List of decorations awarded by the United States National Guard
Awards and decorations of the National Guard are presented to members of the National Guard and sometimes to members of the state defense forces in addition to regular United States military decorations. Each of the state governments of the United States maintains a series of military decorations for issuance to members of the National Guard, with such awards presented under the authority of the various state adjutants general.
Active or reserve federal forces veterans who subsequently serve in the National Guard wear all federal awards first, then state awards. Those National Guard soldiers and airmen who subsequently serve in the active or reserve federal forces of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or United States Air Force (i.e., as active duty or reserve members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) may not continue to wear and display such decorations on a military uniform, unless such activation is under Title 32 status. Active duty regulations allow federal soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines to accept but not to wear state awards.
Most states authorize the wear of other states' awards if a soldier or airman has earned awards from a state or territory to which he or she is not presently assigned. The order of precedence is typically the presently assigned state, followed by awards from the District of Columbia, then other states by their order of admission.
The following is a list of National Guard decorations, as issued by each of the fifty United States; Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.
Alabama National Guard State Awards:[1][2]
Alabama Distinguished Service Medal
Alabama Commendation Medal
Alabama Phenix City Civil Disturbance Medal
Alabama Operation Desert Storm Ribbon
Alabama Veterans Service Medal
Alabama National Emergency Service Medal
Alabama Special Service Medal
Alabama Faithful Service Medal
Alabama Recruiting Ribbon
Alabama Active Duty Basic Training Medal
Alaska National Guard State Awards:[3]
Alaska Decoration of Honor
Alaska Heroism Medal
Alaska Distinguished Service Medal
Alaska Legion of Merit
Alaska Meritorious Service Medal
Alaska Air Medal
Alaska Commendation Medal
Alaska Achievement Medal
Alaska Humanitarian Service Medal
Alaska State Service Medal
Alaska Community Service Medal
Alaska Domestic Emergency Ribbon
Alaska Marksmanship Medal
Alaska Homeland Security Medal
Alaska Recruiting Ribbon
Alaska State Partnership Program Ribbon
Alaska Cold War Victory Ribbon
Alaska Territorial Guard Medal
Alaska Governor's Distinguished Unit Citation
Adjutant General's Marksmanship Proficiency Award (Badge)
Governor's Twenty Award (Tab)
Arizona National Guard State Awards:
Arizona Medal of Valor
Arizona Adjutant General's Medal
Arizona Distinguished Service Medal
Arizona Meritorious Service Medal
Arizona Airman of the Year Ribbon
Arizona Southwest Asia Service Support Ribbon
Arizona Community Service Ribbon
Arizona Exceptionally Long Service Medal
Arizona Long Service Medal
Arizona Service Ribbon
Arizona State Active Duty Service Ribbon
Arizona First Sergeant Ribbon
Arizona Recruiting Ribbon
Arizona Overseas Ribbon
Arizona Military Academy Ribbon (OCS)
Arizona Military Academy Ribbon (NCO) (No longer awarded)
Arizona Re-enlistment Ribbon (No longer awarded)
Arizona Initial Active Duty for Training Ribbon (No longer awarded)
Arizona Honor Attendance Ribbon (No Longer Awarded)
Arkansas National Guard State Awards:
Arkansas Medal of Honor
Arkansas Military Medal
Arkansas Distinguished Service Medal
Arkansas Exceptional Service Medal
Arkansas Commendation Medal
Arkansas Federal Service Ribbon
Arkansas Service Ribbon
Arkansas Emergency Service Ribbon
Arkansas Homeland Defense Ribbon
Arkansas Recruiting Ribbon
- Arkansas Military Funeral Honors Service Ribbon (Picture Unavailable)
California National Guard State Awards:
California Medal of Valor
California Military Cross
Order of California
CA Legion of Merit.
California Medal of Merit
California Commendation Medal
CA Achievement Medal
California Good Conduct Medal
California Service Medal
California Enlisted Trainers Excellence Ribbon
California Enlisted Excellence Ribbon
California Recruiting Achievement Ribbon
California National Guard Federal Service Ribbon
California State Service Ribbon
California Senior Enlisted Leadership Ribbon
California Counterdrug Service Ribbon
California Drill Attendance Ribbon
California Memorial Medal
California Governor's Outstanding Unit Citation
California Commanding General's Meritorious Unit Citation
Colorado National Guard State Awards:
Colorado Meritorious Conduct Medal
Colorado Meritorious Service Medal
Colorado Soldier/Airman of the Year Award
Colorado Commendation Ribbon
Colorado Achievement Ribbon
Colorado NCO Command Tour Ribbon
Colorado Active Service Medal
Colorado Long Service Medal
Colorado TAG Outstanding Unit Citation
Colorado State Emergency Service Ribbon
Colorado State Foreign Deployment Service Ribbon
Colorado State Mobilization Support Ribbon
Colorado Recruiting Ribbon
Connecticut National Guard State Awards:
Connecticut Medal of Valor - "The Adjutant General and two officers of field grade or above, detailed by the Adjutant General, shall act as a board to receive recommendations through military channels for the award of the medal of valor to any member of the armed forces of the state who, by reason of conspicuous gallantry, at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, while on military service, is recommended for the award of such medal of valor, and to make such awards as the board finds suitable."
Connecticut Medal of Merit - "The Adjutant General and two officers of field grade or above, appointed by the Adjutant General, shall constitute a board of officers to receive recommendations, through military channels, for the award of the medal of merit to any member of the armed forces of the state who has distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in performing outstanding service while a member of the armed forces of the state and to make such awards as the board finds suitable."
Connecticut Medal of Achievement - "The Adjutant General and two officers of field grade or above, appointed by the Adjutant General, shall constitute a board of officers to receive recommendations, through military channels, for the award, within available appropriations, of the medal of achievement to any member of the armed forces of the state, as defined in section 27-2, the armed forces of the United States or the armed forces of any other state, who has distinguished himself or herself through outstanding achievement or meritorious service during the performance of any state military service. A bronze oak leaf cluster shall be issued in lieu of succeeding awards and a silver oak leaf cluster shall be worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters."
Connecticut Veteran Wartime Service Medal - "The Commissioner of Veterans Affairs in conjunction with the Adjutant General shall award a ribbon and medal to each veteran who served in time of war, as defined in subsection (a) of section 27-103, and who either (1) was a resident of this state at the time he or she was called to active duty for such service, or (2) is domiciled in this state on the date of such award. The commissioner in conjunction with the Adjutant General shall adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54, setting forth the process for designing the ribbon and medal, identifying veterans who are eligible for the ribbon and medal under this section and establishing procedures for distributing the ribbon and medal to each eligible veteran. The cost of the ribbons and medals shall be paid from the funds appropriated to the military assistance account within the Military Department. Within existing budgetary resources, awards under this section may be made posthumously for veterans who died on or after November 12, 1918."[4]
Connecticut Long Service Medal - "The Adjutant General, upon receipt of an application, shall present the long service medal adopted by this state to each soldier or sailor who has completed ten years' faithful service in the armed forces of the state and for each additional five years' service therein the adopted clasp in exchange. In the determination of length of service, the term of service of any member of the armed forces of the state with the military or naval forces of the United States in time of war since April 21, 1898, upon proof of honorable discharge from the same, may be added to the number of years served with the armed forces of the state."
Connecticut Mobilization Service Ribbon (Formerly the Connecticut Desert Storm Campaign Ribbon) - "The Adjutant General may issue an appropriate service ribbon to members of the National Guard or organized militia who were called to active service in the armed forces of the state or United States for at least thirty consecutive days in support of any military operation commencing after September 11, 2001, during a time of war, as defined in section 27-103. A bronze service star shall be issued in lieu of succeeding awards and a silver service star shall be worn in lieu of five bronze stars. The ribbon may be awarded posthumously."[5]
Connecticut Emergency Service Ribbon - "The Adjutant General, at his or her discretion, may issue an appropriate service ribbon to all members of the armed forces of the state ordered to active duty in time of emergency for upholding the law and preserving order, protecting lives and property, assisting civil authorities, providing aid and relief to civilians in disaster or similar service ordered by the Governor. A bronze oak leaf cluster shall be issued in lieu of succeeding awards and a silver oak leaf cluster shall be worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters."
Connecticut Selected Reserve Force Medal - "The Adjutant General may issue the selected reserve force ribbon to members of the armed forces of the state who have served honorably in a selected reserve force unit designated by the United States Army for a period of at least one year from October 1, 1965, to September 3, 1969, inclusive. The award may be issued to current, retired or separated members of the armed forces of the state, and may be awarded posthumously."
Connecticut Outstanding Unit Award - "The Adjutant General shall issue an appropriate service ribbon to all members of the unit declared to be the outstanding company-size unit in the Connecticut National Guard in accordance with National Guard regulations, provided such members participated in at least fifty per cent of the unit's training activities during the period covered by the award. A bronze oak leaf cluster shall be issued in lieu of succeeding awards and a silver oak leaf cluster shall be worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters."
Connecticut Soldier/Airman/NCO of the Year Ribbon - "The Adjutant General shall issue an achievement ribbon to the soldier, airman and noncommissioned officer of the year in the Connecticut National Guard."
Connecticut Joint Recruiting Ribbon - "Except as provided in this section, the Adjutant General shall issue a military recruitment ribbon to each member of the armed forces of the state, as defined in section 27-2 of the general statutes, who has assisted in the recruitment of three persons, which persons enlist as new members of the armed forces of the state on or after July 1, 2017, complete basic training and qualify for a military occupational specialty. A bronze oak leaf cluster shall be issued in lieu of succeeding awards and a silver oak leaf cluster shall be worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters. Any member of the armed forces of the state who is assigned as a military recruiter shall not be eligible for such ribbon during such assignment."
Connecticut Military Funeral Honors Ribbon - "The Adjutant General may issue a military funeral honors ribbon to any member of the National Guard or organized militia or other military personnel who satisfactorily performs as a member of an honor guard detail pursuant to section 27-76."
Delaware National Guard State Awards[usurped]:
Delaware Conspicuous Service Cross - Awarded for heroism, praiseworthy execution of duties over a period of time, or outstanding achievement which impacts the greater good of the State and its inhabitants.[6]
Delaware Distinguished Service Medal - Awarded for praiseworthy execution of duties not to the extent of the DECSC or outstanding achievement of a single or specific act or accomplishment separate and distinct from regularly assigned duties for the greater good of the Delaware National Guard.[6]
Delaware Medal for Military Merit - Awarded for meritorious service or outstanding achievement over a period of time not to the extent of the DECSC or DEDSM. Usually based on permanent change of assignment, completed period of service, or retirement. Awarded for every 10 years of honorable service. Recognizes a single, specific act or accomplishment separate from regularly assigned duties. To recognize proficiency in military studies, it is awarded to members who complete a military course of 80 hours or more and who are designated as "honor" or "distinguished honor" graduates.[6]
Delaware National Guard Medal - Awarded to any member of the DENG who has been called to federal mobilization by the President of the United States.[6]
Delaware National Defense Service Ribbon - Awarded to all members serving honorably in the DENG during the period 1 AUG 1990 to 31 AUG 1991, dates inclusive and 11 SEP 2001 to a date to be determined.[6]
Delaware Medal for Service in Aid to Civil Authority - Awarded to any person serving in the DENG who has been called upon by the Governor to assist the civil authorities in the preservation of law and order.[6]
Delaware Recruiting Ribbon - Awarded to individuals who have excelled in the field of recruiting in the DENG, and for those who are responsible for enlisting or appointing five individuals in the DENG.[6]
Delaware Physical Fitness Ribbon - Awarded to all DENG members who distinguish themselves by scoring 250-300 points on the Army Physical Fitness Test.[6]
Delaware National Guard Governor's Meritorious Unit Award - Awarded to those units which distinguish themselves by outstanding achievement above that of other similar units in the DENG. Unit must report an average assigned strength of over 90% per year, maintain not less than 90% paid drill attendance during the qualifying year, achieve a satisfactory rating on the General Inspection with no unsatisfactory ratings in any sub-areas, and attain the training level objective prescribed for the qualifying year.[6]
Delaware National Guard Unit Strength Award - Awarded to those units which achieve and maintain 95% strength during the designated year, maintain not less than 80% paid drill attendance, and a re-enlistment rate of 75% for the period.[6]
Subsequent Awards: Gold Star - The gold star represents subsequent entitlements for the Delaware Conspicuous Service Cross and the Delaware National Guard Medal. The gold star is 3/16" in diameter and will be affixed to the ribbon of the medal.[6] Bronze Numerals - The bronze numeral represents subsequent entitlements of the Delaware Distinguished Service Medal, Delaware Medal for Military Merit, Delaware National Defense Service Ribbon, Delaware Medal for Service in Aid to Civil Authority, Delaware Recruiting Ribbon, and the Delaware Physical Fitness Ribbon. The bronze numeral is 3/16" in diameter and will be affixed to the ribbon of the medal.[6]
District of Columbia National Guard District Awards:
District of Columbia Distinguished Service Medal
District of Columbia Meritorious Service Medal
District of Columbia Commendation Medal
District of Columbia Achievement Medal
District of Columbia Homeland Defense Medal (ribbon has three red stars in the center.
District of Columbia NCO Commendation Ribbon
District of Columbia Enlisted Excellence Ribbon
District of Columbia Long and Faithful Service Medal (one medal for three years, recognition for five years and additional five-year increments noted with Roman Numerals up to 45 years)
District of Columbia Emergency Service Ribbon [Note National Guardsmen who responded to protecting the DC Capital Jan-Mar 2021 are eligible to receive one or both of these two ribbons Stars and Stripes March 5,2021]
District of Columbia Recognition Ribbon
District of Columbia Special Award Ribbon
District of Columbia Recruiting and Retention Ribbon (deactivated)
District of Columbia Community Service Ribbon
District of Columbia Ceremonial/Drill Team/Color Guard Ribbon
District of Columbia Active Duty Ribbon (Deactivated)
District of Columbia Attendance Ribbon
District of Columbia Commanding General's Outstanding Unit Award
District of Columbia Presidential Inauguration Support Ribbon [Note: National Guardsmen who responded to protecting the DC Capital Jan-Mar 2021 are eligible to receive one or both of these two ribbons Stars and Stripes March 5,2021]
Florida National Guard State Awards:
Florida Cross
Florida Distinguished Service Medal
Florida Service Medal
Florida Commendation Medal
Florida Meritorious Service Ribbon
Florida Service Ribbon
Florida State Active Duty Ribbon
Florida Recruiting Ribbon
Florida Retention Ribbon
Florida Governor's Meritorious Unit Citation
- Florida Counterdrug Ribbon
Georgia National Guard State Awards:
Georgia Distinctive Service Medal
Georgia Oglethorpe Distinguished Service Medal
Georgia Medal for Valor[7]
- Georgia Injury Medal (approved but not issued)
- Georgia Superior Service Medal (approved but not issued)
Georgia Meritorious Service Medal[8]
- Georgia DoD Commendation Medal (approved but not issued)
Georgia Commendation Medal [9]
Georgia Distinguished Foreign Service Medal [10]
Georgia Selected Reserve Force Ribbon
Georgia Special Operations Ribbon
Georgia Olympic Ribbon
Georgia Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Georgia Service Medal [11]
Georgia Active Duty Ribbon
Georgia Counter Narcotics/Drug Support Service Ribbon
Georgia Recruiting
Georgia Distinguished Unit Ribbon [12]
Guam Cross of Valor
Distinguished Service Medal of Guam
Guam Commendation Medal
Organizational Medal
Faithful Service Medal of Guam
Recruiting bar
Counter Drug Service
Operation Desert Storm Meritorious Service Medal
Hawaii National Guard State Awards:
Hawaii Medal of Honor
Hawaii Medal for Valor
Hawaii Distinguished Service Order
Hawaii Medal for Merit
Hawaii Commendation Medal
Hawaii Service Medal (type 2)
Hawaii State Active Duty Ribbon
Hawaii 1968 Federal Service Ribbon
Hawaii Active Duty Basic Training Ribbon
Hawaii Hurricane Iniki Ribbon
Hawaii Operation Kokua Ribbon
Hawaii Recruiting Ribbon
Idaho National Guard State Awards:
Idaho Cross
Idaho Distinguished Service Medal
Idaho Meritorious Service Medal
Idaho Emergency Service Ribbon
Idaho Army National Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Idaho Air National Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Idaho Reenlistment Ribbon
Idaho State Service Ribbon
Idaho Basic Training Ribbon
Idaho Governor's Outstanding Unit Citation
Idaho Adjutant General's Excellence Award
Awards and decorations of the Illinois National Guard:
Illinois Military Medal of Valor
Illinois Military Distinguished Service Medal
Illinois Military Medal of Merit
Illinois Military Long and Honorable Service Medal
Illinois Recruiting Ribbon
Illinois Military Attendance Ribbon
Illinois State Active Duty Service Ribbon
Lincoln Medal Of Freedom
Illinois First Sergeant Ribbon
Indiana National Guard State Awards:
Indiana Distinguished Service Cross
Indiana Distinguished Service Medal
Indiana Commendation Medal
Indiana Operation Desert Shield/Storm Service Medal
Indiana Korean Service Medal
Indiana Homeland Defense Ribbon
Indiana Emergency Service Ribbon
Indiana Overseas Service Ribbon
Indiana OCONUS Service Ribbon
Indiana Long Service Medal
Indiana Recruiting Ribbon
Indiana Retention Ribbon
Indiana Funeral Honors Ribbon
- No Ribbon Indiana First Sergeant Ribbon
- No Ribbon Indiana Military Voluntary Emblem
Iowa National Guard State Awards:
Iowa Medal of Valor
Iowa Distinguished Service Medal
Iowa Medal of Merit
Iowa Meritorious Service Medal
Iowa Commendation Medal
Iowa State Service Ribbon
Iowa Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Iowa Leadership Ribbon
Iowa Active Duty Training Ribbon
Iowa Recruiting Ribbon
Iowa Selected Reserve Force Ribbon
Iowa CFP/FSB Ribbon
Iowa Outstanding Unit Award
Kansas National Guard State Awards:[13]
Kansas Medal of Excellence
Kansas Distinguished Service Medal
Kansas Governor's Medal
Kansas Patriot Medal
Kansas Meritorious Service Medal
Kansas Commendation Ribbon
Kansas National Guard Achievement Ribbon
Kansas Outstanding Guardsman Ribbon (ARNG)
Kansas Outstanding Guardsman Ribbon (ANG)
Kansas State Emergency Service Ribbon (ARNG)
Kansas State Emergency Service Ribbon (ANG)
Kansas Homeland Defense Ribbon (ARNG) (correct order of precedence)
Kansas Counter-drug Service Ribbon
Kansas First Sergeant Ribbon
Kansas Recruiting Ribbon
Kansas Service Medal
Kentucky National Guard Commonwealth Awards:[14]
Kentucky Medal for Valor
Kentucky Distinguished Service Medal
Kentucky Merit Ribbon
Kentucky Army National Guard Warrant Officer of the Year
Kentucky Outstanding Airman/Soldier Ribbon
Kentucky Commendation Ribbon
Kentucky Berlin Crisis Service Ribbon
Kentucky National Guard Recruiting Award
Kentucky Faithful Service Ribbon (20 years)
Kentucky State Active Duty Ribbon
Kentucky National Guard ROTC Achievement Medal
Kentucky National Guard Thirty Year Ribbon
Kentucky Counterdrug Ribbon
Louisiana National Guard State Awards:
Louisiana Medal of Honor
Louisiana Distinguished Service Cross
Louisiana Distinguished Service Medal
Louisiana Legion of Merit
Louisiana Cross of Merit
Louisiana Commendation Medal
Louisiana Achievement Ribbon
Louisiana Recruiting Ribbon
Louisiana Retention Ribbon
Louisiana Distinguished Civilian Service Medal
Louisiana War Cross
Louisiana Cold War Victory Medal
Louisiana Emergency Service Medal
Louisiana Counterdrug Service Ribbon
Louisiana General Excellence Medal
Louisiana Longevity Award
Louisiana F.E. Herbert Meritorious Unit Commendation (Right Side)
Maine National Guard State Awards:[15]
Maine Distinguished Service Award (Discontinued)
Maine Meritorious Service Award (Discontinued)
Maine Commendation Award (Discontinued)
Maine Adjutant General Award
Maine Achievement Award
Maine Commander's Award
Maine Army National Guard Sergeant Major/NCO/Soldier of the Year Award
Maine Outstanding Airman of the Year Award
Maine Recruiting Award
Maine Physical Fitness Award
Maine Good Conduct Award (Discontinued)
Maine Basic Training Award (Discontinued)
Maine National Emergency Service Award
Maine State Emergency Service Award (Discontinued)
Maine Honorable Service Award
Maine Ice Guard 98 (no longer awarded)
Maryland National Guard State Awards:
State of Maryland Distinguished Service Cross
State of Maryland Meritorious Service Medal
State of Maryland Commendation Medal
Maryland Outstanding Unit Ribbon
Maryland National Guard Outstanding Soldier/Airman/First Sergeant of the Year Ribbon
Maryland National Guard Recruiting Medal
Maryland National Guard Overseas Service Ribbon
Maryland National Guard State Service Medal
Maryland National Guard State Active Duty Medal
Maryland National Guard Meritorious Civilian Service Medal
Adjutant General's Special Recognition Ribbon
- Obsolete
Maryland Medal for Valor
Maryland Air National Guard First Sergeant Ribbon
Maryland National Guard Counterdrug Ribbon
Maryland World War I Service Medal
Maryland Selected Reserve Force Medal
Massachusetts National Guard Commonwealth Awards:
Massachusetts Medal of Liberty[16]
Massachusetts Medal of Valor
Massachusetts Military Medal
Massachusetts Medal of Merit
- Massachusetts Achievement Medal
Massachusetts Humanitarian Service Medal
Massachusetts ARNG Service Medal
Massachusetts ANG Service Medal
Massachusetts Desert Storm Service Ribbon
Massachusetts Defense Expeditionary Ribbon
Massachusetts Defense Service Ribbon
Massachusetts Emergency Service Ribbon
Massachusetts Meritorious Unit Citation
Michigan National Guard State Awards:[17][18]
Michigan Medal for Valor
Michigan Distinguished Service Medal
Michigan Lifesaving Medal
Michigan Legion of Merit
Michigan Recruiting Ribbon
Michigan Honor Guard Ribbon
Michigan Broadsword Service Medal
Michigan Active State Service Ribbon
Michigan State War on Terrorism Ribbon
Michigan Outside U.S. Service Ribbon
- - Michigan Outside U.S. Training Ribbon
Michigan State Partnership Ribbon
Minnesota National Guard State Awards:
Minnesota Distinguished Service Medal - To be awarded to any citizen, or former citizen, of Minnesota who, while serving as a member of the military forces of the State of Minnesota or as member of the Armed Forces of the United States, shall have distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious service to the State or Nation in a duty of great responsibility.
Minnesota Medal for Valor - The Medal of Valor will be awarded to any person who, while a member of the Minnesota National Guard, distinguishes himself or herself by courageous conduct and gallantry, beyond the call of duty and at risk of his or her life, while in the service of the State of Minnesota or the United States.
Minnesota Medal for Merit - The Minnesota Medal for Merit may be awarded to any member of the Minnesota National Guard who, while serving as a member of the military forces of the State of Minnesota or as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States shall have distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service/achievement.
Minnesota Commendation Medal - To be awarded to any member of the Minnesota National Guard who distinguishes himself or herself by unusually meritorious achievement or service accomplished while in the service of the State or Nation. Approved at the O-6 command level and above. Similar to an Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM).
Minnesota Achievement Ribbon - The Minnesota Achievement Ribbon is awarded to any member of the Minnesota National Guard who distinguishes himself or herself by unusually meritorious achievement or service accomplished while in the service of the State or Nation. Approved at the O-5 command level and above. Similar to an Army Achievement Medal (AAM).
Minnesota Good Conduct Ribbon - The Minnesota Good Conduct Ribbon will be awarded to enlisted members of the Minnesota National Guard and enlisted AGR (Title 32) members who have completed three years of enlisted service, attend 95 percent of the drills and days of annual training held by the unit of which assigned and whose record and behavior sets such a good example that the morale of the entire organization of which they are members was enhanced. Awarded by unit commanders.
Minnesota State Active Duty Ribbon - A State Active Duty Ribbon will be administratively awarded to any member of the Minnesota National Guard who is ordered to State Active Duty (SAD) with the State of Minnesota during a natural disaster or civil disorder. Awarded by Joint Force Headquarters - Minnesota.
Minnesota Distinguished Recruiting Ribbon - The Distinguished Recruiting Ribbon will be awarded to members of the Minnesota National Guard who distinguishes themselves in the area of recruiting. The Adjutant General of Minnesota has delegated the approval and award authority of the Distinguished Recruiting Ribbon to commanders in the grade of O6 (COL/Col) and above.
Minnesota Service Ribbon - The Minnesota Service Ribbon will be administratively awarded to officers and enlisted members of the Minnesota National Guard upon the initial completion of three years commissioned or enlisted service, or a combination thereof. Subsequent awards will be issued with gold roman numeral devices in five-year increments (V, X, XV, XX) to depict the number of years of service to the Minnesota National Guard. Unit commanders are authorized to award the Minnesota Service Ribbon to personnel serving under their command jurisdiction who meet established criteria.
Mississippi National Guard State Awards[19]
Mississippi Medal of Honor
Mississippi Magnolia Cross - Awarded to any member or former member of the Mississippi National Guard who has distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility, or by unselfish and untiring activities while in state service or in support of the Mississippi National Guard, has rendered a distinct service in furthering the security and welfare of the state.
Mississippi Magnolia Medal - Awarded to any member or former member of the Mississippi National Guard, or any of the armed services of the United States, who distinguishes themselves through outstanding service or extraordinary achievement in behalf of the Mississippi National Guard.
Mississippi Commendation Medal - May be awarded to any member or former member of the Mississippi National Guard for meritorious service or meritorious achievement on behalf of the state of Mississippi.
Mississippi Medal of Efficiency - Awarded to enlisted members of the active Mississippi National Guard who have over five (5) years honorable service in the active Mississippi National Guard and have exhibited exemplary behavior, efficiency and loyalty to their unit and the Mississippi National Guard.
Mississippi War Medal -Awarded to any member of the Mississippi National Guard for honorable service in the Armed Forces of the U.S. during National Emergency declared by the Congress.
Mississippi Emergency Service Medal - Awarded to any member of the Mississippi National Guard for honoraqble service to the State of Mississippi for duty performed during a major tour of state emergency duty declared by the Adjutant General.
Mississippi Service School Medal - Awarded to any member of the Mississippi National Guard upon successful completion of any Service School conducted by the active military services while a member of the active Mississippi National Guard not serving in active federal service.
Mississippi Longevity Medal - Awarded to any member of the Mississippi National Guard for each of a combination of four (4) years of honorable service in the active National Guard of Mississippi.
Mississippi Recruiting Medal - Awarded to any member of the Mississippi National Guard who obtains three new members for any unit of the organized militia.
Mississippi Soldier of the Year Ribbon - First issued in 2012, unknown in order of precedence.
Missouri National Guard State Awards:
Missouri Meritorious Service Medal
Missouri Conspicuous Service Medal
Missouri Commendation Ribbon
Missouri Desert Storm Ribbon
Missouri 20 Year Long Service Ribbon
Missouri 15 Year Long Service Ribbon
Missouri 10 Year Long Service Ribbon
Missouri 5 Year Long Service Ribbon
Missouri First Sergeant Ribbon
Missouri Expeditionary Ribbon
Missouri State Emergency Duty Ribbon
Missouri Panamanian Service Ribbon
Missouri Afghanistan Campaign Ribbon
Missouri Kosovo Campaign Ribbon
Missouri Recruiting and Retention Ribbon
Missouri Adjutant General's Twenty Ribbon
Missouri Governor's Twelve Ribbon
Missouri Basic Training Ribbon
Governor's Unit Citation
- Ourstanding SGT Hood Award
Montana National Guard State Awards:
Montana Distinguished Service Medal
Montana Commendation Medal
Montana Air Medal
Montana Distinguished Patriot Medal
Montana Recruiting Ribbon
Montana Campaign Ribbon
Montana Noble Eagle Ribbon
Montana Overseas Training Ribbon
Montana Volunteer Campaign Ribbon
Montana Service Ribbon
Montana Attendance Ribbon
Montana Physical Fitness Ribbon
Montana Outstanding Unit
Nebraska National Guard State Awards
Nebraska Legion of Merit
Nebraska Meritorious Service Medal
Nebraska Commendation Medal
Nebraska Outstanding Soldier Medal
Nebraska Individual Achievement Medal
Nebraska Recruiting Achievement Medal
Nebraska Desert Shield/Storm Service Ribbon
Nebraska Homeland Defense Service Ribbon
Nebraska Emergency Service Medal
Nebraska Service Medal
Nebraska Military Funeral Honors Ribbon
Nevada National Guard State Awards:[20]
Nevada Medal of Valor
Maj. Gen. Drennan A. Clark Order of Nevada
Nevada Distinguished Service Medal
Nevada Medal of Merit
Nevada Commendation Medal
Nevada Command Ribbon
Nevada Outstanding Airman Ribbon
Nevada Honor Guard Ribbon
Nevada Resource Protection Team Ribbon
Nevada Emergency/Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Nevada Overseas Service Ribbon
Nevada Meritorious Service Ribbon
Nevada Service Medal
Nevada First Sergeant's Ribbon
Nevada Adjutant General's Outstanding Graduate Award
Nevada State Safety Ribbon
Nevada Recruiting Ribbon
Nevada War on Terrorism Medal
Nevada Governor's Outstanding Unit Award
New Hampshire National Guard Medal of Honor
New Hampshire National Guard Commendation Ribbon
New Hampshire National Guard Distinguished Service Medal
New Hampshire National Guard Soldier of the Year Ribbon (ARNG)
New Hampshire National Guard Airman of the Year Ribbon (ANG)
New Hampshire National Guard Honor Guard Ribbon
New Hampshire National Guard State Active Service Ribbon
New Hampshire National Guard Honorary Recruiting Ribbon
New Hampshire National Guard Counterdrug Task Force Ribbon
New Hampshire National Guard Service Bar
New Jersey National Guard State Awards:
New Jersey Distinguished Service Medal
New Jersey Meritorious Service Medal
New Jersey Valor Ribbon
New Jersey Commendation Medal
New Jersey Medal of Honor
New Jersey Good Conduct Ribbon
New Jersey Merit Award
New Jersey Desert Storm Service Medal
New Jersey Desert Storm Ribbon
New Jersey State Service Award
New Jersey Recruiting Award
New Jersey Governor's Unit Award
New Jersey Unit Strength Award
New Mexico National Guard State Awards (in order of precedence from NM Statute 20-10):[21]
- New Mexico Medal of Valor with palm
New Mexico Medal of Valor
- Special MacArthur Service Medal
New Mexico Distinguished Service Medal
New Mexico Medal of Merit
- New Mexico Cold War Medal (New Mexico State Defense Force only)
- Outstanding Enlisted Leader of the Year Ribbon
New Mexico Outstanding Service Medal
New Mexico Outstanding Unit Citation
New Mexico Emergency Service Military Ribbon
- Counter-drug service ribbon
- Community Service Ribbon
- Physical Fitness Ribbon
New Mexico Long Service Medal and Service Ribbon
New Mexico Good Conduct Medal
New Mexico Perfect Attendance Ribbon
New Mexico Academy Service Ribbon
New York state military awards:
New York Medal of Valor
New York Conspicuous Service Medal
New York Meritorious Service Medal
New York Military Commendation Medal
New York Long and Faithful Service Medal
New York Desert Storm Service Medal
New York Defense of Liberty Medal
New York Conspicuous Service Cross
New York Medal for Merit
New York Conspicuous Service Star
New York Outstanding Airman/Soldier of the Year Ribbon
New York Recruiting Medal
New York Aid to Civil Authority Medal
New York Counterdrug Service Ribbon
New York Exercise Support Ribbon
New York Humane Service to NYS Medal
New York First Sergeant Ribbon (Army)
New York First Sergeant Ribbon (Air)
New York Military Support Medal, 1980 Winter Olympics
New York Physical Fitness Ribbon
New York National Guard State Awards:
North Carolina National Guard State Awards:
North Carolina Distinguished Service Medal
North Carolina Meritorious Service Medal
North Carolina Commendation Medal
North Carolina Achievement Medal
North Carolina Adjutant General's Meritorious Achievement Service Ribbon
North Carolina State Active Duty Ribbon
North Carolina Service Ribbon
North Carolina Governor's Unit Citation
North Carolina Meritorious Unit Citation
North Carolina Outstanding Unit Award
North Dakota National Guard State Awards:[22]
Air National Guard Awards:
North Dakota Distinguished Service Medal
North Dakota Legion of Merit
North Dakota State Meritorious Service Ribbon
North Dakota State Commendation Ribbon
North Dakota State Achievement Ribbon
North Dakota Emergency Service Ribbon
North Dakota State Outstanding Unit Ribbon
North Dakota OCONUS Ribbon
North Dakota Recruiting Ribbon
North Dakota 1st Sergeant Ribbon
North Dakota Service Ribbon
North Dakota Basic Training Ribbon
Army National Guard Awards:
North Dakota Distinguished Service Medal
North Dakota Legion of Merit
North Dakota State Meritorious Service Ribbon
North Dakota State Commendation Ribbon
North Dakota State Achievement Ribbon
North Dakota Emergency Service Ribbon
North Dakota Military Funeral Honors Ribbon
North Dakota Strength Management Ribbon
North Dakota Service Ribbon
North Dakota Basic Training Ribbon
Worn on right side, after federal awards:
Obsolete or no longer awarded:
North Dakota National Emergency Service Ribbon (Berlin Crisis)
North Dakota Selected Reserve Force Ribbon
Ohio National Guard State Awards:
Ohio Cross Medal
Ohio Distinguished Service Medal
Ohio Commendation Medal
Ohio Faithful Service Ribbon
Ohio Special Service Ribbon
Ohio Award of Merit Ribbon
Ohio Basic Training Ribbon
Ohio Recruiters Achievement Ribbon
Oklahoma National Guard State Awards:
Oklahoma Distinguished Service Cross
Oklahoma Star of Valor
Oklahoma Distinguished Service Medal
Oklahoma Meritorious Service Medal
Oklahoma Commendation Medal
Oklahoma Exceptional Service Medal
Oklahoma Guardsman Medal
Oklahoma Senior Enlisted Leadership Ribbon
Oklahoma Desert Storm Service Medal
Oklahoma Selective Reserve Medal
Oklahoma Alfred P. Murrah Service Medal (Oklahoma Bombing)
Oklahoma Recruiting Ribbon
Oklahoma Active Duty Service Medal
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 5 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 10 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 15 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 20 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 25 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 30 years
Oklahoma Long Service Ribbon 35 years
Oklahoma Good Conduct Ribbon
Oklahoma Governor's Distinguished Unit Award
Oklahoma Commander's Trophy Award Ribbon
Oregon National Guard State Awards:
Oregon Distinguished Service Medal
Oregon Exceptional Service Medal
Oregon Meritorious Service Medal
Oregon Commendation Medal
Oregon 30 Year Faithful Service Medal
Oregon Emergency Service Ribbon
Oregon Superior Soldier Ribbon
Oregon Faithful Service Medal
Oregon Recruiting Ribbon
Oregon Superior Unit Ribbon
Pennsylvania National Guard Commonwealth Awards:
Pennsylvania Cross for Valor
Pennsylvania Distinguished Service Medal
Pennsylvania Guardsman Medal
Pennsylvania Meritorious Service Medal
Pennsylvania Commendation Medal
Pennsylvania Service Ribbon
Pennsylvania GEN William Moffat-Reilly Medal
Pennsylvania Keystone Freedom Medal
Pennsylvania 20 Year Medal
Pennsylvania MG Thomas. R. White Medal
Pennsylvania Recruiting and Retention Medal
Pennsylvania GEN Thomas. J. Stewart Medal
Pennsylvania Military Honors Program Service
Pennsylvania Governor's Unit Citation Air Force Service
Pennsylvania Governor's Unit Citation Army Service
Puerto Rico National Guard Commonwealth Awards:
Military Medal of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Medal for Distinguished Service
Puerto Rico Medal of Valor
Puerto Rico Merit Cross
Puerto Rico Wounded in Action Medal
Order of the Governor of Puerto Rico Common Defense Service Medal
Puerto Rico Combat Service Medal
Puerto Rico Commendation Medal
Puerto Rico Outstanding Soldier/NCO of the Year Ribbon
Puerto Rico Service Medal
Puerto Rico Exemplary Conduct Ribbon
Puerto Rico War Service Ribbon
Puerto Rico SG Merit Achievement Award
Puerto Rico Disaster Relief Ribbon
Puerto Rico Hurricane Georges Ribbon
Puerto Rico Active Duty for Training Ribbon
Puerto Rico Caribbean Emergency Ribbon
Puerto Rico Civil Disturbance Ribbon
Puerto Rico Law Enforcement Ribbon
Puerto Rico VIII Pan-American Games Support Ribbon
Puerto Rico English Language Proficiecy Ribbon
Puerto Rico Counterdrug Service Ribbon
Puerto Rico 1992 Regatta Ribbon
Puerto Rico Community Service Ribbon
Rhode Island medals are prescribed in Title 30 of the Rhode Island Code.
Rhode Island Cross
Rhode Island Star
Rhode Island Commendation Medal
Rhode Island National Guard Defense Service Medal
Rhode Island National Guard Service Medal
Rhode Island National Guard Emergency State Ribbon
Rhode Island Army National Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Rhode Island Air National Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Rhode Island Gubernatorial Unit Award
South Carolina National Guard State Awards:
South Carolina Palmetto Cross
South Carolina Medal of Valor
South Carolina Exceptional Service Medal
South Carolina Extraordinary Achievement Medal
South Carolina Meritorious Service Medal
South Carolina Achievement Ribbon
South Carolina State Service Ribbon
South Carolina Retirement Medal
South Carolina Palmetto Service Ribbon
South Carolina National Guard Mobilization Support Award Ribbon
South Carolina Cadet Medal of Merit Service Ribbon
South Carolina Recruiting and Retention Achievement Medal
South Carolina Safety Service Ribbon
South Carolina Counter-Drug Ribbon
South Carolina Governor's Unit Citation
South Dakota National Guard State Awards:
South Dakota Medal of Valor
South Dakota Achievement Ribbon
South Dakota Distinguished Service Award
South Dakota Emergency Operations Ribbon
South Dakota Recruiting Medal
South Dakota Service Medal
South Dakota Berlin Crisis Medal
South Dakota Desert Storm Ribbon
South Dakota Desert Storm Unit Citation
South Dakota Unit Citation
South Dakota Distinguished Unit Award
Tennessee National Guard Awards:[23]
Tennessee Distinguished Service Medal
Tennessee Ribbon for Valor
Tennessee Distinguished Patriot Medal
Tennessee Commendation Ribbon
Tennessee Individual Achievement Ribbon
Tennessee Recruiting Merit Ribbon
Tennessee National Emergency Service Medal
Tennessee War Service Ribbon
Tennessee Counterdrug Service Ribbon
Tennessee Service Ribbon
Tennessee Volunteer Ribbon
Tennessee Meritorious Unit Citation
Tennessee Distinguished Unit Citation
Tennessee Outstanding Unit Performance Commendation
Tennessee Volunteer Recruiting and Retention Unit Citation
Texas National Guard State Awards:
Texas Legislative Medal of Honor
Texas Medal of Valor
Texas Purple Heart Medal
Texas Superior Service Medal
Texas Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal
Texas Outstanding Service Medal
Texas Medal of Merit (also awarded with "V" for valor)
Texas Cold War Medal
Texas Adjutant General's Individual Award
Texas Federal Service Medal
Texas Desert Shield-Desert Storm Campaign Medal
Texas Humanitarian Service Ribbon
Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal
Texas Combat Service Ribbon
Texas Cavalry Service Medal
Texas Faithful Service Medal
Texas State Guard Association Service Ribbon
Texas State Commanding General's Individual Award Ribbon
Texas State Guard Enlisted Personnel Basic Training Ribbon
Texas State Guard NCO Professional Development Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Officer Professional Development Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Meritorious Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Recruiting Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Physical Fitness Service Ribbon
Texas State Guard Service Medal Ribbon
Texas Governor's Unit Citation
Texas Organizational Excellence Unit Award
Texas State Guard Meritorious Unit Award
Utah National Guard State Awards:
Reference Pictures available at Utah National Guard.
Utah Medal of Valor
Utah Cross
Utah Medal of Merit
Utah Commendation Medal
Utah Deteur Digniory
Utah 2002 Olympic Winter Games Service Ribbon
Utah Emergency Service Ribbon
Utah State Partnership Program Ribbon
Utah Joint Staff Service Ribbon
Utah Joint Commendation Service Ribbon
Utah National Guard Patriot Service Ribbon
Utah Recruiting Ribbon
Utah Achievement Ribbon
Utah Service Ribbon
Utah Basic Training Ribbon
Utah Military Funeral Service Ribbon
Vermont National Guard State Awards:
Vermont Distinguished Service Medal (National Guard award)
Vermont Medal of Merit
Vermont Commendation Medal
Vermont Meritorious Service Ribbon
Vermont Outstanding Unit Award
Vermont Organizational Excellence Award
Vermont World War II Medal
Vermont National Defense Medal
Vermont Good Conduct Ribbon
Vermont Desert Storm Ribbon
Vermont Military Humanitarian Service Medal
Vermont Active Duty for Training Ribbon
Vermont Professional Development Ribbon
Vermont Career Service Award
Vermont Service Ribbon
Vermont Duty Ribbon
Vermont State Special Duty Ribbon
Virgin Islands National Guard Territory Awards
Virgin Islands Distinguished Service Medal
Virgin Islands Meritorious Service Medal
Virgin Islands Commendation Medal
Virgin Islands Long and Faithful Service Medal
Virgin Islands Emergency Service Ribbon
Listed in order of precedence when worn or displayed:
Virginia Distinguished Service Medal
Virginia National Guard Legion of Merit
Virginia National Guard Bronze Star Medal
Virginia National Guard Commendation Medal
Virginia Governor's National Service Medal
Virginia National Guard 3-year Service Ribbon
Virginia National Guard Homeland Defense Ribbon
Virginia National Guard Emergency Service Ribbon
Virginia National Guard Perfect Attendance Ribbon
Virginia National Guard Strength Maintenance Ribbon
Virginia National Guard Military Funeral Honors Ribbon
Washington National Guard State Awards:[24]
Washington Cross of Valor - This decoration may be awarded to a member who distinguished himself/herself by extraordinary heroism or extraordinary lifesaving action involving voluntary risk of life in connection with military duties. The act must clearly demonstrate actions so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his/her peers. This award was originally discontinued on 30 September 1998 but later reinstituted on 02 January 2018.
Washington Distinguished Service Medal (WSDSM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who distinguishes himself/herself by exceptionally meritorious service as a member or in affiliation to the State of Washington in duty of great responsibility. The performance must be such as to merit recognition for service that is clearly exceptional and of a conspicuously higher degree than appropriate for award of the WSLM.
Washington Legion of Merit Medal (WSLM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who has distinguished himself/herself in the performance of exceptionally meritorious service and/or outstanding achievements as member or in affiliation to the State of Washington. The performance must be such as to merit recognition for service that is clearly exceptional over an extended period of time or achievements conspicuously greater than those appropriate for lesser decorations.
Washington Aviation Cross Medal (Discontinued as of 30 September 1998)
Washington Guardsman Medal (WSGM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who demonstrates extreme courage in the performance of a heroic act involving personal hazard or danger. This decoration may not be awarded solely on the basis of having saved a life.
Washington Meritorious Service Medal (WSMSM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who has distinguished himself/herself by performing meritorious service and/or achievements, as a member or in affiliation with the Military Department, State of Washington. This decoration is awarded for service over an extended period of time or achievements conspicuously greater than those appropriate for award of the WSCM. This decoration is not appropriate for presentation as an impact award.
Washington Commendation Medal (WSCM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who distinguishes himself/herself by heroism, and/or extraordinary duty performance, as a member or in affiliation with the Military Department, State of Washington. This decoration is awarded for accomplishments of a lesser degree and shorter service duration than required for award of the WSMSM. This decoration is appropriate for presentation as an impact award.
Washington Achievement Medal (WSAM) - This decoration shall be awarded to any person who distinguishes himself/herself by specific acts and/or achievements resulting in enhanced or increased unit readiness, operations, morale, or mission accomplishment, as a member or in affiliation with the Military Department, State of Washington. This decoration is awarded for accomplishments of a lesser degree and shorter service duration than required for the WSCM. The WSAM is appropriate for presentation as an impact award.
Washington Strength Management Ribbon (WSSMR) - Previously known as the Washington State Distinguished Recruiting Ribbon it was renamed 31 January 1999. This ribbon shall be awarded to anyone who recruits an individual or causes a Soldier to reenlist/extend (retention attributed to a specific Soldier) during a one-year period. Only one award will be given in any one-year period. Full-time recruiting force personnel and Soldiers on orders as recruiter aides are ineligible for this award.
Washington State Defense Service Ribbon (WSDSR) (Discontinued - 31 December 1994; Reestablished 18 June 2002) - This ribbon shall be awarded to any Soldier of the Washington Army National Guard inducted into Active Federal Service (Title 32 or 10) upon declaration of an emergency by the President of the United States or for special operations at any time between 7 December 1943 to 31 December 1994 and after 11 September 2001.
Washington Emergency Service Ribbon (WSESR) - Previously known as the Washington State Disaster Relief Ribbon from 3 May 1963 to 31 December 1994. This ribbon shall be awarded to any person ordered by the governor into state active duty or to any individual(s) providing support services during a declared state of emergency. An individual must work one day (minimum of eight hours) in order to be eligible to receive this award.
Washington Counterdrug Service Robbon (WSCSR) - This ribbon is awarded to any Soldier or Airman for service while assigned to the Counterdrug Task Force, or while on orders to perform counterdrug duty for more than 90 days. Service Members who are suspended from favorable personnel actions, or are undergoing disciplinary action are not eligible to receive this award. Service Members may only earn one WSCSR.
Washington National Guard Service Ribbon (WANGSR) - This ribbon is awarded to any Soldier of the Washington Army National Guard upon completion of five years of satisfactory service in any of the Armed Forces of the United States, or components thereof. The Soldier must be a member of the WAARNG when the ribbon is presented. Regardless of the number of years of service beyond five, the recipient will receive only one initial ribbon upon assignment to the WAARNG or WSG. Thereafter, the Soldier will receive subsequent awards at five year increments so long as they are otherwise entitled. The individual's pay entry base date (PEBD) will be used to determine year of service for this award.
Washington Good Conduct Medal (Discontinued as of 31 December 1994)
Washington Unit Citation Ribbon (WSUCR) (Right Side) - This ribbon shall be awarded to each member of a Washington Army National Guard unit or Washington State Guard which is cited by TAG or a higher military headquarters for notable achievement, such as winning the Eisenhower Trophy, the Draper Armor Award, or the Superior Unit Award. Only one unit citation will be awarded to a unit during a single calendar year regardless of the number of notable achievements. Only those who were members of the unit during the period for which the citation was earned will wear the award. Soldiers who received the ribbon may continue to wear it when transferred. Individuals transferring into a cited unit who are not otherwise entitled, will not be authorized the ribbon. The Washington State Unit Citation will not be awarded in conjunction with the Army Superior Unit Award.
Washington Air National Guard Awards:
Washington Air National Guard Aviation Cross - (Discontinued as of 1 April 2018)
Washington Air National Guard Aerial Achievement Medal - (Discontinued as of 1 April 2018)
Washington Air National Guard Distinguished Recruiting Award - (Discontinued as of 1 April 2018)
West Virginia National Guard State Awards:
West Virginia Distinguished Service Medal (WVDSM)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out feats of heroism or provide sustained exceptional service.
West Virginia Legion of Merit (WVLOM)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out exceptional service or execute a noteworthy feat of valor.
West Virginia Meritorious Service Medal (WVMSM)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out outstanding service or feats of heroism of a lesser degree than would warrant the West Virginia National Guard Legion of Merit.
West Virginia Commendation Medal (WVCM)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out meritorious service of a degree greater than that required for the West Virginia National Guard Achievement Medal but of a lesser degree than would warrant the West Virginia National Guard Distinguished Service Medal.
West Virginia Achievement Medal (WVAM)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out meritorious service of a lesser degree than would warrant the West Virginia National Guard Commendation Medal.
West Virginia Emergency Service Ribbon (WVESR)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out service honorably in the event of an emergency or other crisis as determined by the Governor.
West Virginia State Service Ribbon (WVSSR)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who satisfactorily carry out active duty service.
West Virginia Service Ribbon (WVSR)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who carry out five years of service honorably. Additional awards are authorized for every additional five years.
West Virginia Minuteman Ribbon (WVMR)- Honors West Virginia National Guard members who is solely responsible for the enlistment of at least five individuals over a 180-day period. At least three of these individuals must be non-prior service.
West Virginia Distinguished Unit Award- The West Virginia Distinguished Unit Award is awarded to units or organizations, not larger than squadron or battalion, which have distinguished themselves by outstanding achievement or meritorious service in support of military operations, or in support of the state or nation, not involving combat operations against an enemy.
Wisconsin National Guard State Awards:
Wisconsin Meritorious Service Medal
Wisconsin Meritorious Service Ribbon
Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs Commendation Medal
Wisconsin Distinguished Service Medal
Wisconsin National Guard Recruiting Bar
Wisconsin National Guard Service Ribbon
Wisconsin National Guard Emergency Service Ribbon
Wisconsin National Guard Write Medal
Wisconsin National Guard Southwest Asia Service Ribbon
Eisenhower Trophy Unit Citation
Berlin Crisis Ribbon
Wisconsin Wortham Achievement Service Ribbon
Wisconsin Army National Guard Military Funeral Honors Service Ribbon
Wyoming National Guard State Awards
Wyoming National Guard Association Medal for Excellence
Distinguished Service Medal
Meritorious Achievement Medal
Outstanding Service Ribbon
Exceptional Achievement Ribbon
Achievement Ribbon
Berlin Crisis Ribbon
Selected Reserve Force Ribbon
Wyoming National Guard Service Ribbon
State Active Duty Ribbon
Wyoming National Guard Recruiting Ribbon
Wyoming Active Duty Basic Training Ribbon
- No longer authorized for wear
Wyoming Air National Guard 5-year Service Medal
Wyoming Air National Guard 10-year Service Medal
Wyoming Philippine Campaign Medal
See also
- ^ "State Awards". Alabama National Guard. Retrieved April 10, 2018.
- ^ "State Awards". June 15, 2018. Archived from the original on June 15, 2018. Retrieved April 10, 2023.
- ^ AKNGM 1616.01, enclosure G (14 Apr 17)
- ^ " Connecticut Veteran Wartime Service Medal". Retrieved December 13, 2016.
- ^ " Connecticut Mobilization Service Ribbon". Retrieved August 16, 2015.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l DNG PAM 600-8-22 25 MAR 2013
- ^ "Medal of Valor - The OMSA Medal Database". Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
- ^ "Meritorious Service Medal - Georgia National Guard - The OMSA Medal Database". Archived from the original on July 19, 2011. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
- ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 30, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 30, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 30, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on October 30, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ "Kansas Standard Operating Procedure 600-8-22" (PDF). Kansas Adjutant General’s Department. March 1, 2005. Retrieved April 13, 2018.
- ^ "UltimateRack | UltimateRack".
- ^ "UltimateRack - Your Online Military Rack Builder".
- ^ "Massachusetts Medal of Liberty". Retrieved June 2, 2024.
- ^ "Michigan National Guard". January 1, 2003. Archived from the original on September 22, 2010. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
- ^ "Michigan National Guard Awards & Decorations". Archived from the original on September 2, 2010. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
- ^ "Ribbons" (PDF). Mississippi National Guard. Retrieved April 11, 2018.
- ^ "ODM of Nevada: Ribbon Chart". August 4, 2006. Retrieved September 7, 2010.
- ^ "Ch. 20, art. 10, NMSA 1978 (as amended 2020)". Archived from the original on November 12, 2021. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
- ^ North Dakota National Guard Joint Policy 1-01 "State Awards Program" 1 December 2014
- ^ "TARNRG 600-8-22" (PDF). Tennessee Military Department. January 1, 2000. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 3, 2016. Retrieved April 9, 2018.
- ^ The Washington National Guard State Awards and Decorations Program. Camp Murray, WA: Washington National Guard. April 1, 2018.
Further reading
- Lewis, Kenneth C. (1976). Military medals, awards, and service badges of Iowa. Kenneth C. Lewis. OCLC 2372611.
- Borgmann, Fred J. (2013) Wisconsin Military And Civil Medals publisher Fred J. Borgmann, Iola, Wisconsin