Viewing filter 1,200: Potential pronoun disruption

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Filter ID:1,200


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Filter hits:1,543 hits
Statistics:Of the last 209,980 actions, this filter has matched 1 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.33 ms, and it consumes 1.3 conditions of the condition limit.
! "confirmed" in user_groups & page_namespace == 0 & old_wikitext irlike "\[\[\s*Category\s*:\s*(Transgender|Non-binary|Genderqueer)" & ( she := "\b([Ss]he|[Hh]er(s(elf)?)?)\b"; they := "\b([Tt]he(y|irs?|m(sel(f|ves)?)?))\b"; he := "\b([Hh](e|i(s|m(self)?)))\b"; (old_wikitext irlike "\[\[\s*Category\s*:\s*(Transgender[^\]]+people|Historical figures[_ ]+with[_ ]+ambiguous[_ ]+or[_ ]+disputed[_ ]+gender[_ ]+identity|Non-binary|Genderqueer|Fa'afafine|Fakafifine|Hijra \(South Asia\)|Kathoey|Two-spirit)" & !(old_wikitext rlike "((her|him)('')?|(femin|mascul)ine|(fe)?male) pronouns for consistency") & rcount(they, removed_lines) >= rcount(they, added_lines) + 5 & rcount(he + "|" + she, added_lines) >= rcount(he + "|" + she, removed_lines) + 5) | (old_wikitext irlike "(\[\[\s*Category\s*:\s*(Transgender[^\]]+(women|female|actresses))|((her('')?|feminine|female) pronouns for consistency))" & rcount(she, removed_lines) >= rcount(she, added_lines) + 5 & rcount(he + "|" + they, added_lines) >= rcount(he + "|" + they, removed_lines) + 5) | (old_wikitext irlike "(\[\[\s*Category\s*:\s*(Transgender[^\]]+(\bmen|\bmale|actors))|((him('')?|masculine|male) pronouns for consistency))" & rcount(he, removed_lines) >= rcount(he, added_lines) + 5 & rcount(she + "|" + they, added_lines) >= rcount(she + "|" + they, removed_lines) + 5) ) & !summary irlike ("revert|undo|restore|rollback|\br(b|vv?)\b|undid")
Filter last modified:12:30, 2 January 2023 by Tamzin (talk | contribs)
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