
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
-- This page contains a table of all set index templates and their
-- redirects. Templates names are capitalized, and the Template: prefix is
-- removed. Templates are grouped with the main template first, followed by
-- its redirects.

return {
	["Set index article"] = true,
	["Set index"] = true,
	["Set-index"] = true,
	["Set-index article"] = true,
	["Setindex"] = true,
	["SIA"] = true,
	["Sia"] = true,

	["Animal common name"] = true,

	["Chemistry index"] = true,
	["Chemdisambig"] = true,
	["Chemindex"] = true,
	["Chemistry disambiguation"] = true,
	["Chemistry set index"] = true,

	["Enzyme index"] = true,

	["Fungus common name"] = true,

	["Given name"] = true,
	["First name"] = true,
	["Forename"] = true,

	["Greek myth index"] = true,

	["Lake index"] = true,
	["Lakeindex"] = true,

	["Locomotive index"] = true,

	["Media set index"] = true,
	["Media index"] = true,

	["Molecular formula index"] = true,
	["Molecular formula disambiguation"] = true,
	["MolFormDisambig"] = true,
	["MolFormIndex"] = true,

	["Mountain index"] = true,
	["Mountainindex"] = true,

	["Nickname"] = true,

	["Painting index"] = true,

	["Plant common name"] = true,

	["River index"] = true,

	["Road index"] = true,
	["Roadindex"] = true,

	["Ship index"] = true,
	["Shipindex"] = true,

	["Sport index"] = true,
	["Sportindex"] = true,

	["Storm index"] = true,

	["Surname"] = true,
	["DisambigN"] = true,
	["DisambigName"] = true,
	["DisambigNm"] = true,
	["Surnames"] = true,