Portal:Senegal/Selected biography/10

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Maad a Sinig Kumba Ndoffene Famak Joof (c. 1810 – 23 August 1871) was the King of Sine (Maad a Sinig) in modern-day Senegal. He ruled from 1853 until his assassination by the French on 23 August 1871. He was the son of Maad Souka Ndela Joof and Lingeer Gnilane Jogoy Joof. His father – Maad Souka Ndela came from The Royal House of Semou Njekeh Joof founded by Maad Semou Njekeh Joof in the early 18th century, which was the third and last Royal House of the Joof family of Sine and Saloum. His paternal family (the Joof family) ruled three Kingdoms : Sine, Saloum and previously Baol. They descended from Maad Ndaah Njemeh Joof the 13th century King of Lâ (Laah). During his reign, Kumba Ndoffene Famak was faced with two external forces: French colonialism and the Senegambian Muslim marabouts' jihadic expeditions to Islamize his country.

Kumba Ndoffene Famak resisted French colonialism which led to the Battle of Logandème in 1859. He also defeated the Muslim marabouts at the Battle of Fandane-Thiouthioune in 1867 and squelched the Muslim advance in Sine. It was in that battle that Maba Diakhou Bâ, leader of the Muslim marabouts at the time, lost his life.

Kumba Ndoffene Famak is the father of Lam Souka Mboul Joof (or Lam Souka Mboul Diouf), Prince and Lamane of Sine. He is also the father of Lingeer Selbeh Ndoffene Joof (or Selbé Ndoffène Diouf) - the Princess of Sine that was abducted and forcefully married off by the Muslim marabouts to one of Maba's brothers just before the Battle of Fandane-Thiouthioune. As a revenge attack for the abduction and forced marriage of his daughter, Maba's brother was castrated.

Short genealogy of Maad a Sinig Kumba Ndoffene Famak Joof
8. Maad Semou Njekeh Joof
Founder of The Royal House of Semou Njekeh Joof
Kingdom of Sine
4. Biram Baro Joof
(Prince of Sine)
Father of Maad Amad Ngoneh Joof King of Thiouthioune through his second marriage.
9. ?
2. Maad Souka Ndela Joof
(Prince of Sine)
10. ?
5. Lingeer Ndela Ndaw
Princess of Saloum
11. ?
1. Maad a Sinig Kumba Ndoffene Famak Joof
(King of Sine)
Brother of Lingeer Nadi Joof, Lingeer of Sine
12. ?
6. ?
13. ?
3. Lingeer Gnilane Jogoy Joof
(Also known as: Fan Kumba Ndoffene)
Princess of Sine
14. ?
7. ?
15. ?