REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire

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REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire
PurposeDiagnosis of rapid eye movement behavior disorder
Based onQuestionnaire

The REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire (RBDSQ) is a specific questionnaire for rapid eye movement behavior disorder (RBD) developed by Stiasny-Kolster and team,[1] to assess the most prominent clinical features of RBD.[2] It is a 10-item, patient self-rating instrument with short questions to be answered by either 'yes' or 'no'.[1] The validity of the questionnaire was studied by researchers and they have observed it to perform with high sensitivity and reasonable specificity in the diagnosis of RBD.[3][4][5]


RBDSQ has the potential to be useful as a screening instrument for neurodegenerative disorder, such as the α-synucleinopathies, Parkinson's disease or multiple system atrophy which may enable early diagnosis and also recruitment of people with RBD necessary for research studies.


RBDSQ contains a set of 10 items that are to be answered by either 'yes' or 'no'. Items 1 to 4 address the frequency and content of dreams and their relationship to nocturnal movements and behavior. Item 5 asks about self-injuries and injuries of the bed partner. Item 6 consists of four subitems assessing nocturnal motor behavior more specifically, e.g., questions about nocturnal vocalization, sudden limb movements, complex movements, or bedding items that fell down. Items 7 and 8 deal with nocturnal awakenings. Item 9 focuses on disturbed sleep in general and item 10 on the presence of any neurological disorder. The maximum total score of the RBDSQ is 13 points.

See also


  1. ^ a b Stiasny-Kolster K, Mayer G, Schäfer S, Möller JC, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M, Oertel WH (2007). "The REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire—A New Diagnostic Instrument". Movement Disorders. 22 (16): 2386–2393. doi:10.1002/mds.21740. PMID 17894337. S2CID 24235371.
  2. ^ Atlas Task Force of the American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA) (2005). "The International Classification of Sleep Disorders— Diagnostic and Coding Manual". Minnesota: Rochester.
  3. ^ Nomura, Takashi; Inoue, Yuichi; Kagimura, Tatsuo; Uemura, Yusuke; Nakashima, Kenji (August 2011). "Utility of the REM sleep behavior disorder screening questionnaire (RBDSQ) in Parkinson's disease patients". Sleep Medicine. 12 (7): 711–713. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2011.01.015. PMID 21700495.
  4. ^ Miyamoto, Tomoyuki; Miyamoto, Masayuki; Iwanami, Masaoki; Kobayashi, Mina; Nakamura, Masaki; Inoue, Yuichi; Ando, Chiharu; Hirata, Koichi (December 2009). "The REM sleep behavior disorder screening questionnaire: Validation study of a Japanese version". Sleep Medicine. 10 (10): 1151–1154. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2009.05.007. PMID 19604719.
  5. ^ Nihei, Yoshihiro; Takahashi, Kazushi; Koto, Atsuo; Mihara, Ban; Morita, Yoko; Isozumi, Kazuo; Ohta, Kouichi; Muramatsu, Kazuhiro; Gotoh, Jun; Yamaguchi, Keiji; Tomita, Yutaka; Sato, Hideki; Seki, Morinobu; Iwasawa, Satoko; Suzuki, Norihiro (10 January 2012). "REM sleep behavior disorder in Japanese patients with Parkinson's disease: a multicenter study using the REM sleep behavior disorder screening questionnaire". Journal of Neurology. 259 (8): 1606–1612. doi:10.1007/s00415-011-6386-1. PMID 22231870. S2CID 10980181.
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