Golden Bell Awards: 1970–1979 winners list

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This page lists the Golden Bell Award winners from 1970 to 1979.

1970 (6th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
General Awards

Best News Program

  • Excellence Awards:

News Highlights

  • Taped reports
  • 金門行
  • 遺暉永在

Founding Broadcasting Ltd.

Best News Commentary Program
  • Excellence Awards:

News Forum

  • 匪情分析座談會
  • Monthly Forum
  • 就事論事

Feng Ming Radio

Best Teaching Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Army Dawn

  • Our garden
  • Corner Church and State
  • 軍歌教唱

Radio Voice of Justice

  • Army Corps Penghu Army Radio Broadcasting
  • Army Corps Taipei Army Radio Broadcasting
  • Army Corps Guoguang military broadcasting station
Best Family Program Award
  • Excellence Awards:


  • Family Times
  • 我們的家庭-愛的蓓蕾
  • Women's magazine

Yi Shi Radio

Best Children Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Kids' Time

  • 星期兒童時間
  • Children's World
  • Poster child

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Best Music Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Revival Radio

  • 尋人服務
  • 幼獅天地
  • Fishermen time


Best Music Award

  • Excellence Awards:
  • Air Dynasty
  • 音樂會剪輯
  • Music Bouquet

Best Drama Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Love and Respect

  • 國恩家慶
  • Shore Storm
  • Pay the price for justice

Army Corps Taoyuan Army Radio Broadcasting

Best Comprehensive Cultural Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Fuxing Broadcasting Station

  • 平劇欣賞
  • The Voice of Local
  • Chinese Culture Corner

Air Supplement

Best Entertainment Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Talk and Sing

  • Warm family
  • Voice of Police
  • Air Cabaret

Taipei Broadcasting Station

Best Advertising Program Award

Excellence Awards:
  • Domestics window
  • Vientiane Hall
  • Majestic Time
  • Fengming Radio
  • Fengming Radio
  • People Radio
Individual Awards
Best Editor Award
  • Excellence Awards:

郭婉華 - 翠堤春曉

  • Cai, 好 - News Highlights
  • Tang, Ji - Love and Respect
  • Shen, Jing - Army dawn


  • Jianguo Broadcasting Limited
  • Army Corps Taoyuan Army Radio Broadcasting
  • Army Corps Hualien Army Radio Broadcasting

Best Director Award

  • Excellence Awards:

鄭慶龍 - 巧奪天工

  • Tang, Ji - Stepfather
  • Feng Kui Reng - 桃園夜譚
  • Jin Peikai - 三結合

Broadcasting Corporation of China 嘉義廣播電台

Best Interview Award

  • Excellence Awards:
  • Special Award:

李伯元 - 金門行

  • Cai, 好
  • 曹惠美 - Family Planning
  • Wang Mei Juan - News Feature
  • 涂裔輝 - 馬思聰的心


Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

蔡麗蓉(李娟) - 政教園地

  • Wang Yun Bao, 錢測雲, Qian Shi Ji, Chen Xiaojun - News Archives
  • Gengzhen Huan - 新聞報導
  • Yanghui Lan (Liu Qing) - Liu Qing time

Army Corps Taipei Army Radio Broadcasting

Broadcast in Mainland
Best News Program Award
  • Excellence Awards:

News Feature

  • Taped Records
  • Brood
  • News Feature

Air Force Radio

Best News Commentary Program


  • Think
  • 請聽聽和你們不同的意見
  • 一週評論

Air Force Radio

Best Comprehensive Cultural Program

Central Radio

  • Arts World
  • Frontier situation
  • Red Hate


Best Specific Program

  • Excellence Awards:


  • Iron Curtain Nocturne
  • Continental Reconstruction
  • Guanghua Radio

Radio Voice of Justice

1971 (7th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Radio and Television Program Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:


  • World Expo opening ceremony live
  • News Feature
  • News Feature
  • 山胞賽夏族矮人祭
  • 端正社會風氣 請從國語歌曲著手
  • 勤勞教民強 節約教民富
  • 就事論事

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Best Television Program Award

  • Excellence Award:
  • 釣魚台列嶼巡禮
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Morning in the Park

  • Youth Clubs
  • Scientific Knowledge
  • Chinese People's Stories
  • Talk and Sing
  • Happy family
  • The Door to Victory
  • Happy Song

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Best Television Program Award

  • Excellence Award:
  • Quiet Metropolis
Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Television Program

  • Excellence Award
  • Jubilee
  • Chinese television company

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Air Dynasty

  • World of Music
  • 一二三俱樂部
  • Music Wind
  • 父親大人
  • Music Appreciation
  • Local Scenery
  • Folk Art

Police Broadcasting Service

Best Innovative Program Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Guo Wanhua - My Wish

  • 逯 - Sound Classroom
  • 拾景伸 - 上下五千年
  • Li Ji Wen - Red Bridge
  • 錢測雲 - Hunters
  • Qi Zhi Ping - 大哉中華
  • Zhang Chu - Bedtime Stories
  • 胡覺海 - 一聽就會
  • 張遵禮 - 毛朝外傳
  • Li Bo Quan - Broadcast Modern Theater
  • Zhai Shi Chun - Meilun Yamashita

People Radio

Individual Awards
Editor Award

潘寧東 - Music Tour
李鳳行 - Folk art
Chen Qi - 華夏笙歌

Broadcasting Corporation of China
Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation radio station in Kaohsiung
Broadcasting Corporation of China

Broadcast Award

Liu Yu Jing - Ping Tung Online
Yu Guifang - Banditry Review
谷 禎 臺益公 - 對大陸廣播新聞特寫

Army Corps Kaohsiung Army Radio Broadcasting
Revival Radio - Keelung
Army Corps Penghu Army Radio Broadcasting

Best Dubbing Award 賁秉綱 - 音響教室 Taipei Broadcasting Station
Children's Program Special Award Zheng Yaru - Children's Song Broadcasting Corporation of China - Chiayi

1972 (8th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Taped reports

  • News (Typhoon News)
  • 財經報導(退出聯合國對我經濟發展是否構成重大妨礙?)
  • News Feature (free Shining Path)
  • Memorable On October 26
  • News Feature(今天我們退出了聯合國)
  • News commentary (論毛匪澤東整肅林匪彪的問題)
  • Fuxinggang Commentary (評我們退出聯合國之後)

Army Corps Guoguang radio broadcasting

Education and Cultural Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Chinese people's stories

  • 中國人的故事
  • Our family - descendants
  • 歌謠集錦-西藏民謠
  • Corner Church and State
  • 共匪暴行資料及大陸反共革命事蹟展覽特別報導
  • 圓山夜曲

Fuxing Broadcasting Station

Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Frontline Warrior Club
Meilun Yamashita

  • 「我愛國旗」連續劇(六)-血染國旗
  • 空中劇場-萬壽橋
  • Children's playground
  • 談古說今
  • Jianqiao Club
  • 反毛同心會-

Radio Voice of the Golden Gate Guanghua
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien

Individual Awards

Best Editor Award

Zhao Qin - Music Tour
Bai Jie - Frontline Warrior Club

Broadcasting Corporation of China
Radio Voice of the Golden Gate Guanghua

Best Choreographer Award Zhouqiao Yun - Teaching and learning Broadcasting Corporation of China Chiayi
Best Editorial Award

Mouxi Zong - Taped reports
Panning Dong - 共匪暴行資料及大陸反共革命事蹟展覽特別報導

Army Corps Army China Light Broadcast Radio
Broadcasting Corporation of China Hualien

Best Interview Award 莫迺滇 臺益公 - 一個新的反共國家-高棉共和國 China Television Company
Best Broadcast Award Feng Xiangyun - Meilun Yamashita Broadcasting Corporation of China Hualien
TV / Innovation Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Television Program Award

Excellence Awards:

Glorious Giants - 衛星轉播巨人少棒隊勇奪一九七一年世界少棒冠軍實況

  • 一個新的反共國家-高棉共和國
  • Today closeup - year-old orphan spring cold probe

China Television Company

  • China Television Company
  • China Television
Education and Cultural Program

Best Television Program Award

Excellence Award:


  • High school biology

Broadcasting Corporation of China

  • China Television
Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Award

Excellence Award:

Changbai Mountain

  • Poison duck

China Television Company

  • China Television
Innovative Program Award

Best Television Program Award

Hua Huiying - Dragon
Zhai Shi Chun - Heroes OK
鍾能基 - 新型廣播劇《雨過天晴》
任 俊 - The dawn of victory
Jiang Wei - Telephone tired brain
Zhao Qin - Music Tour
Cai Shifa - Telephone kiosks
Qi Zhiping - History of the melody
Xiao Baocheng - 生死駌鴦
Jiang Guobin - Peasants and soldiers sing counterparts
Lin Shuzhen - Flowers of love

China Television
Police Broadcasting Service
Army Corps Taipei army broadcast radio
Army Corps Taipei army broadcast radio
Police Broadcasting Service
Broadcasting Corporation of China
Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation radio stations in Chiayi electricity
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Tainan
Revival Radio - Taichung
Radio Voice of Guanghua Guanghua
Yunlin Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation Radio

1973 (9th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Interview Coverage
  • Hualien closeup
  • Taiwan News
  • 臺灣報導
  • 就事論事
  • 我們的看法–淨化電視廣告,促進純正節目

Radio Voice of Justice

Education and Cultural Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 錦繡河山–談大陸年俗
  • Beautiful Country
  • 自強之路
  • Chinese Culture Corner
  • Morning melodies
  • Favorite melodies

Taipei Broadcasting Station

Arts and Entertainment Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 生命之歌
  • Music Pearls of Wisdom
  • 九三俱樂部
  • 我為你歌唱
  • The Voice of Local
  • 晨間沙龍

Army Corps Taipei Army Radio Broadcasting

Special Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 對中共黨政軍人員廣播
  • 自由光明之路

Radio Voice of Matsu Guanghua

  • Guanghua Radio
  • Army Corps Penghu Army Radio Broadcasting
TV / Innovation Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Jianggui Qin's story

China Television

  • China Television Company
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Children's toys

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television Company
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Last forever

  • TTV Theatre
  • World Freedom Day party battle

China Television Company

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • China Television
Innovation Program Award

Best Innovation Program Award

Excellence Awards:

任 俊 - 對時插播

  • Yang Yuzhang - Today
  • Zhang Liang - 四海一家
  • West Wei Fang - Film Appreciation
  • Liu Youcheng - Iron Curtain fax
  • 劉偉達 - 大有為政府
  • 曹慕廷 - Gammon ShengJi
  • 管美綾 - 與我同行
  • 臺益公 - 超音速英雄
  • 潘健行 - 從電視看圖識字

Army Corps Taipei military broadcasting station

Individual Awards

Best Production Award

Yellow Star - Singers Night
歸 來 - Morning melodies

Taiwan Television Enterprise
Fengming Radio

Best Choreographer Award

Shezhao Bo - A book of Revelation
Zhouqiao Yun - Daughter Circle

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Ilan
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Chiayi

Best Editor Award Liao Hui - Favorite melodies Broadcasting Corporation of China
Best Editorial Award Panning Dong - Hualien closeup Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien
Best Interview Award

Zhang Kishon - Pingtung online
Wong Shun - Beautiful Country

Army Corps Kaohsiung Army Radio Broadcasting
Complex and Gang Radio

1974 (10th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • "Taiwan International Children's Village" Interview Chungli
  • Time of presentation - four in the book
  • China Kaohsiung - Happy Farm
  • Today Commentary - You say right
  • Chinese home

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien

Education and Cultural Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Radio drama - Han Storm

  • Heartstrings song
  • South high club
  • Mountain Music Discussion
  • 文藝圈–天地一沙鷗
  • Taichung Transportation Professional program - rain melody

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Arts and Entertainment Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 幼獅俱樂部–民俗世界
  • Christmas Eve
  • 輕音樂欣賞
  • 迴瀾歌廳–阿美族和他們的歌曲


Special Awards

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Youth create era

  • Red Hate
  • 想一想,比一比
  • 怎麼辦
  • Voice of Free China - Motherland Morning
  • 和工農朋友談天

Radio Voice of Justice

TV / Innovation Excellence Awards
Innovative Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Wen Yin - Ethnic melodies

  • Leopard Shenglin - Psychological warfare radio
  • Huang Tao - 金門我與你同在
  • Shezhao Bo - 我們從那裏來
  • Hu Desheng - 駕馭歷史、創造明天
  • 王柏鐺 - Taipei round the clock
  • Jiang Wei - 一把雨傘
  • 楊川增 - 晨鐘暮鼓

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Tainan

Innovative Programs
Best Broadcast Award

Wang Hsiao-hsiang - Courage to stand up
Hua Huiying - 勇敢的站起來

China Television Company
China Television

Individual Awards
Best Production Award Xu Yuan Yuan - 風雨同舟祝國慶,自強奮鬥興中華 Broadcasting Corporation of China - National General Assembly Special Coverage
Best Editing Award Guoshou Qin - Red Hate Radio Voice of Matsu Guanghua
Best Interview Award Zhang Xiyao - Taiwan International Children's Village Interview Revival Radio - Chungli
Best Director Award

Zhang Fan, Hou Ying, Xu - Radio drama "Han Feng Yun"
Gu Yingzhe - Galaxy Spin Palace

Qian China Broadcasting Corporation
Taiwan Television Enterprise

Best Broadcaster Award

于曼弟 - 心弦之歌
播音獎 - Radio Comments

BBC Sound of Victory
Minli Radio

Best Dubbing Award Li Yuxiang 文藝圈–天地一沙鷗
TV / Advertising Awards
Excellent TV Awards News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:


  • First Asian Athletics Championships Special Report
  • 新聞分析–談小康計劃

China Television Company

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Happy Farm

  • 高中二年級國文
  • 英語入門–鵝媽媽教英語
  • 出版與讀書

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television
  • China Television
  • China Television Company
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Television Award

Special Award:

TTV theater - I love my teacher

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise, China Television Company, China joint television broadcast
Advertising Awards

Best Radio Award

Excellence Awards:
  • 插播廣告–蕾斯夢高級化粧品
  • 插播廣告–家樂牌立體回聲道唱盤
  • 得獎節目
  • Acoustic Radio
  • BBC Sound of Victory
  • 得獎單位

Best TV Advertisement Award

Excellence Awards:
  • 優等獎
  • 中國傳統色彩篇
  • 嬰兒美奶粉(白鷺篇)
  • 理想牌流理臺(心願篇)
  • Sony TV
  • 欣欣傳播事業股份有限公司
  • 達達電視電影公司
  • 大世紀事業股份有限公司
  • 達達電視電影公司
  • 創造企劃股份有限公司

1975 (11th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 台視新聞(慶祝 總統華誕專輯)
  • 三冠王的光輝

China Television

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • China Television Company
Education and Cultural Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Teachers philology
  • 五線譜
  • publishing and reading

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television
  • China Television
  • China Television
Popular Rntertainment Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Generation tyrant

  • 包青天
  • National Day special program "celebrate"

China Television Company

  • China Television
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
Advertising Awards
Radio Advertising

Best Advertising Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Ten Ren Tea
  • Mega Audio Time

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hsinchu

  • Fengming Radio
  • Days of the South Radio
Television Advertising

Best Advertising Award

Excellence Awards:

Acacia international brand air conditioners

  • Shiseido Honey Soap
  • Pine juice
  • Lengthy shampoo (a)
  • Ideal brand color pot

Matsushita Electric Corporation of Taiwan

  • Shiseido Company in Taiwan
  • 創造企劃公司
  • Nanchow Chemical Industry Company
  • Dada TV movie Utilities Company Limited
Individual Awards
Best Production Award

Zheng Qinglong - Hsiao World
唐擴亨 - Chinese home

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Chiayi
Radio Voice of Justice

Best Editor Award

Chang Yan Zhou - Friends of the family
Xu Huantang - 北管戲考

Revival Radio
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Miaoli

Best Interview Award

Li Baogan, Zhou Ling, Daniel Lee, Josh Zhang, Zhang Ying Zhen - Self-parade live (common interview)
柯仁愛 - Highway

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Taipei Broadcasting Station
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Taitung

Best Broadcast Award

于西清 - 模範兒童
胡覺海 - 西瀛走廊

Acoustic Radio
Penghu army radio

Best Acting Award 儀 銘 - 包青天] China Television
Social Service Awards

Social Service Awards:

  • Great building (government propaganda)
  • Happy Farm (social services}
  • Zhongxing Village (government propaganda)
  • The road to victory (military education)
  • Today (Social Services)
  • Air Education (Social Services)
  • Refuges (Social Services)
  • Air Legal Adviser (Social Services)
  • Morning in the park (government propaganda)
  • Orchestra (pure creative promotional song)
  • President Wang of the day (faith and love) (government propaganda)
  • Agriculture program (social services)
  • Fengming Gao (government propaganda)
Television Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Royalton Yamashita - Midas touch

  • 華僑之家
  • Fuxinggang Commentary
  • This generation
  • 西瀛走廊
  • Today Commentary

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien Taiwan

Education and Cultural Programs

Best Award

Excellence Awards:

Hsiao World

  • Stone Park
  • 大圓環
  • Friends of Revival
  • Poster child
  • Aviation Hall

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Chiayi Taiwan

Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Award

Excellence Awards:

Music of the Psalms

  • Legendary Chunxiao (valley springs radio set drama)
  • Music concert in Canton
  • 北管戲管
  • Country music time
  • 中廣樂府樂壇新秀
  • 迴瀾歌廳–阿美族和他們的歌曲


Special Awards

Special Awards

Excellence Awards:


  • 和工農朋友談天
  • 四海歸心
  • 留學生家信時間
  • 特定節目時間
  • Freedom Shining Path

Radio Voice of Matsu Guanghua

Specific Special Awards
  • Awards:
  • Study three-dimensional black edges subtitles invented television broadcast technology
  • Suppress bandits broadcast, enhance psychological defense
  • Donations to help in advocating and promoting purification songs
  • China Television Company Engineering Department
  • Revival Radio
  • Lions Clubs International Federation of the Republic of China

1976 (12th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Government and the people

  • 挺立在風雨中的塑像
  • The Chinese people on the Baltic Sea
  • Love and faith
  • Today's Commentary
  • News radio

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Education and Cultural Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Eternal Giants

  • Heart Bridge
  • 一刻心聲-窄門的煩惱
  • 藝文夜話
  • Happy Children
  • Our garden

Taipei Broadcasting Station

Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Music Appreciation

  • Talk and sing
  • China complains
  • Flowers of life
  • Air Supplements
  • 新瓶老酒話民謠

Army Corps of Kaohsiung, Taiwan Broadcasting

Special Awards

Special Awards:

Excellence Awards:

Freedom Shining Path

  • Iron Curtain Nocturne
  • Red Hate
  • Chiang Kai-shek Hundred Days Festival
  • Anticommunist novel "hatred"

Taipei, Taiwan Broadcasting Army Corps

Television Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Dear President universally Mourning - Chiang Kai-shek special program

  • We are born for victory
  • Great for the government

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television Company
  • China Television
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Chinese opera introduction

  • Ray Music
  • 我從大陸來,來談大陸事

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television Company
  • China Television
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Earth Storm (Concluded)

  • Heroes line (Concluded)
  • Five lights Award (Summer Children Talent Contest)

China Television Company

  • China Television
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
Advertising Awards
Radio Awards

Best Radio Advertising Award

Excellence Awards:


  • China Art Furniture City
  • Bison jeans
  • Lamb brand sweater
  • Kennedy Murray conditioner

Broadcasting Corporation of China

TV Advertisement Awards

Best Television Advertisement Award

Excellence Awards:

International card stereo radio

  • Kodak camera
  • 可樂膚舒乳液
  • 黑松沙士
  • Sharp AA Automatic Refrigerator

Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd.

  • Large utility companies century
  • Mercedes Television Company
  • 創造企劃公司
  • Impression Inc.
Special Awards

Special Award for Social Education

Excellence Awards:
國際牌安全扇 Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Society Awards
TV Program

Social Awards

Excellence Awards:

Great building (Government propaganda)

  • Weeks Theater (Social Services)
  • Happy Farm (Social Services)
  • Fragrance Taiwan (Social Services)
  • Mother and baby (Social Services)
  • Sing sing (Pure creative promotional song)
  • Teaching programs (Social services, including air Teaching and political teaching)
  • Good family (Social Services)

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
  • China Television
  • China Television
Broadcast Programs

Social Awards

Excellence Awards:

Weekly Review (Government propaganda)

  • News forum (Government propaganda)
  • Agricultural Services Program (Social Services)
  • Air Counsel (Social Services)
  • Transportation Services (Social Services)
  • Music Wind (Pure creative promotional song)
  • Business Time (Social Services)
  • Fuxinggang Commentary (Government propaganda)
  • News radio (Government propaganda)
  • Fishing Friends Club (Social Services)
  • I love China (Social Services)
  • Youth Empowerment special program (Social Services)
  • Women's family (Social Services)
  • Through thick and thin (Social Services)

BBC Sound of Victory

Individual Awards
Best Editor Award

Sun Jing - Friends of the family
Song Yuying - Arts Nocturne

Revival Radio - Ilan
Taipei Broadcasting Station

Best Broadcaster Award

Zhang Li - China complains
Li Baogan - Today's Commentary
Lai Shengqing - Our garden

Broadcasting Corporation of China
Taipei, Taiwan Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Tainan and Taiwan

Best Interview Award 門 琪 - Government and the people Broadcasting Corporation of China

China Broadcasting Corporation

Best Producer Award

Zheng Qinglong - 挺立在風雨中的塑像
Chen Bingshu - 自由光明之路

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Chiayi Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan Broadcasting Army Corps

Special Award
Special Award Broadcast television programs to promote overseas China Television

1977 (13th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Program

Best Broadcast Award:

Excellence Awards:


  • Taichung Harbor navigable today
  • Hualien Harbor
  • 創造財富
  • 就事論事
  • News Feature

Restoration Revival Radio

Education and Cultural Programs

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:

Military dependents club

  • Country music appreciation
  • Corner Church and State
  • Love late Pavilion
  • Yong Huai Chiang Kai-shek
  • Air Counsel

Army Corps Hualien Taiwan Broadcasting

Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Broadcast Award:

Excellence Awards:

Good Morning Song

  • Meilun Yamashita
  • Christmas Eve
  • Night melody
  • Popular music
  • Rotary World Tour

China Kaohsiung, Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation

Specific Special Awards

Best Broadcast Award

Excellence Awards:


  • 怎麼辦
  • 真情實話
  • 自由光明之路
  • 對大陸青年朋友廣播
  • 工商貿易時間

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Overseas Department

  • Radio Voice of Guanghua Guanghua
  • Air Force Radio
  • Army Corps Hualien Taiwan Broadcasting
  • Radio Voice of Guanghua Guanghua
  • In the Ministry of Overseas Broadcasting Corporation
Television Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

The future success of the eleven congress

  • Continuity and future of conferences
  • Agriculture Fishing News

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:

Window of music - from traditional to modern

  • 跳動七十二
  • 分秒世界

China Television Company

  • China Television
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Television Award

Excellence Awards:


  • Benefit of the village

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television
Advertising Awards
Radio Advertising Programs

Best Radio Advertising Award:

Excellence Awards:

Aibo Te piano

  • International brand TECHNICS CD4 quadraphonic sound
  • Vowel Electric Company
  • Pretty good camera
  • Global licensing audio

Acoustic Radio

Television Advertising Programs

Best Advertising Award

Excellence Awards:

Obediently Clean Campaign

  • Kleenex napkins
  • Happy Soap
  • 菲仕蘭奶粉
  • Pine juice

East Joint Corporation

  • Grand Century Utilities Company Limited
  • Nam Chemical Company
  • Hongxin Trading Company
  • 黑松飲料股份有限公司
Individual Awards
Best Production Award

ZENG Ji Tong - "Royalton mountain"
Jiang Guobin - "air posters"

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Hualien
Radio Voice of the Golden Gate Guanghua

Best Sound Award Tsang Ming Fang - "Chinese music appreciation" Broadcasting Corporation of China
Best Interview Award Yang Kehua - "Taichung Harbor navigable today" Broadcasting Corporation of China - Taiwan
Best Broadcaster Award

Li Chi-chun - "Good Morning Song"
Zhougui Sen - "high-wire screen"

Broadcasting Corporation of China - Kaohsiung
Army Corps Kaohsiung army radio broadcasting

Best Editor Award

Gao Wen Tang - 愛晚亭
Liaoyuan Tai - 台中港今天通航

China Radio
Broadcasting Corporation of China - Taiwan

Special Awards

Special Awards

Teaching programs

China Television Company
China Television

Society Award
  • Society Awards:
  • Great building
  • Happy Farm
  • Refuges
  • Family Recipes
  • Vientiane fax
  • Current Affairs Forum
  • Legal knowledge
  • 清潔社會
  • Banditry reported
  • Defense Online
  • Production line
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • Taiwan TV public
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
  • China Television Company
  • China Television
  • China Television
  • China Television
French Chinese Television
  • Awards:
  • Today, the Iron Curtain (government propaganda)
  • Arts Nocturne (Social Services)
  • Fuxinggang Commentary (government propaganda)
  • 音樂廳(創作推廣純正歌曲)
  • 百位博士談國是(政令宣導)
  • Fishing Friends Club (Social Services)
  • Evergreen Village (community service)
  • Today's Commentary (government propaganda)
  • News forum (government propaganda)
  • News radio (government propaganda)
  • Arts Nocturne (Social Services)
  • Broadcast Comments (government propaganda)
  • Timely (Social Services)
  • Air law (social services)
  • How do you do (Social Services)
  • Stories truths (government propaganda)
  • Miya China (government propaganda)
  • Our words (government propaganda)
  • 持家之道(社會服務)
  • Self-Corner (Social Services)
Special Awards
  • Special Awards:
  • Outstanding performance in psychological operations against bandits
  • Outstanding performance in psychological operations against bandits
  • Outstanding performance in promoting universal education
  • Outstanding performance in promoting pure music events

1978 (14th Golden Bell Awards)

Award Winner Network
Individual Awards
Best Director Award Zhang Hongsen - "Your Time" Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan Broadcasting Company
Best Interview Award Lu Lanjun - "jumping Sunshine" 台灣廣播公司台北台
Best Interview Award Lin Lin - "平交道-街頭廣播時間" Police Broadcasting Service
Best Editor Award Guiwen Fei - "beautiful melody" China Radio
Best Production Award

Chao Ching Juan - "recording closeup - Chungli election harassment truth"
Chennai Hui - "News Feature"

Police Broadcasting Service
Air Force Radio

Best Broadcaster Award

West Wei Fang - "Arts Night Talk"
于美麗、國芬、黃凱童、新 - "air posters"

Taipei City Government radio station
Guanghua Radio

Best Recording Award Li Zhengji - "Revival Club" Hualien, Taiwan Radio Revival
Society Awards
Best Society Awards: Today Taiwan Taiwan Television Enterprise
Chinese opera introduction
Wealthy and happy
Signs of the sound China Television Company
Continental Truth
Memorable stories
Mind Gymnastics
Let's Talk
Liouying complains China Television
Liouying complains
Happy society
Happy Angel
Streets Showtime Broadcasting Corporation
Transport Services Police Radio Station
Christmas Eve
Holidays Corner 幼獅廣播電台
Kiss homes
Arts Nocturne Taipei Municipal Radio
News radio
Our Culture Education Radio
Scientific knowledge
Aspirations Peak Air Force Radio
The door to victory
Today, the Iron Curtain Revival Radio
Happy family
Jingwei online
Revival Corner
Service Corner
Arts Nocturne
Farm World
Women's family
Happy Morning
Health knowledge
Granitic mountains
Voice of the fishermen
Victory music Army Radio
Our words
Clarify the lakeside
Meilun Stream
A brighter future
Navy drip
Fuxinggang Commentary Fuxing Broadcasting Station
Chinese people's stories
Service hours for fishermen Voice of Guanghua Guanghua three Kinmen and Matsu
Government and the people Broadcasting Corporation of China
China complains
Taiwan Spring
Mountain horn
Talk about local things
Safe journey
In all fairness set
Zhang's time
Modern Rural
Time friend
Carp foothills
Local Comments
Today's Commentary Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corporation
News forum
Justice China Radio
Construction of Three People's Principles and Taiwan
Banditry reported Radio Voice of Victory
Time farmers Acoustic Radio
Good Morning People Radio
Healthy Voice Taiwan's Hsinchu, Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation
The Sound of Success Successful Radio
Radio Comments Minli Radio
Fengming night Fengming Radio
Through thick and thin
Provincial done for you National Sound Broadcasting Corporation
Special Awards
Special Awards

Outstanding performance in psychological operations against bandits
Health confidence

Central Broadcasting System
China television station
Showtime Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Broadcast Awards:

  • Excellence Awards:

Recording closeup - Chungli election harassment truth

  • News Feature
  • Milestone in the history of the Republic of China Broadcasting
  • Today's Commentary
  • Happy celebration regeneration
  • Leap era

Police Radio Station

Educational and Cultural Programs

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Revival Avenue hardworking people

  • Your time
  • Victory Garden
  • Corner Church and State
  • Happy Sunday
  • Our pursuit

Revival Radio - Kaohsiung Taiwan

  • Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation
  • Radio Voice of Victory
  • Taipei, Taiwan Broadcasting Army Corps
  • Broadcasting Corporation of China - Taiwan and Taiwan
  • 幼獅廣播電台
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Beautiful melody

  • Chinese Modern Folk
  • Meilun Yamashita
  • Concert Hall
  • Taiwan Nights
  • Music City

Police Broadcasting Service

Subject-Oriented Awards

Best Broadcast Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Air posters

  • 夜靜心聲
  • 怎麼辦
  • October's Song
  • 跳躍的陽光
  • Iron Curtain Nocturne

Guanghua Radio

Television Excellence Awards
News and Current Affairs Commentary Programs

Best Television Award

  • Excellence Awards:


  • TTV News
  • Special Education Special Report

Chinese television production company

  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
  • China Television
Education and Cultural Programs

Best Television Award

  • Excellence Awards:


  • Political teaching
  • 週日劇場-里長伯劇場

China Television Company

  • China Television
  • Taiwan Television Enterprise
Popular Entertainment Programs

Best Television Award

  • Excellence Awards:

Splendid Love

  • Penglai
  • 梅園春暉

Taiwan Television Enterprise

  • China Television Company
  • China Television
Advertising Awards
Radio Advertising Awards

Best Radio Advertising Award:

  • Excellence Awards:

Snow Neutral Soap

  • Seiko quartz watch
  • Bee Cafe
  • Asia Trust
  • Lai Fu Color Photography

Broadcasting Corporation of China

Television Advertising Awards

Best Television Advertising Award:

  • Excellence Awards:

Off Helprin silk essence (harp articles)

  • Yoshiyuki obediently South
  • Sanyo color TV (Alishan replies)
  • 可口多多冰淇淋
  • 菲仕蘭奶粉

Off Cape Chemical Company

  • -
  • Sanyo Electric Co.
  • Daly Advertising Co.
  • Dada TV movie companies


14th Golden Bell Awards

See also
