File talk:Timeline Earth Geological.png

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Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This image has been put together from three automatically generated images, which have been combined in an image editor. Each time chart was generated first with

See for instructions for rebuilding the image [1]

When you download the code to adapt it and generate a new image, please do not forget to upload the new code together with the new image. Erik Zachte

The following code has been used to produce the images:

Top image:

ImageSize  = width:800 height:150
PlotArea   = width:720 height:95 left:65 bottom:30
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
  id:epoch  value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow
  id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red
  id:age    value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green
  id:era    value:rgb(1,1,0.7)   # light blue
  id:eon    value:rgb(1,0.7,1)   # light purple
  id:black  value:black

Period      = from:-4500 till:0
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:S mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  bar:eon color:eon
  from: -545   till:    0   text:Phanerozoic
  from: start  till:    0   text:Precambrian

  bar:era color:era
  from:  -64.3 till:    0   text:C~z shift:(0,1.5)
  from: -251.1 till:  -64.3 text:Meso~zoic shift:(0,1.5)
  from: -545   till: -251.1 text:Paleo~zoic shift:(0,1.5)
  from: start  till: -545   text:Proterozoic

  bar:period color:period fontsize:S
  from:  -900  till:  -545  text:Neoprote-~rozoic shift:(0,1.8)
  from: -1600  till:  -900  text:Mesoproterozoic
  from: -2500  till: -1600  text:Paleoproterozoic
  from: -3800  till: -2500  text:Archaean
  from: start  till: -3800  text:Hadean

Middle Image:

ImageSize  = width:800 height:150
PlotArea   = width:720 height:95 left:65 bottom:30
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
    id:epoch  value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow
    id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red
    id:age    value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green
    id:era    value:rgb(1,1,0.7)   # light blue
    id:eon    value:rgb(1,0.7,1)   # light purple
    id:black  value:black

Period      = from:-545 till:-1.6
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:10  start:-540

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:S mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  bar:eon color:eon
  from: -545   till:    0   text:Phanerozoic

  bar:era color:era
  from:  -64.3 till:    0   text:Cenozoic
  from: -251.1 till:  -64.3 text:Mesozoic
  from: -545   till: -251.1 text:Paleozoic

  bar:period color:period fontsize:S
  from:   -1.6 till:    0   text:Q fontsize:XS shift:(7,-5)
  from:  -64.3 till:   -1.6 text:Tertiary
  from: -146   till:  -64.3 text:Cretaceous
  from: -208   till: -146   text:Jurassic
  from: -251.1 till: -208   text:Triassic
  from: -286   till: -251.1 text:Permian
  from: -360   till: -286   text:Carboniferous
  from: -408.5 till: -360   text:Devonian
  from: -443.5 till: -408.5 text:Silurian
  from: -490   till: -443.5 text:Ordovician
  from: -545   till: -490   text:Cambrian

  bar:age color:age fontsize:XS
  from: -325   till:  -286  text:Pennsyl-~vanian shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -360   till:  -325  text:Missis-~sippian shift:(0,0.5)

Bottom image:

ImageSize = width:800 height:150
PlotArea  = width:720 height:95 left:65 bottom:30
AlignBars = justify

Colors =
  id:epoch  value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow
  id:period value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red
  id:age    value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green
  id:era    value:rgb(1,1,0.7)   # light blue
  id:black  value:black

Period     = from:-64.3 till:0
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:-60
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1  start:-64

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:S mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  bar:era color:era
  from:start  till:  0    text:Cenozoic

  bar:period color:period
  from: -1.6  till:  0    text:Qua~nter~nary fontsize:XS align:left shift:(-7,0)
  from:start  till: -1.6  text:Tertiary

  bar:age color:age
  from: -23   till:  -1.6 text:Neogene
  from:start  till: -23   text:Paleogene

  bar:epoch color:epoch
  from: -5    till: -1.6  text:Plio~cene shift:(0,4)
  from:-23    till: -5    text:Miocene
  from:-38    till:-23    text:Oligocene
  from:-55    till:-38    text:Eocene
  from:start  till:-55    text:Paleocene