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There is a page named "Minuscule 1739" on Wikipedia
- Minuscule 1739 or Codex Athous Laurae 184 is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament made of parchment. It is designated as 1739 in the Gregory-Aland...15 KB (1,460 words) - 03:25, 15 December 2024
- Codex Athous Lavrensis (8th century), Minuscule 81 (11th century), Minuscule 1739 (10th century), Minuscule 614 (13th century), Gregory of Nyssa (4th...91 KB (9,969 words) - 23:13, 8 March 2025
- have been written by him, including another New Testament manuscript, minuscule 1739.: 30–39 It is considered to be part of a group of manuscripts known...18 KB (1,902 words) - 19:32, 5 January 2024
- discovered after study of minuscule 1739, when attention of scholars was focused upon a number of other manuscripts (minuscules 6, 424, 1908, two uncial...5 KB (644 words) - 16:38, 22 May 2024
- 7:5 τη προσευχη (prayer) - 𝔓46 𝔓11 א* Α B G Ψ 6 33 81 104 181 629 630 1739 1877 1881 1962 it vg cop arm eth τη νηστεια και τη προσευχη (fasting and...29 KB (2,852 words) - 11:21, 11 March 2025
- Alexandrian themselves, for example 𝔓45, 𝔓46, Codex Vaticanus (B), and minuscule 1739). Some 4th-century and earlier papyri and uncials are in this category...24 KB (1,281 words) - 01:35, 18 December 2024
- Minuscule 330 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), δ 259 (Soden), is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on parchment. Palaeographically it...15 KB (1,452 words) - 00:08, 31 May 2024
- same subscription as seen in the manuscripts Codex Porphyrianus (P), Minuscule 1739 and 1881. The text of the Catholic epistles and Pauline epistles are...11 KB (1,055 words) - 10:25, 28 July 2024
- revision to bring it into conformity with the text of the exemplar of Minuscule 1739. The text-types are groups of different New Testament manuscripts which...11 KB (1,078 words) - 14:43, 30 August 2024
- Minuscule 81 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), or α162 (in the Soden numbering) is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on a parchment. It...11 KB (1,120 words) - 17:07, 17 March 2023
- Minuscule 323 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), α 157 (Soden), is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on parchment. Palaeographically it...6 KB (499 words) - 23:10, 23 December 2020
- Minuscule 33 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), δ 48 (Soden), before the French Revolution was called Codex Colbertinus 2844. It is a Greek minuscule manuscript...15 KB (1,565 words) - 21:21, 12 August 2022
- Minuscule 2818 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), Aπρ20 (von Soden). Formerly it was labelled as 36aK in all catalogues, but it was renumbered by Aland...6 KB (547 words) - 01:18, 8 July 2024
- It does not contain Hebrews verse 2:1. The omission is supported by minuscules 1739 and 1881 In Hebrews 2:9 it reads χωρὶς θεοῦ (apart from God) for χάριτι...7 KB (711 words) - 17:41, 31 July 2022
- Minuscule 181 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), α 101 (Soden), is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on parchment. Palaeographically it...10 KB (975 words) - 03:44, 19 February 2023
- Minuscule 104 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), α 103 (Soden), is a Greek minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on parchment leaves. Palaeographically...13 KB (1,230 words) - 21:24, 12 August 2022
- Minuscule 629 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), α 460 (von Soden), is a Latin–Greek diglot minuscule manuscript of the New Testament, on parchment. It...13 KB (1,128 words) - 16:27, 19 July 2024
- και — א* A B 81 330 630 1739 1881 Byz; λογισθηναι — 2492 Romans 15:19 it supports πνευματος θεου αγιου along with Minuscule 330 πνευματος θεου πνευματος...9 KB (774 words) - 21:35, 12 August 2022
- Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, 098, Uncial 0243, Minuscule 6, 33, 81, 326, 365, 1175, 1739, 1881, 2464; the majority has reading ου θαυμαστον (D2...11 KB (998 words) - 21:35, 12 August 2022
- Alexandrinus (A), Codex Vaticanus (B), Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C), Minuscule 81, 263, 623, 1739, 1838, 1962, itz, vgww, sa, bo, ethro, and Origenlat.: 576 It...10 KB (981 words) - 16:41, 13 January 2024
- uncial and minuscule forms, but also a blending of them, the uncial element yielding more or less to the minuscule influence, while the minuscule element
- matter of fact BioTrade as defined by the BioTrade initiative represents a minuscule fraction of the totality of biodiversity-based business, which may range