
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by TheDJ (talk | contribs) at 16:32, 28 May 2017 (the secure server no longer exists). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/*jshint strict: false, asi: true, eqeqeq: false, curly: false, laxbreak:true, forin:false, boss:true, funcscope:true, noempty: false */
/*global mw, $, urlDecoderCustom, urlDecoderPrefixes, urlDecoderEngNames */
var btn = newToolbarBtn;
function addUrlDecoderButton(){
		'Decode URL before cursor or all URLs in selected text', 

mw.loader.using( [ 'user.options', 'jquery.textSelection', 'jquery.accessKeyLabel' ], function () {
	/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar . . . */
	if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), [ 'edit', 'submit' ] ) !== -1 ) {
		$( function () {
			if ( mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar') ) {
				mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor.toolbar', addUrlDecoderButton );
			} else {
				btn = oldToolbarBtn;
		} );
	// Add the customizations to LiquidThreads' edit toolbar, if available
	mw.hook( 'ext.lqt.textareaCreated' ).add( addUrlDecoderButton );
} );
 function newToolbarBtn(bId, bFunc, bIcon, bTitle){  
  var msg = {}; msg[bId] = bTitle; mw.messages.set(msg) // mw.usability.addMessages(msg)  doesn't work
  $('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
   section:'main', group:'insert', tools: {
     type: 'button',
     action: {type:'callback', execute: bFunc},
     labelMsg: bId,
     icon: bIcon

 function oldToolbarBtn(bId, bFunc, bIcon, bTitle, bKey){

  var btn = $('<img class=mw-toolbar-custombutton id="' + bId + '">')
  .attr({ src: bIcon,  title: bTitle,  alt: bTitle.substr(0,3) })
  .css({ height:'20px', 'background-color':'#bce', border:'1px outset #bce', margin:'0 1px', cursor:'pointer'})
  if( bKey ){
    btn.attr({ accesskey: bKey, title: bTitle + ' ['+bKey+']' })

function urlDecoderRun(){ //main function

//WMF domains mess
//2nd-lvl domains; secure link:     .../wikipedia/mediawiki, .../wikipedia/foundation 
var wmDomain  = {
 mediawiki: 'mw',
 wikimediafoundation: 'foundation' }
//2nd-lvl domains with multiple languages; secure link:   wikinews/en 
var wmDomainM = {
//3rd-lvl domains on; however secure link is  wikipedia/*
var wmSubDomains = /^(meta|commons|incubator|species|strategy)$/
//  https:/.../wikipedia/sources/wiki/Main_Page  - not recognized by script

var httpRegExp = '((?:https?:)?\\/\\/[^\\]\\[\\n\\r<>" ]+)' //  any chars except []<>" and \n and spaces
var localPrefix = WMPrefixes( mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ).replace(/^\/\//,'http://') + mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) )
var oldText, newText, isBeforeCursor, colonNS

var tbox = $('#wpTextbox1').focus()
oldText =  tbox.textSelection( 'getSelection' )
var rx

if( oldText ){ //there was selection

 rx = RegExp('(\\[{0,2})' + httpRegExp + '([^\\]\\[\\n\\r]*?\\]\\]?)?', 'ig')
 newText = oldText.replace(rx, simplifyMatched)

 if( window.urlDecoderIntLinks ){
   var ut = '(' + mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[3].replace(/ /g,'_') + '|user_talk)' //both localized and canonical 'user_talk'
   ut = RegExp ('\\[\\[' + ut.toLowerCase() + ':[^#]+$', 'i')
   newText = newText.replace(/\[\[[^\]\|\n]+/g, function(lnk){
      return ut.test(lnk) ? lnk : decodeAnchor(lnk) // skip user_talk, usually found in signatures

 if( newText == oldText) return

}else{ //process text before cursor

 isBeforeCursor = true

 //move back enough characters
 var caretPos = tbox.textSelection('getCaretPosition')
 var beginPos = caretPos - 2000
 if( beginPos < 0 ) beginPos = 0
 tbox.textSelection( 'setSelection', {start:beginPos, end:caretPos} )
 oldText = tbox.textSelection( 'getSelection' )
 tbox.textSelection( 'setSelection', {start:caretPos, end:caretPos} )

 //try to find http in oldText
 rx = new RegExp('(\\[{0,2})'+httpRegExp+'( +[^\\]\n]+)?\\]{0,2}$', 'i')
 var ma = rx.exec( oldText ) // result: (whole string)' '[', 'http:...', ' name]'
 if( !ma ) return
 oldText = ma[0]
 if( ma[3] ) //link with name: automatically add brackets
   newText = simplifyMatched(ma[0], '[', ma[2], ma[3]+']')
 else //just url: add closing bracket only if there is leading bracket
   newText = simplifyMatched(ma[0], ma[1], ma[2], ma[1]?']':'')

 if( oldText == newText ) return
 tbox.textSelection( 'setSelection', {start: caretPos - oldText.length, end: caretPos} )


//replace text
tbox.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {replace:true, peri:newText} )

//end of main code


function simplifyMatched(str, bracket, url, rest){//arguments: (whole string), '[', url, ' name]'

 if( !bracket ){//no brackets, just url
   var trail = RegExp(
      + ',;\\\\.:!\\?' //trailing punctuation, per Parser.php
      + ( /\(/.test(url) ? '' : '\\)' ) //also closing bracket without opening bracket
      + ']+$'
      + "|''+$" //or possible bold/italic at the end of url
    .exec( url )  
   if( trail ){
     url = url.substring( 0, url.length - trail[0].length ) //move these out of url
   return decodeUrl(url) + str.substring(url.length)

 }else if( rest ){ //both brackets and possibly name
   return decodeUrl(url, rest.replace(/\]+$|^ +| +$/g,'')) //trim ending brackets and spaces in 'name]'

   return str //probably broken wikicode in selected text

function decodeUrl(url, name){ //url -> %-decoded -> [[link|name]] (if possible); name is optional

 var decodingFailed //need to skip some strange percent-encoded URIs

 if( url.indexOf('%') != -1 )
 try {
   url = decodeURI(url)
   url = url.replace(/%(3B|2F|2C|3A)/g, decodeURIComponent) //decode ;/,:
   url = url.replace(/[ <>"\[\]|]/g, encodeURIComponent) //" some disallowed chars, and pipe can screw template params
 } catch(e){
   decodingFailed = true

 if( isBeforeCursor ) //user-defined conversion to eng keywords
   for( var n in window.urlDecoderEngNames )
     url = url.replace(RegExp('(title=|wiki\/)('+urlDecoderEngNames[n]+':)'), '$1' + n + ':')

 //try converting to internal link
 if( !decodingFailed && !/(\}\}|\|)$/.test(url) ) //trailing | or }}  could mean a part of a template, skip to be safe
   var link = toWikilink(url)

 //user-defined function
 if( window.urlDecoderCustom ){
     url = urlDecoderCustom(url)
     if( ! /^((?:https?:)?\/\/|\{\{)/.test(url) ) link = url //was converted to internal link

 //return internal link
 if( link ){
   link = link.replace(/%(3f|26|22)/ig, decodeURIComponent) //decode ?&"
    if( ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 0 || mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 14 ) && isBeforeCursor )
      link = link.replace(/^:/,'') //probably user adding interwiki
   return '[' + '[' + link + (name?'|'+name:'') + ']]'

 //or return external link
 if( typeof name == 'string' ){
   if( isBeforeCursor ) url = url.replace(/''/g,'%27%27') //techically '' should stop URL, but more likely it's part of it
   return '[' + url + (name?' '+name:'') + ']' //empty name
   return url


function toWikilink(url){ // ''   ->   xx:YY

 //add bugzilla to user-defined prefixes
 window.urlDecoderPrefixes = $.extend( window.urlDecoderPrefixes,
   { '' : 'mediazilla' } )

 //apply user-defined prefixes
 for( var key in urlDecoderPrefixes )
   if( url.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) != -1 )
      return urlDecoderPrefixes[key] + ':' + url.substring( url.indexOf(key) + key.length )

 //check if we can convert to internal link with WM prefixes
 var ma = /^((?:https?:)?\/\/[^\/]+)\/wiki\/([^?]+)$/.exec( url )// 1:''  2:part after /wiki/
 if( !ma ) return null
 var linkPrefix = WMPrefixes( ma[1] )
 if( !linkPrefix) return null

 //convert to internal
 var title = decodeAnchor( ma[2] )
 var prefixes = ''
 if( linkPrefix[0] && (linkPrefix[0] != localPrefix[0]) ) prefixes = linkPrefix[0]
 if( linkPrefix[1] && (linkPrefix[1] != localPrefix[1]) ) prefixes += ':' + linkPrefix[1]
 if( prefixes || isColonNeeded(title) ) prefixes += ':' //colon after prefix or leading colon on cat/file link
 return prefixes + title


function decodeAnchor(link){//simplify internal link: replace %20 and _ then decode anchor
 link = link.replace(/(_|%20)/g, ' ').replace(/^ +| +$/g, '')
 var parts = link.split('#')
 if( parts.length != 2 ) return link //no anchor
 var anchor = parts[1], hidIdx = -1, hidden = []
 //decode 4, 3 and 2-byte:
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.F[0-4]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.E[\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.[CD][\dA-F]\.[89AB][\dA-F]/g, deChar)
 anchor = anchor.replace( //hide IPs
   function(s){ hidden[++hidIdx] = s; return '\x01' + hidIdx + '\x02' }
 //decode 1-byte chars: all symbols except  -.:_  and []{} prohibited in links
 anchor = anchor.replace(/\.[2-7][0-9A-F]/g, function(hhh){
   var ch = deChar(hhh)
   if( '!"#$%&\'()*+,/;<=>?@\\^`~'.indexOf(ch) >= 0 ) return ch
   else return hhh
 //unhide IPs and return
 for( var i=hidIdx; i>=0; i-- ) anchor = anchor.replace('\x01'+i+'\x02', hidden[i])
 if( anchor.indexOf("''") != -1 ) return link //cannot have double '' in link
 else return parts[0] + '#' + anchor

 function deChar(ss){
  try{ss = decodeURIComponent(ss.replace(/\.([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/g, '%$1'))} catch(e){}
  return ss

function WMPrefixes(url){  // http: //  -> [ 'w',  'en']

 var dd = /^(?:https?:)?\/\/([a-z\.]+)\.org/.exec( url.toLowerCase() )
 if( !dd ) return null
 dd = dd[1].split('.') //domains, e.g. ['en','wikipedia']
 if( dd.length > 2 ) return null //too many subdomains, possibly mobile site

 var lang = '', proj = '', domain = dd.pop(), subdomain = dd.pop()
 if( subdomain == 'www' ) subdomain = ''

 if( domain == 'wikimedia' ){  // *
   if( !subdomain )
     proj = 'foundation'
   else if( wmSubDomains.test(subdomain) )
     proj = subdomain
     return null

 }else if( (proj = wmDomain[domain]) && !subdomain ){ // &
    //done: proj is set 

 }else if( proj = wmDomainM[domain] ){ //multi-lang domains
   if( !subdomain );
     //done: e.g. ''
   else if( proj == 'w' && subdomain == 'test' )
     proj = 'testwiki'
   else if( subdomain.length >= 2 )
     lang = subdomain
     return null

 }else return null //unrecognized domain

 return [proj, lang]


function isColonNeeded(pg){
 if( ! /:/.test(pg) ) return false
 if( ! colonNS ){ //define list of all possible category and file namespaces
    var list = ['file', 'category'] //canonical aliases
    var namespaces = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' );
    for( var name in namespaces )
      if( (namespaces[name]==6 || namespaces[name]==14) && $.inArray(name, list) == -1 )
    colonNS = RegExp( '^(' + list.join('|') + ') *:', 'i')
 return colonNS.test( $.trim(pg) )