List of Odonata species of Finland

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Aeshna cyanea

List of Odonata species recorded in Finland include all dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera) which have been recorded in Finland. Currently there are 57 species[1] and only one species (Nehalennia speciosa) is classified as endangered (EN)[2] Six species are protected by law.

Zygoptera (damselflies)

Calopteryx virgo
Coenagrion hastulatum

Dragonflies Anisoptera

Aeshna grandis
Gomphus vulgatissimus
Sympetrum flaveolum


See also

  • Finnish Dragonfly Society (in English and Finnish)
  • Sami Karjalainen: Suomen Sudenkorennot (The Dragonflies of Finland). Tammi 2010. ISBN 978-951-31-5425-7