Uploads by Babyboomer165

This special page shows all files uploaded to the English Wikipedia. (See also the list for Wikimedia Commons.) By default, the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list, but clicking on a column header will change the sorting.

Deleted files are not shown here but are included in the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
02:16, 28 September 2007 Mems october.jpg (file) 2.13 MB a picture of one of the entrances to manalapan-englishtown middle school in fall 2007
02:13, 28 September 2007 News station at mems.jpg (file) 1.01 MB the manalapan-englishtown middle school news crew had a show every morning on tvs around the school
02:10, 28 September 2007 Ribbon cutting at mems.jpg (file) 856 KB a student cutting the ribbon opening manalapan-englishtown middle school in the 2006-2007 after construction was finished
02:08, 28 September 2007 Elementary school gym with mems students.jpg (file) 961 KB the clark mills school gym, where sigma of manalapan-englishtown middle school was housed for 9 days during construction
02:01, 28 September 2007 New computer lab at mems.jpg (file) 2.23 MB a picture from the 2006-2007 yearbook of one of the new computer labs at manalapan-englishtown middle school after construction
01:50, 28 September 2007 Mems yearbook cover 2006-2007.jpg (file) 332 KB cover of manalapan-englishtown middle school yearbook from 20076-2007