Structure of the Portuguese Army

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article lists the structure of the Portuguese Army in 2023:[1]

Chief of the Army Staff (CEME)

The Chief of the Army General Staff heads the Portuguese Army and has 7 organizations which report directly to the Chief of the Army Staff.[2][3]

  • Superior Council of the Army (CSE)
  • Superior Council of Army Discipline (CSDE)
  • Army Medical Board of Appeal (JMRE)
  • General Inspectorate of the Army (IGE)
  • National Medicines Laboratory (LNM).
  • Military Academy (AM)
  • Chief of Staff of General CEME
  • Army Journal (JE)

Vice Chief of the Army Staff (VCEME)

  • Directorate of Communications and Information Systems (DCSI)
  • Directorate of Military History and Culture (DHCM)
    • Army Library (BiblEx)
    • Military Historical Archive (AHM)
    • Army General Archive (ArqGEx)
    • Lisbon Military Museum (MMLisboa)
    • Porto Military Museum (MMPorto)
    • Elvas Military Museum (MMElvas)
    • Bragança Military Museum (MMBragança)
    • Buçaco Military Museum (MMBuçaco)
  • Education Department
  • General Staff of the Army (EME)

Central Bodies of Administration and Management

The Central Administration and Management Bodies (OCAD) have a functional nature and aim to ensure the direction and execution of specific essential areas, namely in the management of human, material, financial, information and infrastructure resources. The Army's OCAD are: the Personnel Command (CmdPess), the Logistics Command (CmdLog) and the Finance Directorate (DFin).[4][5][6]

Personnel Command (CmdPess)

  • Training Department (DF)
    • School of Army Sergeants (ESE)
    • School of Combat Arms (infantry, cavalry, artillery) (EA)
    • School of Services (ES)
      • Refueling and Services Company (CRS)

Human Resources Administration Department (DARH)

  • Classification and Selection Office in Amadora (GCSelAmadora)
  • Classification and Selection Office in Vila Nova de Gaia (GCSelVila Nova de Gaia)
  • Recruitment Center in Lisbon (CRLisboa)
  • Recruitment Center in Vila Nova de Gaia (CRVila Nova de Gaia)
  • Public Service Office in Aveiro (GAPAveiro)
  • Public Service Office in Braga (GAPBraga)
  • Public Service Office in Bragança (GAPBragança)
  • Public Service Office in Castelo Branco (GAPCastelo Branco)
  • Public Service Office in Chaves (GAPCaves)
  • Public Service Office in Coimbra (GAPCoimbra)
  • Public Service Office in Évora (GAPÉvora)
  • Public Service Office in Funchal (GAPFunchal)
  • Public Service Office in Guarda (GAPGuarda)
  • Public Service Office in Lamego ( GAPLamego)
  • Public Service Office in Lisbon (GAPLisboa)
  • Public Service Office in Ponta Delgada (GAPPonta Delgada)
  • Public Service Office in Santarém (GAPSantarém)
  • Public Service Office in Tavira (GAPTavira)
  • Public Service Office in Tomar (GAPTomar)
  • Public Service Office in Vila Real (GAPVila Real)
  • Public Service Office in Viseu (GAPViseu)

Personnel Services Department (DSP)

  • Army Band (BE)
  • Army Fanfare (FanfEx)

Health Department (DS)

  • Tancos / Santa Margarida Military Health Centers (CSMTSM)
  • Coimbra Military Health Center (CSMC)
  • Type II Military Health Unit in Évora (UNS II Évora)
  • Type II Military Health Unit in Funchal (UNS II Funchal)
  • Type II Military Health Unit in Amadora (UNS II Amadora)
  • Type II Military Health Unit in Azores (UNS II Açores)
  • Military Unit of Veterinary Medicine (UMMV)
  • Military Laboratory Unit for Biological and Chemical Defense (UMLDBQ).
  • Army Applied Psychology Center (CPAE)
    • ModOpPsic

Logistics Command (CmdLog)

  • Material and Transport Department (DMT)
    • Maintenance Regiment (RMan)
      • Maintenance Company (CMan)
    • Transport Regiment (RTransp)
      • Transport Company (CTransp)
    • Army General Materiel Support Unit (UAGME)
  • Procurement Management (DA)
  • Infrastructure Department (DIE)
  • Army Geospatial Information Center (CIGeoE)
    • UnApGeo
    • Geospatial Analysis Element (ElAnGelo)
    • Data Acquisition Element (ElAqDados)
    • Technical Control Element (ElContrTecn)

Finance Department (DFin)

Land Forces Command (CFT)

Location of the main Army base units in Continental Portugal. Off-map to west are RG1 and RG2 (Azores) and RG3 (Madeira). Colors represent:
– Units of the Mechanized Brigade (BriMec)
– Units of the Rapid Reaction Brigade (BriRR)
– Units of the Intervention Brigade (BrigInt)
– General support units

The Land Forces Command (CFT) supports the exercise of command by the Army Chief of Staff (CEME), with a view to operational training, readiness and support of the forces and means of the operational component of the forces system.[7]

Mechanized Brigade Command

Intervention Brigade Command

Rapid Reaction Brigade Command

Azores Military Zone Command

Madeira Military Zone Command

General Support and Military Emergency Support Forces

  • Lancers Regiment No. 2 (RL2)
    • Army Police Group (GPE)
  • Engineering Regiment No. 1 (RE1)
    • Engineer Battalion Command (CmdBatEng)
    • Light Combat Engineering Company (CEngCombLig)
    • 1st General Support Engineering Company (1CEng A/G)
    • CEngApGer - General Support Engineering Company
    • Explosive Device Deactivation Team Group (GrEqEOD)
    • Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Company (CDefNBQR)
    • Bridge Company (CPontes)
    • Emergency Military Support Engineering Company (CEngAME)
  • Emergency Military Support Regiment (RAME)
    • Emergency Military Support Unit (UAME)
    • Army CIMIC Detachment (DestCIMICEx)
    • CIMIC General Company Command Element (ElCmdCGerCIMIC)
  • Army Military Security and Information Center (CSMIE)
  • Sanitary Grouping (AgrSan)
    • Command Module (Mod Cmd)
    • Services Support Module (Mod ApSvc)
    • Emergency and Evacuation Module (Mod Emerg Evac)
    • Role 1 Module (Mod Role 1)
    • Role 2 Light Manoeuvre Module (Mod Role 2LM)
    • Role 2 Enhanced Module (Mod Role 2E)
    • Casualty Decontamination Module (Mod Descont Baixas)
  • Center for Tactical Training, Simulation and Certification
    • OPFOR (Opposing Force)

Graphic overview of the Portuguese Army Land Forces Command (CFT)

Structure of the Portuguese Land Forces as of May 2021


  1. ^ "Estrutura do Exército Português".
  2. ^ "General Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército".
  3. ^ "Vice-Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército".
  4. ^ "Comando do Pessoal".
  5. ^ "Comando da Logística".
  6. ^ "Direção de Finanças".
  7. ^ "Comando das Forças Terrestres".