Wikipedia:WikiProject Music/Music genres task force/Colours

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

For use with genreboxes and footers:

Category Colour code Colour name Genre categories Number of uses Contrast[a]
Reggaeton #FF0000 red 4 5.252
Rock #DC143C crimson ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Rock music genres 191 4.989
Heavy metal #BB0022 ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Heavy metal genres‎ 77 6.696
Country #A52A2A brown ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Country music genres 26 7.083
Tango #800000 maroon 1 10.949
Gospel #A0522D sienna ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Gospel music genres‎ 6 5.615
Exotica #FA8072 salmon 1 8.395
Mariachi #E9967A darksalmon 4 9.108
Soul / Funk #FFA500 orange ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Soul music genres‎
‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Funk genres
30 10.634
Ska #FF8C00 darkorange ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Ska genres 4 9.003
Folk / Traditional #DAA520 goldenrod ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Folk music genres 89 9.383
Disco #FFA500 gold ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Disco music genres 6 10.634
#FFFF00 yellow 19.555
Salsa #EEE8AA palegoldenrod 4 16.758
Calypso #BDB76B darkkhaki 8 10.149
Samba #9ACD32 yellowgreen ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Samba music genres 12 11.152
Cumbia #7FFFD4 aquamarine ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Cumbia music genres 9 17.157
#00FF7F springgreen 15.61
#7FFF00 chartreuse 16.206
Contemporary Christian #90EE90 lightgreen 5 14.818
Rumba #36A667 3 6.807
Reggae #008000 green ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Reggae genres 18 5.137
Flamenco #006400 darkgreen ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Flamenco styles 6 7.439
#2F4F4F darkslategray 8.927
Electronic #C0C0C0 silver ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Electronic music genres‎ 179 11.542
New Age / Space music #8D9092 2 6.536
Polka #FAEBD7 antiquewhite ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Polka genres‎‎ 5 17.929
Jazz #FFC0CB pink ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Jazz genres‎ 32 13.654
#FFCCEE 15.123
Hip hop #00008B darkblue ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Hip hop genres‎ 86 15.297
Blues / R&B #0000E1 ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Blues music genres‎‎
‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Rhythm and blues music genres‎
35 10.061
African popular music #00BFFF deepskyblue 44 9.896
Pop music #87CEEB skyblue ‹The template Category link is being considered for merging.› Category:Pop music genres‎ 82 12.058
#E6E6FA lavender 17.063
A cappella #DDBBBB 4 11.9

See also


  1. ^ For WCAG 2.0 AA compliance, text should have a ratio of at least 4.5. For AAA compliance, text should have a ratio of at least 7