Draft:Science today

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Sciences d'aujourd'hui, les Cahiers de la collection sciences d'aujourd'hui et Les savants et le monde constitute is a collection of popular science books published by Éditions Albin Michel starting from 1937.

Science Today[1]

André George was the first director, until his death in 1978. On the back cover of the first book in the collection[2], he describes it as 'a collection of scientific humanism.' The most frequent themes are physics and biology, but other subjects such as astronomy, geology, sociology, or archaeology are addressed. The first book is by Louis de Broglie, a Nobel Prize winner of Physics in 1929. He would go on to publish seven works in the collection. Six other Nobel laureates are also part of the list of authors, one in chemistry Irving Langmuir (1932), one in physiology and medicine Karl von Frisch (1973), and four in physics, Werner Heisenberg (1932), Wolfgang Pauli (1945), Murray Gell-Mann (1969), and Sheldon Glashow (1979). In 1979, Yves Christen succeeded André George as the head of the collection. From 1985, Michel Cazenave in turn takes over.

Titles published between 1937 and 1950
1937. "Matter and Light" (Louis de Broglie) — "From Mercury to Pluto, planets and satellites" (Pierre Humbert) — "The horizons of medicine" (Auguste Lumière) — "Life and transmutation of atoms" (Jean Thibaud)

1938. "Hormones" (Rémy Collin) — "The Atlantic, history and life of an ocean" (Édouard Le Danois) 1940. "The physics of clouds" (Jean Coulomb, Julien Loisel) 1941. "Continuous and discontinuous in modern physics" (Louis de Broglie) — "The social message of the scientist" (Rémy Collin) — "The egg and its organizing organism" (Albert Dalcq) 1942. "Vitamins and nutritional deficiencies" (Georges Mouriquand) — "Life and probability" (Pierre Vendryès) 1943. "The liquid state of matter" (Eugène Darmois) — "Evolution and techniques: I - Man and matter" (André Leroi-Gourhan) 1944. "The nervous system" (Rémy Collin) 1945. "Waves, particles, wave mechanics" (Louis de Broglie) — "Evolution and techniques: II - Environment and techniques" (André Leroi-Gourhan) — "Cosmic rays - Mesotons" (Louis Leprince-Ringuet) 1946. "Mesopotamian archaeology: vol.1 - Stages" (André Parrot) — "Atomic energy and the Universe" (Jean Thibaud) — "Tuberculosis: congenital disease" (Auguste Lumière) — "The acquisition of science" (Pierre Vendryès) 1947. "Physics and microworld" (Louis de Broglie) — "Understanding the physical world" (Ulysse Filippi) 1948. "Aerial geography" (Emmanuel de Martonne) — "Traditional civilization and ways of life" (André Varagnac) 1949. "Electromagnetism, yesterday and today" (Edmond Bauer) — "Atomic energy and its applications" (Théo Kahan, Claude Magnan)

1950. "Paleontology and transformism" (Camille Arambourg) — "Rhythm and modes of evolution" (George Simpson Gaylord) — "Symmetry and its applications" (Jacques Nicolle)
Titles published between 1951 and 1977
1951. The Physique of the Planet Mars; Introduction to Areophysics (Gérard de Vaucouleurs)

1952. The Boundaries of the Ocean (Jacques Bourcart) — Atoms, Spectra, Matter (Yvette Cauchois) — The Physical Constitution of the Earth (Jean Coulomb) 1953. Mesopotamian Archaeology: Vol. 2 – Technique and Problems (André Parrot) 1954. Galactic Nebulae and Interstellar Matter (Jean Dufay) — The Physics of the Atomic Nucleus (Werner Heisenberg) 1955. Life and Customs of Bees (Karl von Frisch) 1956. Toward a Sociology of Language (Marcel Cohen) — New Perspectives in Microphysics (Louis de Broglie) — Discovery of Matter (Jean-Jacques Trillat) 1957. Origin and Evolution of Worlds (Evry Schatzman) 1958. Life in Flight and in Diving; From Spaceship to Bathyscaphe (Paul Chauchard) — Lunar and Terrestrial Volcanism; Origin of Continents, Oceans, and Atmospheres, Geothermal Energy (Alexandre Dauvillier) 1959. Life, Matter, and Observation (Léon Brillouin) — Evolution and Paleogeography (Henri Termier, Geneviève Termier) — Ten Little Hosts of Our Houses (Karl von Frisch) 1960. From the First Vertebrates to Humans (Jean Piveteau) — Man and the Living World: A Modern Biology for Everyone (Karl von Frisch) 1963. Atomic Physics Today (Otto Robert Frisch) 1964. Gesture and Speech: I, Technique and Language (André Leroi-Gourhan) 1965. Gesture and Speech: II, Memory and Rhythms (André Leroi-Gourhan) 1966. Certainties and Uncertainties of Science (Louis de Broglie) 1969. From Chaos to Man (Jacques Duclaux) 1973. The Evolution of Life: Materials for a New Transformist Theory (Pierre-Paul Grassé) 1974. Knowledge and Power: Essay on the Reverse Side of Research (Georges-Albert Boutry)

1976. Research of Half a Century (Louis de Broglie)
Titles published between 1978 and 2003

Notebooks from the collection of today's sciences

From 1947 to 1959, alongside the collection Sciences d'aujourd'hui (Sciences of Today), and still under the direction of André George, the Notebooks of the Sciences d'aujourd'hui collection were published.

Published titles
  • 1947. Interplanetary Voyages and Atomic Energy (Robert Richard-Foy)
  • 1948. Molecular Layers, Cyclotron, and New Biology (Hugh Stott Taylor, Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Irving Langmuir)
  • 1950. The Rhesus Blood System (Andrée Tétry)
  • 1951. The Early Solvay Physics Congresses and the Direction of Physics since 1911 (Maurice de Broglie)
  • 1953. The Beginning and End of the World, followed by Chance, Free Will, and Necessity in the Scientific Conception of the Universe (Edmund Taylor Whittaker)
  • 1958. Astronomical Photography, from the Daguerreotype to the Electronic Telescope (Gérard de Vaucouleurs)
  • 1959. Physics and the Secret of Organic Life (Pascual Jordan)

Scholars and the world

Between 1949 and 1972, Albin Michel entrusted André George with the direction of its third scientific collection: Les savants et le monde (Scientists and the World).[3] Its specificity, compared to the other two collections, is to approach science in a less technical manner, and more through the lives of scientists and their perspective on the world around them. Out of the fifteen titles in the collection, six are written by Nobel laureates: two by Louis de Broglie, one by Max Planck, two by Werner Heisenberg, as mentioned earlier, and one book written by Selman Waksman, Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1952. Two others focus on Nobel laureates, namely Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 1921, and Louis de Broglie.

Published titles
1949. "Power of the Atom: From Industrial Use to Control of Atomic Energy to World Government" (Jean Thibaud)

1950. "Einstein, His Life and His Time" (Philipp Frank) 1951. "Scientists and Discoveries" (Louis de Broglie) 1953. "Louis de Broglie, Physicist and Thinker" (edited by André George) 1955. "A Naturalist Around the World" (Roger Heim) 1956. "The Human Zoological Group - Structure and Evolutionary Directions" (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) 1960. "Scientific Autobiography and Last Writings" (Max Planck) - "On the Paths of Science" (Louis de Broglie) 1961. "The Life and Work of Albert Calmette, 1863-1933" (Noël Bernard) - "Physics and Philosophy: Modern Science in Revolution" (Werner Heisenberg) 1962. "Medicine of Yesterday and Today" (Louis Pasteur Vallery-Radot) 1964. "My Life with Microbes" (Selman Abraham Waksman) 1966. "Paradoxes of Consciousness and Limits of Automatism" (Raymond Ruyer) 1971. "You, This Little God: Essay on the Natural History of Man" (Pierre-Paul Grassé)

1972. "The Part and the Whole: The World of Atomic Physics, Memories 1920-1965" (Werner Heisenberg)

Notes and Refrences

  1. ^ George, André (1937-01-01). "BnF Catalogue général". catalogue.bnf.fr. Retrieved 2016-06-14.
  2. ^ Broglie, Louis de (1937-01-01). Matière et lumière (in French). Albin Michel. OCLC 8495917. Retrieved 2016-06-14.
  3. ^ "BnF Catalogue général". catalogue.bnf.fr. 1949-01-01. Retrieved 2016-06-14.

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