Portal:Bible/Featured chapter/Numbers 11

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The people complain bitterly before God, and God sends fire into the camp. Moses gathers 70 elders, and God speaks from the cloud. A wind from God sweeps quail into the camp.

PEOPLE: יהוה‎ YHVHChildren of IsraelMosesEldad and MedadJoshuaNun

PLACES: TaberahKibroth HattaavahHazeroth

RELATED ARTICLES: BehaalotechaPrayerFishEgyptCucumbersMelonsLeeksOnionsGarlicMannaCorianderBdelliumGatheringGrindingMillMortarBakingPanCakeOilDewCattleShekhinahPillar of Fire (theophany)ProphesyTabernacleQuailCubitHomer (unit)Stations list

ENGLISH TEXT: American StandardDouay–RheimsFreeKing JamesJewish Publication SocietyTyndaleWorld EnglishWycliffe