Wikipedia:Pokémon Adoption Center

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Silence (talk | contribs) at 07:14, 18 April 2006 (recat). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This WikiProject has been replaced by the Pokémon Collaborative Project and so is inactive. If you wish to help in the expanding of Pokémon articles, consider joining the aforementioned project.
Gotta destubbify 'em all!
Gotta destubbify 'em all!

The Pokémon Adoption Center (PAC for short) is an attempt to cut through all the bureaucracy here and do something we can all agree is useful: making the various Pokémon stubs better articles. The concept is this: instead of complaining about stubby Pokémon articles, let's improve them instead. We'll assign a poke-stub so you can research it and turn it into a real article, or at least a better stub.

The Pokémon Adoption Center is currently being run by Andrew Lenahan, with Pidgeot and Sinistro assisting with quotidian maintenance issues. If you have questions or comments, please direct them to this article's talk page.

You may also read the FAQ or browse the tutorial. You can also help us decide what to do next.


If you're willing to help improve an article, add your name to this list here. No previous Pokémon knowledge is necessary. If you get stuck, we can provide reference materials as needed, or assign a new Pokémon to you.

If you need suggestions for how to format an article, you can look at the list of successfully expanded articles, below, for ideas.

Please be aware that we may unassign an article if you do not edit it for more than a week (this, however, does not mean you need to finish within one week). This is to ensure the project will eventually be completed.

If you requested an assignment before Spetember 9, please re-request if you believe you can comply with our new rule.

I assigned myself Scizor, one of the last unclaimed Pokémon. I doubt anyone minds much. - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 18:41, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Finished with Scizor. Did I forget anything? - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 22:37, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Nope, looks good! Thanks. It's probably not going to be the last. I should imagine that more of the assigned people have forgotten or can't be bothered. --Celestianpower hab 23:01, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I've been rewriting a lot of articles for clarity and more info on the competitive metagame (including Netbattle, which I suck at, but oh well), but I'll do some adoptions since some have opened up. I'll do Nincada and Metang, because bug Pokémon that mirror real insects as well as ninjas are totally awesome, and because Metang, hey. - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 05:30, 10 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Wow, Nincada is really boring. Well, I said what I could about it; articles like this one make me doubt if every Pokémon needs their own article. Self-doubt aside, anyone want to double-check it? - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 06:48, 11 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I'm more or less done with Metang, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it. Someone else want to give it a once-over? - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 03:32, 26 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

(This user has been a participant in the project, currently researching ways to make all Pokémon-related Wikipedia articles better; please see the "Leaves of absence" section below)

Oh, what the hell. Hook me up. This might well be good practice for those of us who support the merge proposal. After doing one of these, I'll take a stab at doing its whole "evolutionary" chain in one article, like Radiant has done, to show the utility of such articles. (I'll instead put it in my user space, however.) Maybe it will help convince the No voters that this is a good idea; if not, a stub turns into an article, and everyone wins. android79 21:27, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)

  • Give Haunter a try. Should be easy to find info on, I get 21,600 Google hits for Haunter +pokemon. Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 21:45, Jun 1, 2005 (UTC)
    • I've done about as much with this one as I can. I'm afraid I don't know enough about Pokemon to figure out what relevant info ought to go in the article. android79 21:09, August 10, 2005 (UTC)

Cyndaquil's done, I think. Tell me if that's how you wanted it, and I'll get started with Quilava right away! --Bliksem

Sorry about the extended leave. College was a bit tougher than I'd expected, and I didn't have internet access. Quilava and Typhlosion are done. --Bliksem
I went ahead and expanded Kingler as sort of an apology. I hope you don't mind. Bliksem 15:22, 21 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Looking good. Have you seen the style guide yet? Using that now saves WP:PCP some work later. - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 23:53, 21 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

When I need to find anime info, I google using the name of the pokemon plus the word episode. The first result is usually serebii, which has good edpisode guides. Here's what serebii has to say about Goldeen: [1] Hope this helps! Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 21:50, August 4, 2005 (UTC) Right, before Sonic Mew bags them all, I'll assign myself Paras (Pokémon) and Whiscash! --Celestianpower hab 21:49, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Isn't that the whole point of Pokémon? :) Sonic Mew | talk to me 08:47, August 12, 2005 (UTC)
LOL! You're sharp today! --Celestianpower hab 09:04, 12 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Just Whiscash left for me to do now. --Celestianpower hab 14:26, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'll do what I can. I recently started playing Sapphire again, so my knowledge is concentrated there. I'll do what I can, as I said.

Unfortunately, Chercher, all of the articles have been signed up to people or already expanded however, many are still of poor quality. We have created the Poke-maunal of style and wish to enhance all articles to meet this standard. You have various options:
  1. Go to The Pokémon Collaborative Project and see what the focus articles are there and try to enhance them. Currently, Bulbasaur needs a TCG section and an infobox template.
  2. Seeing as you like Sapphire, You can help clean up the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire article, which has been identified as being of poor quality (and hence has been given the {{poke-cleanup}} tag.
  3. As I said earlier, there are many Pokémon creature articles left to bring up to the standard and picking one at random, Caterpie needs some work.
Thank you for joining! --Celestianpower hab 17:54, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Well, both Caterpie and Metapod had minor typos. I'm a Grammar Nazi at heart, so I'll nitpick and polish anything. -- Chercher E. 18:09, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

That is good but more majorly, the pokedex definitions need to be incorporated into a biology section, the colours need to be removed and the strengths/weaknesses need to be incorporated into the "in the Video Games" section. The anime section could do with a bit of expansion too. --Celestianpower hab 18:31, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

And how about the card game? I've still got most of mine, and can write up small blurbs about what set, artist, and powers. Or is that too much?

Nope, it's all welcome. --Celestianpower hab 18:56, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm supporting this project; I've made several attempts to rally support around the Project Pokédex in the past, and have a few completed Pokémon articles to my name already. If I get the time, I can usually get through three to six pokémon in one go. In any case, I'll usually pick a poorly-written or incomplete article to start with, and expand it from there with a "template" of sorts. CNash 10:39, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)

It's understandable that anime information for Lairon is hard to find, as it's only appeared in two episodes and neither of them have been shown in English yet. For anime info I recommend, as it has an excellent episode guide. Usually a Google search for lairon +serebii or lairon episode will find what you want. Some Pokemon are even featured as Pokemon of the Day, which lists all their episodes and lots of other info as well. Check out Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 21:06, July 25, 2005 (UTC)

I've finished Lunatone! DevilishlyGrape July 24, 2005 8:37 (UTC)

Great! How's Grumpig for next? Sinistro 09:57, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

As the info at the top doesn't specifically say that our adoptied article has to be a pokemon, and since my edit of the Blaine article seemed to go so well, I'm going to work on expanding the following Kanto Gym Leaders: Lt. Surge (continueing expansion), Erika (Continueing expansion), Sabrina (particularily adding video game info), Koga, and Blaine (Even more expansion). Dr. B 03:23, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Done with Aerodactyl, Aggron, and Absol. I'm quite pleased with how they went out. Altaria is next, since I decided to expand them in an alphabetical order. Update: I chose Bagon, Blaziken and Cacnea instead. --ErezR 19:56, 15 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

(This user was assigned Whiscash on 12:22 10 July 2005 (EST) but has not been heard of since).

For a Pokémon's name in other languages, check out for a big table of them. Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 18:40, July 29, 2005 (UTC)

For new images, you can try***.gif , replacing the asterisks with the Hoenn Pokédex number for the desired Pokémon. Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 22:40, July 29, 2005 (UTC)

How do you feel about Delcatty? Sinistro 08:41, 1 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sign me up! I've already contributed to several Pokemon articles and am ready and willing to do more. Ketsuban (is 1337) 23:40, 6 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome, it's good to have you with us! I see that your favourite Pokémon have already been expanded, but how about Shedinja's pre-evolved form Nincada to start with? Sinistro 00:19, 7 August 2005 (UTC)[reply] Pupitar taken? Are their any other Pokemon left???? I would REALLY like to help out!!!! Anything I can do???? PLEASE REPLY, THANKS A BILLION! p.s. i'l still a tiny bit new to the wikipedia system, and i'm in high school, so i'm out a help is appreciated! :) 12:27, October 30 2005

I moved your name to keep it in alphabetical order. And don't worry, I'm new to the whole thing too. MasterXiam 00:19, 15 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Looking at the Pokemon Ruby-Sapphire Manga, I thought it was pretty poor. So I expanded on it, and now... Well... I've had an interesting history with pokemon. And believe me when I say I know almost all of pokemon, from Anime to game, to manga. Currently, I am an expert in the game section, but I'm beginning to find that manga is much more interesting. So I worked on the Pokemon R/S page, adding in heros, villians (Including Hokage, who I like), side characters and all.

That would be great. There aren't many people on WP that I know of who know much about the manga. That said, this is more of a WP:PCP thing; why not bring this up over there, too? - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 02:15, 26 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Gloom finished. Assign me another one please. Leptictidium

Doduo's done. Looks like there isn't anyone left to adopt, but I'll keep an eye on this page and the other eye on my watchlist to help out however I can. -Luigi2 | Talk 17:32, August 21, 2005 (UTC)

I'm not really sure what to pick, so um... is it alright to just scan the articles and make sure everything's alright? I have a pretty good understanding of all Pokémon, really. I also wouldn't mind helping with items or characters (preferably video games, as I have better access to that information). - MasterXiam 00:14, 15 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I assigned myself Stantler. I don't think anyone will mind much.Nall 10:21, 28 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Stantler, and all articles, have currently been assigned... please feel free to improve the page though! Deskana 20:49, 28 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Finished Wynaut. Assign me another Pokémon! - Nick_C 10:21, 28 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

here to adopt hope i did this right

I'll do Nidorina. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 23:50, 28 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

May I help? I merged Smeargal with Smeargle, as SuggestBot suggested. Now what should I do? -- PinkDeoxys 19:16, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm finished with the Larvitar evolution line. But if you've noticed, for all three I have no Pokedex data. This is because I dont know where to find original Pokedex data from the games. Can anyone help? Thanks. What should I do next?--Shadow Rayquaza 19:24, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

And with Slowking, the research-undertaking Pokémon, I have completed 100 article expansions, something that started 1,5 months ago with Dodrio!

Since all remaining stubs have been assigned (though Growlithe would've been nice) and 100 is a nice round number, now I intend to go over the Pokémon articles and convert the Pokédex entries that have been copied verbatim into "Biology" sections, fixing anything I notice along the way. I'll start with the Kanto Pokémon! Sinistro 13:36, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Donphan done. Next? - SmeagolSquid 17:03, 10 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Does Shiftry have a signature attack? If so, where would I find it? Other than that, Shiftry is done. Sonic Mew | talk to me 15:58, August 9, 2005 (UTC)

It's not something written in stone, but usually a Pokémon's signature attack is one that either the anime, Pokedex entries, games, Pokémon's overall "flavour" etc. makes you think of that Pokémon when you think of that attack, or vice versa (like Metronome with Clefairy, or Fire Spin with Vulpix because of that one episode). Signature attacks are almost always attacks the Pokemon learns naturally. Unique attacks (like Bonemerang, Conversion or Sketch) are definitely signature attacks. Some Pokemon admittedly do not have any attacks that can be convicningly be called "signature" (by me, anyway). Now in Shiftry's case, the Pokedex entries refer to it whipping up strong gusts with its fan-like arms, which sounds like Razor Wind. Luckily, it can learn it as a Nuzleaf, so I think that makes it Shiftry's signature attack. Sinistro 21:00, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
To be honest, I'd have to disagree and say that it's Fake Out. I guess this just proves that it's all a matter of opinion, eh? Deskana 21:25, 18 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Nothing prevents a Pokémon from having more than one signature attacks ;-) Are you referring to the Pokedex entry about Shiftry reading its opponent's minds and taking pre-emptive action (hence Fake Out, which always goes first and causes flinching?) I suppose that makes sense. Sinistro 23:45, 18 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Infact, it was because in the games I always see Shiftry using Fake Out but never Razor Wind... you assume too much intelligence of me. :-P -- Deskana 21:07, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I am satisfied that the Articuno article is complete. I'm going to remove it from the to-do list. If anyone feels otherwise, feel free to re-list it and submit your commentary. Tavris 17:22, 15 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Weezing complete. As Scyther is my favorite Pokemon, it bothers me to see its evolution wait on improvement any longer. I'd love to work on Scizor next. -Team Rocket

Hey, I've got a lot of free time, so I'd like to take this on. -Tessa7338, 8.30pm, Singapore/HK time

Vileplume is somewhat done, although for the life of me I can't find any good "Anime Appearences" info. But I added some stuff like movesets and availability. Man, I love this job already... Mind if I go and have a shot at Chansey? -Tessa7338

  • LATER... EDIT: I added a lot of stuff to Chansey, doubling the length of the page. Like I said, I love this job already. -Tessa7338
    • Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to remove the moveset sections from the two articles. Not only are movesets an inherently POV thing, but Wikipedia isn't a strategy guide.
    • You could replace it with a minor discussion on the moves the POKéMON learns naturally, and possibly through TM (assuming there are any special things, like the Chansey family being the only one that can learn Softboiled, apart from Mew). For Vileplume, consider adding POKéDEX descriptions [2] and/or summarize them into a couple of sentences that explain a little about the POKéMON.
    • And for the record, though you're free to expand other articles as well, you should consider focusing on destubbing one at a time, at least for now. Currently, Vileplume is still a stub, and although Chansey isn't in its current form, the moveset will have to go, and it will return to being at stub length - although it shouldn't need much work to de-stub it. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 02:58, 28 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
      • Not wanting to cause offense or anything, but I included two sample movesets in my Lairon article and I think that Starblind was alright with it considering he seems to have read it.... just curious. Deskana 13:04, 28 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
        • Well, it might just be me, but the way I see it, POKéMON movesets are highly POV, and thus not fit for Wikipedia. Additionally, a good moveset for a POKéMON is very dependent on the rest of the team, as it should be able to counter weaknesses by some of your other POKéMON, as well as provide a good matchup against your opponents (if possible). This makes it impossible to concoct a good moveset for any purpose, since *everything* depends on the situation the player is in. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 14:55, 28 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  • Hey, Tessa. I didn't notice you had expanded the Chansey article, so I expanded it myself and 'claimed' it at the bottom... *blush* Go ahead and add yourself to the bottom too, you deserve at least equal credit. Almafeta 22:05, 5 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Um, hi, I was wondering if I can help out in any way with this, maybe be assigned to a Pokemon. I know a lot about all of them, and Kingler seems to be open to double-assignment. If I can't be assigned, can someone tell me where to go to help out with other parts of this project...? The Fizzy Fuzzy 20:36, 25 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

You don't really need an assignment; just read the style guide, and jump in to help with some Pokémon species articles. Plus, there's the sucessor project at WP:PCP, where we're trying to bring some of the expanded stubs up to encyclopedic style and quality.
That said, why not take a crack at Kingler? More sets of eyes are always helpful. - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 02:15, 26 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'll do Geodude as I know a lot about it. Thelb4! | Talk to me 19:56, 11 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm resigning from editing Geodude, as there is not much more I can do and it's still quite short. Thelb4 20:47, 26 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry for taking so long, but done Numel. Anymore or that's it? Uncke Herb 03:30, August 15, 2005 (UTC)

  • Currently all remaining articles have been assigned, but there is a possibility that some of them will be reassigned, like with Whiscash and Jigglypuff_The_Strong who was assigned it, but never came back since. There are also other things to do apart from expanding species stubs - have a look at the talk page! Sinistro 09:05, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Gimme something to hate! (I can't promise it won't take a week or two, though.) --Unfocused 17:20, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)

  • Have a Kingler. No rush, this is an open-ended project. Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 17:50, Jun 20, 2005 (UTC)
    • Please feel free to double or even triple assign Kingler. I know very little background information about Pokémon, and would probably benefit from cooperating with someone who already knows a bit about it. This will take someone like me much longer than I expected. I still hate the little guy, though.  ;) Unfocused 15:00, 13 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
      • I am VERY disappointed by the attitude shown by a "custodial" member of this project. I clearly expressed a willingness to have Kingler double or triple assigned to improve the article while remaining listed to indicate my ongoing support for this project. This would allow new participants a stake in the project, and I would add an occasional edit as well, as I learn about Pokemon. Instead, I received a message from User:Pidgeot stating " have been un-assigned from the article. Unfortunately, we have to enforce this rule if we wish to finish the remaining articles within a reasonable amount of time." This kind of attitude isn't helpful anywhere in Wikipedia, and especially not on a special project where you're asking for support and assistance. I hope that this attitude is not shared by others in this project. Unfocused 14:44, 9 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
        I realize that, and please know that this is not a stance I like to take. However, no assignee had edited their article(s) for several weeks, and something had to be done. I put this proposal forth on the talk page more than two weeks ago, and with one user agreeing, and no users disagreeing, I chose to be bold and enforce the proposed rule today.
        The point of assignments, IMO, is that the assignee actually does some work on the article. You only made two (small) edits to the article, the last one being more than two months ago. Despite allowing the article to be assigned to multiple people, I can only take it as a sign that you no longer wish to contribute or have forgotten everything about the article - and the fact that you didn't respond to a message left on your talk page nearly a month ago doesn't exactly make that seem less likely.
        If your problem is a lack of materials, it's stated quite clearly on the page that you may request help with finding reference materials. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 15:04, 9 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
        I decided to be bold and revert your change regarding Kingler. Please see above, specifically "No rush, this is an open-ended project." and "This will take someone like me much longer than I expected." Feel free to double or triple assign this one. If you were trying to solicit further edits on the article, that is what you should have done. I'm sorry if you feel some sort of pressure to meet some arbitrary completion timeline; I don't. However, I've chosen to participate in this project, and I haven't changed my mind. Unfocused 15:20, 9 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
        I'm just treating everyone equally. If you still have interest in the project, I believe the least you could have done was reply to the message you received a month ago, or state your opinion on my proposal.
        Nevertheless, I shall not undo the re-assignment you made. But I will not be arguing against it if either Starblind (who unconditionally agreed with my proposal) or Sinistro chooses to do so. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 15:42, 9 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm going to do the rest of the 3 birds of Kanto (yep, Thunder and Fire!)

I was invited to do this via a message I got on my IP for my contributations to the Pokemon pages, and I'm good at it too!

How can I be of service? I'd like a Pokémon assigned to me. --WikiFan04Talk 19:20, 18 Jul 2005 (CDT)

I request a new article! --WikiFanaticTalk Contribs 21:19, 19 Sep 2005 (CDT) (posted on User talk:Pidgeot)

Assign me a Pokémon please! --Tornado Kid 00:46, 21 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Unfortunately, WikiPediaAid, all of the articles have been signed up to people or already expanded however, many are still of poor quality. We have created the Poke-maunal of style and wish to enhance all articles to meet this standard. You have various options:
  1. Go to The Pokémon Collaborative Project and see what the focus articles are there and try to enhance them. Currently, Bulbasaur is the focus of our creature efforts.
  2. As I said earlier, there are many Pokémon creature articles left to bring up to the standard and picking one at random, Metapod needs some work.
Thank you for joining! --Celestianpower hab 17:54, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Vibrava - done; needs anime info
  2. Grimer - done; -WindFish 02:34, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Smoochum - done; needs animé info. WindFish 02:53, 29 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Assign me something.--Zxcvbnm 22:37, 15 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Sadly all of them are taken up however if you go to WP:PCP then there's plenty you can do. --Celestianpower hab 11:17, 16 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Please assign me something, and I'll see if I can help. I'll have to ask that it be a pok'emon from versions Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver, or Crystal. I haven't played any others. Thanks. C2 aaron 16:45, 4 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Please have a look over at the PCP for the current focus articles (currently it's Pokémon Red and Blue and Meowth. There are no stub Pokémon left. --Celestianpower hablamé 17:04, 4 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I will be glad to do anything to help. Please assign me something.

The project is complete. Sorry! -WindFish 12:41, 4 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lyshalynn I want to help!! ...Also, I have a question, would it be okay to add one I made as a "fake"/"mutation"? It's called a Bayquil (Bayleef+Cyndaquil) -- I will do any Pokemon you ask, though in preferences I'd like Banette, Jirachi, or Grovyle.

Leaves of absence

If you're an active participant in the PAC project and will be away for a considerable length of time, feel free to use this space to notify us. This is not required!

Just thought I'd be courteous to say that I'll be leaving town until early-mid August 2005 on Friday. --Bliksem

Alright, I'm back after extended leave and college. --Bliksem

I'll step out of expanding Pokémon species articles, and look through pokéstubs (and already finished pokéarticles) to find what we can do to make Wikipedia's Pokécoverage better. Almafeta 18:01, 8 August 2005 (UTC)

I'm having huge problems with my laptop... and due to technical support not being helpful at all, it may be neccessary to reassign my stubs... I've got Aron and Staryu. Sorry. :-( -- Deskana 18:45, 11 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Strike that, am back! I shall resume my duties... Deskana 21:10, 19 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'll be taking a break until Sunday, August 21. I will read my watchlist and do minor edits, such as reverting vandalism, but I will probably not have the energy to engage on any discussion...see you Monday! Sinistro 09:33, 18 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm going to be out of the country on personal business for a few weeks, so I probably won't be on Wikipedia much at all until mid-September. Then again, you never know. - A Man In Black (Talk | Contribs) 16:36, 24 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Important notice: Pokémon Forever

As of today, 19 July, it appears that Pokémon Forever is closing down - Meowth346 has already removed most of the files, only leaving the dex.

Since there's no telling if or when that will be gone as well, I've salvaged as much as possible by downloading everything with Wget. That way, I'll be able to provide a copy of the pages in case they are removed from his site.

If you find yourself needing information from that site, but are unable to get to it, PLEASE let me know by sending an e-mail. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you need artwork, I can extract it from NoA's POKéDEX (not the same as what was on Pokefor, but it's fully in Flash, so it's easily resizable) - I just need to know what size you want it to be. You can also do this manually by going to, replacing 1 with the Kanto number of the POKéMON you need. I've taken a copy of these in case NoA change their POKéDEX.

If you need sprites, I've already prepared these (R/S sprites, normal, shiny and small). They are available as a ZIP archive from [3] and as a self-extracting NSIS installer from [4]. The latter is about 200KB smaller, but only usable under Windows. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 21:34, 20 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I salvaged all the artwork from Pokémon Forever (the Sugimori ones) including the shiny ones that were made by Meowth346. If you need any of those, tell me. --ErezR 03:42, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Even better! This will let us create some uniformity with the current articles - most of them use the Sugimori artwork. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 22:52, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I've found images of all Pokemon in a more... "artistic" style at Not sure about the copyright on these though. - SmeagolSquid 16:05, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

At least some of them (possibly all the Kanto POKéMON) appear to be from the REALLY old Poké POKéDEX - from before GSC came out. The rest seem to be the Sugimori artwork seen on Pokéfor (at least, looks like that at a glance), though it looks like they've been compressed badly at some point. At any rate, they should all be able to go under {{pokeimage}}. --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 22:52, 27 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

The Ken Sugimori and sprite images are back on Pokefor.. example: [5]. -WindFish 10:07, 2 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

And now they are gone :( -WindFish 06:49, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Card info

I've noticed some of you are including info on the trading cards. If there's any card text you can't find, you can use my card database to find the cards. Let me know which cards you've found, and I'll look them up. I have access to the text of nearly all cards released in English, with the exception of Nintendo's own promo cards (though I could probably find these if needed). --Pidgeot (t) (c) (e) 13:59, 21 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Finished! -WindFish 06:51, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

List of Pokémon articles that need expansion



  1. Pupitar - assigned to User:WikiFanatic at 19:00, 20 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
    1. I think I fixed this up enough to consider it complete.. -WindFish 05:28, 27 October 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Also: Team Rocket at Wikiquote needs our attention. I have cleaned up the article, removing many non-notable "quotes", but we still need someone who can identify the episodes these quotes originate from. Additional quotes would not go amiss either. I'll try and find some through the internet, but don't count on me only. Sinistro 23:16, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Successfully expanded articles