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There is a page named "Hommel (crater)" on Wikipedia
- Hommel is a lunar impact crater located in the southeast section of the Moon, in a region that is deeply impacted with a multitude of impact craters. The...5 KB (277 words) - 09:50, 5 June 2024
- mathematician Sascha Hommel (born 1990), German motorcycle racer Ulrich Hommel Hommel (crater), a lunar crater, named for Johann Hommel Hummel (instrument)...694 bytes (118 words) - 02:48, 22 November 2024
- north-northeast of the larger crater Manzinus, and some distance to the south of Hommel. It is 78 kilometers in diameter and 3.7 kilometers deep. It is from the...5 KB (223 words) - 07:13, 15 June 2024
- zigzag line system introduced by Hommel. Tycho Brahe obtained the zigzag line system from Hommel. The lunar crater Hommel is named after him. Johann Daniel...2 KB (160 words) - 23:09, 25 February 2024
- Asclepi is marked only by a small crater across the western rim, and several tiny craterlets. The satellite crater Hommel K is a more recent impact that...6 KB (413 words) - 09:51, 5 June 2024
- is a lunar impact crater that lies in the southern part of the Moon's near side, just to the northwest of the larger crater Hommel. It was named after...7 KB (469 words) - 19:28, 26 April 2023
- south-southeast, and Nearch to the south-southwest. Due west past Vlacq is Hommel. This crater has been heavily eroded by a history of impacts, so that the outer...7 KB (471 words) - 04:28, 18 March 2025
- Nearch is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southeastern part of the Moon, to the southeast of the crater Hommel. North of Nearch is Vlacq,...4 KB (281 words) - 02:14, 12 December 2024
- larger Hommel, and to the northwest rim of Rosenberger. This crater has become eroded, but not to the degree of the larger neighboring craters. The satellite...6 KB (445 words) - 07:26, 15 June 2024
- the crater and the person the crater is named for. Where a crater formation has associated satellite craters, these are detailed on the main crater description...66 KB (76 words) - 14:26, 24 December 2024
- Online Etymology Dictionary. Cf. the supportive position of Hildebrecht Hommel (1980). "Der Gott Achilleus". Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie...81 KB (10,182 words) - 20:00, 18 March 2025
- name has been given to a prominent lunar impact crater that lies to the south-southwest of the crater Copernicus, on the Mare Insularum. NDSU Department...5 KB (466 words) - 11:29, 15 April 2024
- of a Cushite-Elamite migration around Arabia, as set forth by Glaser and Hommel: the story of a people from Elam, who settled in the Bahrein Islands and