Dénis Lindbohm

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Dénis Lindbohm
Dénis Lindbohm ca 1970.
Ernst Rune Denis Lindbom

July 11, 1927
DiedOctober 24, 2005(2005-10-24) (aged 78)
Years active1965 - 2005
Known forScience fiction.

Dénis Lindbohm (July 11, 1927 – October 24, 2005) was a Swedish author and occultist and is considered one of the founders of Swedish science fiction. In his early years, he worked as a photographic technician in Malmö and became involved in the nascent Swedish science fiction fandom. In the mid-1960s he became a full-time writer.


  • Draksådd ("Dragon Seed") (mimeographed issue, 1965)
  • Mörker över Malmö ("Darkness over Malmö") (1969)
  • Mörkrets fåra ("Furrow of Darkness") (1970)
  • Jagets eld ("Fire of the Ego") (1971)
  • Soldat från jorden ("Soldier from Earth") (1973; based on an earlier draft previously published as a serial in the Swedish science fiction fanzine SF-Forum)
  • Stjärnpesten ("The Star Plague") (1975)
  • Eden utan Adam ("Eden without Adam") (1975)
  • Flygande gift ("Flying Poison") (1975)
  • Stjärnvargen ("The Star Wolf") (1978)
  • Domens stjärnor ("The Stars of Doom") (1978; full text version at Projekt Runeberg)
  • Den gyllene randen ("The Golden Edge") (1979)
  • Regression (1979)
  • Nattens lösen ("Password for the Night") (1979)
  • Bevingaren ("The Bewinger") (1980)
  • Frostens barn ("Children of the Frost") (1980)
  • Solens vargar ("Wolves of the Sun") (1980)
  • A-ett ("A-One") (1980)
  • Eko över bron ("Echo over the Bridge") (1982)
  • Edens nyckel ("Eden's Key") (1982)
  • Domens rötter ("The Roots of Doom") (1983)
  • Eldens barn ("Children of the Fire") (1983)
  • Nattsidan ("The Nightside") (1983)
  • Gaias gudbarn ("Gaia's Godchildren") (1983)
  • Spegelspelet ("The Mirror Game") (1984)
  • Allt har sin tid ("Everything has its Time") (1984)
  • Vägens förra slut ("The Former End of the Road") (1984)
  • Glömda gudars väg ("The Way of Forgotten Gods") (1985)
  • Vatten över huvud taget ("Water above Head Taken") (1985)
  • Blå tornet ("The Blue Tower") (1985)
  • Siaren som sover ("The Seer that Sleeps") (1985)
  • Vägen bortom Lövestad ("The Road beyond Lövestad") (1986)
  • Domedagens skymning ("Doomsday's Twilight") (1986)
  • Evig exil ("Eternal Exile") (1986)
  • Droppar av dis och eld ("Droplets of Mist and Fire")(1987)
  • Världförvist (1987)
  • Trollmakt ("Enchanting Power") (1987)
  • Dockan från Fomalhaut ("The Doll from Fomalhaut") (1987)
  • Pentagram, Maktens portal ("Pentagram, the Portal of Power") (1988)
  • Det kom en orm till Eden ("A Snake came to Eden") (1988)
  • Skuggor över Elysion ("Shadows over Elysion") (1989)
  • Spegelns tredje sida ("The Third Face of the Mirror") (1989)
  • Blod på solen ("Blood on the Sun") (1990)
  • Den magiska gåvan ("The Magical Gift") (1990)
  • Där blott andar vandrar ("Where only Spirits Wander") (1991)
  • Stjärnbollen ("The Star Ball") (1991)
  • Ljuset är själens färg ("The Light is the Colour of the Soul") (1992)
  • Den trolska världen ("The Enchanting World") (1992)
  • Magins system ("The System of Magic") (1993)
  • Vägen som mörkret belyste ("The Road that Darkness Shone upon") (1993)
  • Fången är den fries dröm ("Imprisoned is the Dream of the Free") (1994)
  • Bortom barriären ("Beyond the Barrier") (1994)
  • Gudarnas lekskola ("Playschool of the Gods") (1995)
  • Pentagram – Maktens portal (2nd edition) (1995)
  • Vi som är svärmen ("We who are the Swarm") (1996)
  • Möten med makterna ("Encounters with the Powers") (1996)
  • Magins program ("The Program of Magic") (1997)
  • Legenden av stoft och stjärnor ("The Legend of Dust and Stars") (1997)
  • Magi ("Magic") (1998)
  • Genom det inres port ("Through the Gateway of the Inner") (1998)
  • Drömmens dimension ("The Dimension of the Dream") (1998)
  • Makten som skapar och förgör ("The Power that Creates and Annihilates") (1999)
  • De ofödda ("The Unborn") (1999)
  • Bevingaren (New edition) (2000)
  • Vid stjärnhjulets rand ("At the Edge of the Star Wheel") (2000)
  • Vägen genom pentagram ("The Way through Pentagram") (2001)
  • Magins problem ("The Problem of Magic") (2002)
  • Makten som botar ("The Power that Cures") (2002)
  • Vi möttes i Babylon ("We met in Babylon") (2003)
  • Väktarna vid världens rand ("The Guardians at the Edge of the World")(2003)
  • Pentagrams andra sida ("The other Side of Pentagram") (2004)
  • Den inre väktaren ("The inner Guardian") (2004)
  • Världar runt hörnet ("Worlds around the Corner") (2005)
  • Kvatur-Glon (2005)