Wikipedia:Help Project/PageTLC/Completed

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Completed projects (edit)
Page in Help: namespace Page in Wikipedia: namespace Comments
Help:Talk page Wikipedia:Talk page suggested move from WP space to help,un marking as guideline (WP:Talk page guidelines already exists)  Done
Help:Searching Wikipedia:Searching WP: article is visually better and could almost replace the help:, but may get too technical. Done
Help:Wikitext examples Help:Editing Help:Advanced editing Help:Display markup examples Help:Wiki markup Wikipedia:How to edit a page All containing overlapping instructions on using wikimarkup some merging to remove duplication possible.. Help:Wiki markup created, some articles merged.  Done
Help:File page Help:file needs attention particularly changing "Image:" to "File:" several editors have had a go so far  Done
Help:Searching Help:Go button Wikipedia:Searching Wikipedia:Look it up Merged into Help:Searching, which still needs attention.  Done
Help:Reader Template:Quick help Only link to themselves and a few old userpage links - an artifact of the past that could be deleted?
Help:Moving a page Wikipedia:How to move a page Seem to be the wrong way around - help has policy, WP is simple !  Done (pages swapped)