Draft:The Avocult: worshippers of the holy fruits

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The Avocult is an organisation that was created on 17 April 2024. Members of the Avocult are officially known as avocultos. The Avocult is a group that aims to worship the great avocados that according to their official religious text, The Great Lore Book Thing, roamed the earth long before mankind during the Great Unconformity[1].

A summarized version of The Great Lore Book Thing

Eons ago before time had a name, there was a being of great power known only as Cacuat. However despite its power it was not undefeatable, it once ate a black hole causing it to be absorbed into its own stomach. but before it was fully absorbed it managed to defecate one last time and the contents of the defecate shrunk until it suddenly burst out with great force being what we now know as the big bang. The universe from the beginning already had the seed of life. not long after some planets formed, life began one of them being, the great avocados. They evolved for a long time and gained great technological capabilities, having the power to traverse the stars, they went out to space finding many new resources and conquering new planets. Soon, they met another being. These beings are of almost equal power to the avocados. They are simply known now as the unknown. the unknown and avocados were at peace at first till one day one of the unknowns assassinated the avocados' king. This would begin the universal war it was fought for many many eons over the universe. Eventually, the avocados had killed all the unknowns. However, after this war the avocados were also greatly weakened. They were left with only their home planet, Earth. With all nearby inhabitable planets destroyed they settled down and began to rebuild, but this time they tried a new type of technology made of flesh and blood. After many years they had done it they had made machines made of organic matter. These machines were self sustaining and could mass produce themselves, these machines could even improve themselves given time. Soon they became fully reliant on these machines. It went well for a time until one day, these one of these machines came across the body of one of the avocados. Out of curiosity it took a bite. It made it stronger and it felt so good. It immediately spread the news, soon the machines had eaten all the deceased avocados. But they were greedy they hunted all the remaining avocados down. Having relied on these machines for so long, the avocados realised that they had lost their powers and were helpless against their own creations. In the end, they all fell. The rest is what we know today. The machines evolved into all the living things today, including us humans.

  1. ^ A gap in Earth's history of around 1 billion years