Prohibitions in Sikhism: Difference between revisions

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  1. Non-Logical Behaviour: Superstitions; rituals, which have no meaning, pilgrimages, fasting and bathing in rivers; gambling; circumcision; worship of graves, idols, pictures; compulsory wearing of the veil for women; etc;
  2. Material Obsession: (“Maya”) Accumulation of materials have no meaning in Sikhism. Wealth, Gold, Portfolio, Stocks, Commodities, properties will all be left here on Earth when you depart. Do not get attached to them.
  3. Sacrifice of Creatures: Sati – widows throwing themselves in the funeral pyre of their husbands; lamb and calf slaughter to celebrate holy occasions; etc
  4. Non-Family Oriented Living: A sikh is not allowed to live a recluse, beggar, yogi, monk, Nun, celibacy, etc
  5. Worthless Talk: bragging, gossip, lying, etc are not permitted.
  6. Intoxication: Drinking alcohol; Drugs; Smoking tobacco; consumption of other intoxicants; etc
  7. No priestly Class: Sikhs do not have to depend on a priest fro any of the functions that need to be performed.

See also Sikhism