Battista Dossi

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Battista Dossi (ca. 1490–1548), also known as Battista de Luteri, was an Italian painter who belonged to the Ferrara School of Painting. He spent nearly his entire career in service of the Court of Ferrara, where he worked with his older brother Dosso Dossi (c. 1489–1542). It is believed that Battista worked in the Rome studio of Raphael from 1517 to 1520. Battista's students include Camillo Filippi (c. 1500–1574).

  • The Flight into Egypt
    The Flight into Egypt
  • Madonna and Child with Holy Bishop
    Madonna and Child with Holy Bishop
  • Holy Family with a Shepherd
    Holy Family with a Shepherd
  • Virgin of the Assumption and St. Michael the Archangel, 1533
    Virgin of the Assumption and St. Michael the Archangel, 1533
  • Nativity, circa 1520
    Nativity, circa 1520
  • Adoration of the Child, 1533–36
    Adoration of the Child, 1533–36
  • St. Michael Subdues Satan, 1540
    St. Michael Subdues Satan, 1540
  • Noli me tangere, circa 1520
    Noli me tangere, circa 1520
  • Holy Family with San Giovannino and an Angel
    Holy Family with San Giovannino and an Angel


  • Bénézit, Emmanuel, ed., Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs, Originally published 1911–1923. Paris, Librairie Gründ, 1976.
  • Dizionario enciclopedico Bolaffi dei pittori e degli incisori italiani dall'XI al XX secolo, Turin, Giulio Bolaffi, 1972–1976.
  • Gibbons, Felton, Dosso and Battista Dossi, Court Painters at Ferrara, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1968.
  • Groschner, Gabriele, Thomas Habersatter and Erika Mayr-Oehring, Masterworks, Residenzgalerie Salzburg, Salzburg 2002, 64.