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There is a page named "Mesons" on Wikipedia
- neutron. All mesons are unstable, with the longest-lived lasting for only a few tenths of a nanosecond. Heavier mesons decay to lighter mesons and ultimately...70 KB (5,018 words) - 05:31, 7 February 2025
- vector mesons. See list of particles for a more detailed list of particles found in particle physics. This article contains a list of mesons, unstable...53 KB (2,077 words) - 18:28, 4 December 2024
- D mesons are the lightest particle containing charm quarks. They are often studied to gain knowledge on the weak interaction. The strange D mesons (Ds)...12 KB (621 words) - 23:43, 5 January 2025
- pions and omega mesons, the rho meson carries the nuclear force within the atomic nucleus. After the pions and kaons, the rho mesons are the lightest...8 KB (632 words) - 21:16, 12 December 2024
- physics, exotic mesons are mesons that have quantum numbers not possible in the quark model; some proposals for non-standard quark model mesons could be: glueballs...11 KB (1,076 words) - 06:30, 10 August 2023
- eta prime meson ( η′ ) are isosinglet mesons made of a mixture of up, down and strange quarks and their antiquarks. The charmed eta meson ( η c) and...12 KB (1,081 words) - 22:31, 9 March 2025
- (J/psi) meson /ˈdʒeɪ ˈsaɪ ˈmiːzɒn/ is a subatomic particle, a flavor-neutral meson consisting of a charm quark and a charm antiquark. Mesons formed by...17 KB (1,838 words) - 20:03, 11 November 2024
- The J/ψ particle is the analogous state made from charm quarks. List of mesons D.C. Hom; et al. (1977). "Observation of a Dimuon Resonance at 9.5 Gev in...3 KB (244 words) - 23:23, 23 June 2024
- axial vector, mesons in the 1+− category are most readily be seen in proton‑antiproton annihilation and pion‑nucleon scattering. The mesons in the 1++ category...4 KB (448 words) - 00:37, 14 December 2024
- and ϒ ( b b ) mesons. Due to the top quark's short lifetime, the theta meson is expected to not be observed in nature. List of mesons Roos, M.; Wohl...3 KB (119 words) - 02:56, 4 June 2024
- List of particles (section Mesons)exotic baryons may also exist. Ordinary mesons are made up of a valence quark and a valence antiquark. Because mesons have integer spin (0 or 1) and are not...24 KB (2,542 words) - 14:11, 31 January 2025
- Quark model (section Mesons)parity of the quark–antiquark pair. C = (−1)L+S for mesons which have no flavor. Flavored mesons have indefinite value of C. For isospin I = 1 and 0 states...20 KB (2,576 words) - 19:09, 31 January 2025
- modes of the ϕ meson are K+ K− at 48.9%±0.5%, K0 S+ K0 L at 34.2%±0.4%, and various indistinguishable mixed combinations of rho mesons and pions at 15...12 KB (911 words) - 07:53, 27 February 2025
- vector mesons contrast with the pseudovector mesons, which also have a total spin 1 but instead have even parity. The vector and pseudovector mesons are...5 KB (586 words) - 22:01, 21 June 2023
- Eightfold way (physics) (redirect from Meson octet)which suggests the mesons should be grouped into nonets (groups of nine). The eightfold way organizes eight of the lowest spin-0 mesons into an octet. They...19 KB (2,145 words) - 18:54, 5 February 2025
- Charm quark (section J/psi meson (1974))years, several other charmed particles, including the D meson and the charmed strange mesons, were found. In the 21st century, a baryon containing two...38 KB (3,982 words) - 11:02, 30 September 2024
- See also: mésons mesons plural of meson Semons, mossen, semons
- the eight sounds, or principal chords, of their system, viz., the Hypate-Hypatou, the Hypate-Meson, the Mese, the Paramese, and the Nete-Diazeugmenon.
- neutrons, as well as all the other "particles", such as pi-mesons and rho-mesons and K-mesons and lambda-baryons. As is well known, the physics community
- the π {\displaystyle \pi } and K {\displaystyle K} mesons in 1947. The π {\displaystyle \pi } mesons (or simply pions) were theoretically predicted twelve