 80 (32%) officers, 184 (33%) and 141 non-commissioned officers (28%) soldiers. For arming the brigade were 72 (16%) and 116 rifles (22%), submachine guns, 26 (31%) of cars and 20 (31%) of tanks T-34-85. Not shown in the hand, and heavy machine guns and antiaircraft guns and 76.2 mm anti-tank rifle, which clearly shows that have been lost.

Pursuant to the order No. 180 ND ND to August 19, 1945 16 Armoured Brigade Dnowska received another distinguished name "Lusatia".

Pursuant to the order No. 00510/Org. ND ND dated 5 September 1945 the Brigade was subordinated to the commander of the Pomeranian Military District and dyslokowana to Szczecin.

On the basis of organizational order No. 0248/Org. ND ND 14 September 1945 the brigade was reorganized on-time No. 5 / 15 Armoured Brigade (peace time) on the state of 677 soldiers and six military personnel. The strength of the shock brigade four tank companies were organized in two battalions. The two battalions of tanks supported companies: fusiliers, technical staffs and supplies.