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There is a page named "File:Whole nine yards.jpg" on Wikipedia
- non-free film poster – true for The Whole Nine Yards (film) Description This is a poster for The Whole Nine Yards. The poster art copyright is believed...(259 × 385 (21 KB)) - 04:42, 18 July 2024
- Shirt", from the Evergreen City Times in Wisconsin, March 31, 1855. The full article is available the Whole Nine Yards page at English...(441 × 359 (173 KB)) - 14:49, 10 February 2023
- starboard.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole port side.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole starboard side.jpg 20181030...(4,032 × 3,024 (1.53 MB)) - 20:07, 30 April 2023
- starboard.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole port side.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole starboard side.jpg 20181030...(4,032 × 3,024 (1.59 MB)) - 20:07, 30 April 2023
- Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 truetrue English Ex-LSW 4-6-0 on turntable at Nine Elms Locomotive Depot URL: author...(1,196 × 651 (263 KB)) - 08:29, 16 December 2024
- starboard.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole port side.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole starboard side.jpg 20181030...(7,150 × 2,683 (1.37 MB)) - 20:07, 30 April 2023
- starboard.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole port side.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole starboard side.jpg 20181030...(3,024 × 4,032 (1.3 MB)) - 20:05, 30 April 2023
- starboard.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole port side.jpg 20181101 USS Savannah CL-42 Builders Model whole starboard side.jpg 20181030...(3,024 × 4,032 (1.38 MB)) - 20:05, 30 April 2023
- File:Washington, D.C (IA washingtondclinc 1).pdf (matches file content)chronology and photographs of the Capitol's east front (54k .jpg) and west front (54k .jpg) are also available. An Overview The United of the Capitol...(1,408 × 1,787 (2.33 MB)) - 19:27, 27 December 2022
- File:Scientific dialogues; intended for the instruction & entertainment of young people (IA scientificdialog00joyc 0).pdf (matches file content)distance of one yard from which, a person will enjoy four times as much heat, as he who sits or stands two yards from it ; and nine times as much as...(1,012 × 1,697 (19.23 MB)) - 17:39, 6 June 2022
- File:Methods of raising the bodies of persons who have sunk under water, or of assisting persons in danger in water (IA b30370346).pdf (matches file content)c s' .r* / jpg if l m® /* PAPERS IN MECHANICS, -... '"■ --... 'J'h.e Gold Medal of the Society was this Sessio?i voted to John Milder, Esq...(1,139 × 1,977 (1,013 KB)) - 13:58, 23 November 2022
- A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain. Divided into circuits or journeys giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious...(981 × 1,691 (37.57 MB)) - 23:16, 28 February 2025
- File:An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke, in His Majesty's ships Resolution and Discovery during the years 1776, 1777, 1778 (IA cihm 18792).pdf (matches file content)four or and ., five miles, diftant land feen over this, extend*- At .jpg a§ far as E. S. E. il' feven, our ,' , V ' eight, we anchored 9...(1,162 × 1,416 (21.09 MB)) - 22:23, 8 August 2023
- this wharf, was not granted by the courts. A causeway 175 yards tends out from the shore to nine feet of water. It is unquestionable t *‘ ^riflW1. and causeway...(722 × 1,345 (698 KB)) - 04:07, 13 November 2024
- File:Bridge across the Potomac - USACE-p16021coll5-37100.pdf (matches file content)UM™ enbic yards as Abutments follows: Piers 1 ; - 65,559 yards 2,710 29,484 Parapet wall - 6,712 Parallel do 6,712 Cubic yards 111,173 Arch...(845 × 1,347 (3.84 MB)) - 11:56, 12 November 2024
- File:Report on the medical topography and statistics of the centre division of the Madras Army (IA b29318579).pdf (matches file content)nine months of the year, but in a few days after the monsoon sets in, it becomes filled from bank to bank, and is then at Nellore five hundred yards...(1,341 × 2,227 (15.91 MB)) - 12:12, 5 November 2022
- File:Two Years before the Mast- A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea, 2nd ed. (IA dli.granth.84623).pdf (matches file content)for studding-sail yards ; and con tinued wetting down the sails by buckete of water whipped up to the mast-head, until about nine o’clock, when there...(825 × 1,270 (10.45 MB)) - 06:52, 3 May 2021
- File:Roanoke Inlet, at Nag's Head - USACE-p16021coll5-37998.pdf (matches file content)12,320 cubic yards. lOj 7 feet deep13,037 do. W& er 1 foot deep ' 20,666 do. 4970. Cub/ P6*0*163) at $2 66 per perch - $132,215 30 . Yards coping stone...(891 × 1,347 (2.62 MB)) - 16:07, 13 November 2024
- File:Niagara Ship Canal- Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report by Colonel Blunt, on the surveys for a ship canal to connect Lakes Erie and Ontario - USACE-p16021coll5-38232.pdf (matches file content)yards excavation of earth, at 25 cents per yard 48,400 cubic yards slope wall and riprap, at $1 50 per yard......... ............. 30,600 cubic yards...(716 × 1,337 (1.08 MB)) - 08:33, 13 November 2024
- File:Victoria Daily Times (1908-01-27) (IA victoriadailytimes19080127).pdf (matches file content)at the been shot In the stomach and the p<>ing nine. ' ’■ — telegraph operator on the government a yards from a postal station. There the Instance of Individuals...(2,122 × 2,627 (12.75 MB)) - 13:50, 5 November 2022