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- rationale – non-free logo true for Pahoa High and Intermediate School Description This is the logo for Pahoa High and Intermediate School. Source https://www...(290 × 292 (23 KB)) - 02:15, 12 February 2025
- File:Educational exhibits - a list of references (IA educationalexhib45feld).pdf (matches file content)25-26, 51, 56". Jan. 1946. 25 H3191 Exhibits put on by the boys of the Pahoa High School at their third annual Victory farm show. 22. U. S. AGRICULTURAL...(1,183 × 1,675 (484 KB)) - 17:36, 18 August 2024
- File:Draft detailed project report and environmental statement- Pohoiki Bay, navigation improvements, Pohoiki Bay, Hawaii - USACE-p16021coll7-18627.pdf (matches file content)are available at Kapoho. 33. Primary access to Pohoiki Bay is from Pahoa by the Pahoa-Poholkl Road. During 1976 and 1977, this route was widened and paved...(1,189 × 1,579 (3.64 MB)) - 17:30, 12 November 2024
- File:Final detailed project report and environmental statement- Pohoiki Bay navigation improvements, Honolulu, Hawaii - USACE-p16021coll7-19063.pdf (matches file content)are available at Kapoho. 34. Primary access to Pohoiki Bay is from Pahoa by the Pahoa-Pohoiki Road. During 1976 and 1977, this route was widened and paved...(1,233 × 1,635 (16.77 MB)) - 21:22, 12 November 2024
- File:The Hawaiian forester and agriculturist; quarterly magazine of forestry, entomology, plant inspection and animal industry (IA (matches file content)to a 3. on rock at the East corner of Pahoa L. C. A. 7713 apana 1 to V. Kamamalu; 124° OS' 688.5 feet along Pahoa L. C. A. 7713 apana 1 to V. Ka4. mamalu...(868 × 1,341 (1.08 MB)) - 00:53, 19 February 2023
- File:Cooperative economic insect report (IA cooperativeecono2143unit).pdf (matches file content)(Herpetogramma licarsisalis ) infestation of Kikuyu and pangola pastures moderate at Pahoa, Hawaii; adults of Casinaria inf esta (an ichneumon) and Eucelatoria armigera...(1,143 × 1,564 (1,002 KB)) - 09:23, 21 August 2024
- File:Hawaiian idylls of love and death (IA (matches file content)the court when Kalaihewn out with daggers was There was great rejoicing pahoa, for so the goddess named, was placed in her shrine, and the temple dedi-...(835 × 1,129 (5.84 MB)) - 22:43, 16 November 2022
- File:Spatial properties of the amplitude fading of continuous HF radio waves (IA jresv68Dn12p1309).pdf (matches file content)Dates of operation ------deg Mels 96 km 5724 17. 8825 lV 700 m 13.5 Pahoa, H awaii, to Stanford, Calif. 247 3741 17.8625 700 21 Lubbock, T ex...(1,110 × 1,493 (11.43 MB)) - 07:32, 21 August 2024
- File:Hawaiian idylls of love and death (IA hawaiianidyllsof00gowerich).pdf (matches file content)shielding themselves as best that they could with the kapa, took their pahoas and cut away the branches, working feverishly, for men fainted and fell...(691 × 1,102 (5.16 MB)) - 23:11, 1 October 2024
- File:Hawaiian idylls of love and death (IA cu31924022453926).pdf (matches file content)still shielding themselves as best they could with the kapa, took their pahoas and cut away and the branches, working feverishly, for fell apace, ...(610 × 1,022 (1.86 MB)) - 22:12, 7 April 2023
- File:Scotty Kid - the life story of "Brother Tommy" (IA scottykidlifesto00rich).pdf (matches file content)and Sister Anderson In Honolulu 177 A Scholar Too! ... 184 189 From Pahoa to Hakalau 192 L'Envoi 212 ILLUSTRATIONS Tommy F. Anderson ("Scotty...(916 × 1,368 (14.51 MB)) - 10:40, 24 December 2020
- File:Cooperative economic insect report (IA cooperativeecono1553unit).pdf (matches file content)Hilo on November 9; trees were from This constitutes a new host record for Pahoa Hawaii, for export to California. this lygaeid bug. (E. S. Shiroma) , Several...(956 × 1,547 (764 KB)) - 12:19, 18 August 2024
- File:National listing of validated brucellosis-free herds (IA nationallistingo9143unit 1).pdf (matches file content)Hilo Hilo Kealakekua Hilo Ookala Hilo Hilo Hilo Pahala Hilo Hilo Pahoa Hilo Hilo Pahoa Kau Hilo Papaikou Hilo Hilo Hilo Hilo Hilo Hilo Kurtistown Hilo...(762 × 1,160 (6.47 MB)) - 08:45, 18 August 2024
- File:Cooperative economic insect report (IA cooperativeecono2051unit).pdf (matches file content)Honomalino, Hawaii. Larvae light to moderate in Bermuda and pangola grasses at Pahoa Larval activity remains light in pastures on Maui and Oahu; light trap collections...(977 × 1,412 (1.01 MB)) - 21:09, 16 August 2024
- File:Cooperative economic insect report (IA cooperativeecono207unit).pdf (matches file content)windward Maui in January and March and from August to October, and at high elevations at Pahoa and in the North and South Kona districts on Hawaii from August...(1,085 × 1,564 (974 KB)) - 09:35, 21 August 2024
- File:Legends of gods and ghosts (Hawaiian mythology) (IA legendsofgodsgho00westrich).pdf (matches file content)BECAME THE KlNG OF GHOSTS, A VISIT TO THE KING OF GHOSTS 100 XIV. KALAI-PAHOA, THE POISON-GOD 108 XV. KE-AO-MELE-MELE, THE MAID XII. XVI. XVII. XVIII...(725 × 1,102 (10.08 MB)) - 22:38, 13 May 2024
- File:California Digital Library (IA richesmarvelsofh00stev).pdf (matches file content)were consumed 1822, conducted a crusade against what motive, result " pahoa was burned In 43 years after this that of idols." and It Kaahumanu...(654 × 981 (16.84 MB)) - 02:51, 11 October 2024
- File:Cooperative economic insect report (IA cooperativeecono176unit).pdf (matches file content)temperature, rain and wind. Scars or severely damaged tangerines and oranges in Pahoa, Hawaii Island. (Haramoto) FRUIT FLIES - Adult survey conducted russeting...(964 × 1,443 (826 KB)) - 02:22, 14 April 2024
- File:The transformation of Hawaii - how American missionaries gave a Christian nation to the world (IA (matches file content)heads were fastened long tresses of human hair. The poison god, Karai-pahoa, 41 was especially The Transformation of Hawaii Kame- reverenced by...(910 × 1,135 (5.62 MB)) - 18:43, 22 August 2024
- File:Picturesque Hawaii .. (IA picturesquehawai00stev 0).pdf (matches file content)DESTRUCTION OF IDOLS. Kamehameha’s and as a what motive, result “ pahoa was burned dred and two in would be it at and Hilo, one until three...(2,133 × 1,825 (156.54 MB)) - 11:51, 22 October 2022