Draft:1991 in Chad

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


See also:

The following lists events that happened during 1991 in Chad.



The Transitional National Charter was approved by the MPS. The Charter established Déby as President and created an Interim Government for a 30 month period, after which a referendum would be held for a new constitution.

March 3

The Mouvement national des rénovateurs tchadiens, a Libyan-based opposition group, accused the Interim National Charter of being anti-democratic and demanded elections.

October 4

The Council of Ministers published an order which stated that political parties must renounce tribalism, regionalism, and religious discrimination.

October 13

A coup attempt led by the Interior Minister and former Vice President Bada Abbas Maldoum failed when a group of soldiers unsuccessfully attacked an arsenal near the airport in N'Djamena. Observers interpreted the coup as a rebellion against the dominance of Deby's Zaghawa ethnic group.