
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Delegates to the TUC

Delegates from the American Federation of Labor to the annual Trades Union Congress

1894: John Lloyd
1895: Samuel Gompers and P. J. McGuire
1896: Jeremiah Sullivan (Typographers) and Adolph Strasser
1897: Martin Fox and George E. McNeill
1898: James Duncan and Henry Demarest Lloyd
1899: James O'Connell and Thomas F. Tracy
1900: J. M. Hunter (Miners) and Sidney J. Kent
1901: Daniel Keefe and Eugene F. O'Rourke (Typographical)
1902: Henry Blackmore (Carpenters) and Patrick Dolan
1903: Max S. Hayes and Martin Lawlor
1904: William D. Ryan and Dennis Driscoll (Horse Shoers)
1905: John A. Moffit and James Wood (Cigar Makers)
1906: Frank Keyes Foster and James Wilson
1907: John T. Dempsey (Miners) and William E. Klapetzky
1908: Andrew Furuseth and James J. Creamer
1909: Samuel Gompers, John P. Frey and Bernard A. Larger
1910: William Bauchop Wilson and Thomas V. O'Connor
1911: Daniel J. Tobin and W. B. Macfarlane (Carpenters)
1912: George L. Berry and John H. Walker
1913: Charles L. Baine and Louis Kemper
1916: William D. Mahon and Matthew Woll
1917: James Lord and John Golden
1918: Samuel Gompers and William J. Bowen
1919: John J. Hynes and William Hutcheson
1920: Sara Conboy and Timothy Healy
1921: William J. Spencer and James J. Forrester
1922: Edward J. McGivern and Benjamin Schlesinger
1923: Peter S. Shaughnessy (Bricklayers) and Anthony Chlopek
1924: Peter J. Brady (Photo-Engravers) and Edward J. Gainor
1925: Albert Adamski (Garment Workers) and Edward J. Evans
1926: Frank Farrington and William Hutcheson
1927: Michael Casey and John Coefield
1928: Michael F. Greene and William B. Fitzgerald (Street Railway Employees)
1929: William J. Rooney (Sheet Metal Workers) and W. P. Carney (Flint Glass Workers)
1930: John J. Manning and Thomas E. Maloy (Theatrical Stage Employees)
1931: Joseph P. Ryan and Joseph V. Moreschi
1932: Joseph A. Franklin and E. E. Milliman
1933: Thomas E. Burke and Christian Madsen (Painters)
1934: Michael J. Colleran and Edward Flore
1935: Henry F. Schmal (Photo-Engravers) and Dennis Lane
1936: Edward Canavan (Musicians) and William J. McSorley
1937: William C. Birthright and John B. Haggerty
1938: Paddy Morrin and Daniel J. Tobin
1939: Felix H. Knight and James Maloney
1942: Daniel J. Tobin
1943: Isidore Nagler and Harold D. Ulrich (Railway Clerks)
1944: Hugo Ernst and Holt Ross
1945: George Meany and William C. Doherty
1946: Edward J. Brown and Thomas Kennedy
1947: George J. Richardson and Arnold Zander
1948: Edward J. Volz and Patrick E. Gorman
1949: Harry C. Bates and Dave Beck
1950: Joseph P. McGurdy (Garment Workers) and Alex Rose
1951: Richard J. Gray and Charles J. MacGowan
1952: Richard F. Walsh and J. R. Stevenson (Carpenters)
1953: J. Scott Milne and William A. Lee (Chicago)
1954: Paul L. Phillips and James Suffridge
1955: C. J. Haggerty and Michael Fox

Delegates from the AFL-CIO

1956: William F. Schnitzler and Emil Rieve
1957: Walter P. Reuther and Joseph D. Keenan
1958: George McGregor Harrison and Jacob Potofsky
1959: Joseph A. Beirne and William C. Doherty
1960: David J. McDonald and Lee W. Minton
1961: George McGregor Harrison and Karl Feller
1962: Jack Knight and John M. Elliott
1963: Anthony J. DeAndrade and William J. Farson (Newspaper)
1964: David Sullivan and Max Greenberg
1965: John J. Grogan and John H. Lyons, Jr.
1966: Paul Hall and William J. Farson (Newspaper)
1967: Jerry Wurf and William Pachler
1968: Herman D. Kenin and William Gillen
1969: C. L. Dennis and Kenneth J. Brown
1970: Teddy Gleason and I. W. Abel
1971: John Griner and Paul Jennings
1972: Frederick O'Neal and Louis Stulberg
1973: Peter Bommarito and Martin Ward
1974: Max Greenberg and James Housewright
1975: William Sidell and Sol Stetin
1976: George Hardy and Hal C. Davis
1977: J. C. Turner
1978: Glenn Watts
1979: John H. Lyons, Jr.
1980: Frederick O'Neal
1981: Sol Chick Chaikin
1982: John Sweeney
1983: Joyce D. Miller
1984: Patrick J. Campbell
1985: Lynn R. Williams
1986: Jack Joyce
1987: Lane Kirkland
1988: John DeConcini
1989: Gerald McEntee
1990: Susan Bianchi-Sand
1991: Vincent Sombrotto
1992: Morton Bahr
1993: Thomas R. Donahue

Vice Presidents of FOTLU

Year 1st VP 2nd VP 3rd VP 4th VP 5th VP 6th VP
1881 Samuel Gompers Charles F. Burgman 2 VPs until 1883
1882 Richard Powers Gabriel Edmonston
1883 Samuel Gompers M. D. Connolly Richard Powers W. H. McClelland E. M. Slack
1884 James W. Smith Richard Powers James O'Sullivan Frederick Blend W. B. Ogden James Bernard
1885 Samuel S. Green William E. Tomson Patrick F. McAuliffe Hugo A. Miller George G. King Henry Emerich

Vice Presidents of the AFL

Year 1st VP 2nd VP 3rd VP 4th VP 5th VP 6th VP 7th VP 8th VP 9th VP 10th VP 11th VP 12th VP 13th VP 14th VP 15th VP
1886 George Harris James W. Smith 2 VPs until 1898
1887 Daniel McLaughlin William Martin
1889 William Martin Peter J. McGuire
1890 Peter J. McGuire William A. Carney
1893 Charles L. Drummond James Brettell William H. Marden 4 VPs until 1898
1894 James Duncan Roady Kenehan Thomas J. Elderkin
1895 James O'Connell Mahlon Morris Garland
1898 John Mitchell Max Morris Thomas I. Kidd 6 VPs until 1903
1900 James Duncan John Mitchell Max Morris Thomas I. Kidd Denis A. Hayes
1903 Daniel Keefe William J. Spencer 8 VPs until 1934
1905 Denis A. Hayes Daniel Keefe William Huber Joseph F. Valentine
1908 William Huber Joseph F. Valentine John R. Alpine
1909 Denis A. Hayes William Huber Joseph F. Valentine John R. Alpine Henry B. Perham
1913 James O'Connell Denis A. Hayes Joseph F. Valentine John R. Alpine Henry B. Perham John Phillip White Frank Duffy
1914 Frank Duffy William Green
1917 Joseph F. Valentine John R. Alpine Henry B. Perham Frank Duffy William Green William D. Mahon
1918 Joseph F. Valentine John R. Alpine Frank Duffy William Green William D. Mahon Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer
1919 Frank Duffy William Green William D. Mahon Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer Matthew Woll
1923 Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer Matthew Woll Martin Francis Ryan
1924 Frank Duffy William Green Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer Matthew Woll Martin Francis Ryan James Wilson
1926 Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer Matthew Woll Martin Francis Ryan James Wilson James P. Noonan
1928 Frank Duffy Thomas A. Rickert Jacob Fischer Matthew Woll Martin Francis Ryan James Wilson James P. Noonan John Coefield
1929 James Wilson James P. Noonan John Coefield Arthur O. Wharton
1930 Matthew Woll James Wilson James P. Noonan John Coefield Arthur O. Wharton Joseph N. Weber
1931 John Coefield Arthur O. Wharton Joseph N. Weber Gustave M. Bugniazet
1934 John Coefield Arthur O. Wharton Joseph N. Weber Gustave M. Bugniazet George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin William Hutcheson George L. Berry John L. Lewis David Dubinsky Harry C. Bates Edward J. Gainor
1935 John L. Lewis David Dubinsky Harry C. Bates Edward J. Gainor William D. Mahon
1936 Harry C. Bates Edward J. Gainor William D. Mahon Felix H. Knight George E. Browne Edward Flore
1939 William Hutcheson
1941 Joseph N. Weber Gustave M. Bugniazet George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin Harry C. Bates Edward J. Gainor William D. Mahon Felix H. Knight George E. Browne Edward Flore Harvey W. Brown William C. Birthright
1942 Matthew Woll Joseph N. Weber Gustave M. Bugniazet George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin Harry C. Bates Edward J. Gainor William D. Mahon Felix H. Knight Edward Flore Harvey W. Brown William C. Birthright 13 VPs from 1942 to 1953
1943 William D. Mahon Felix H. Knight Edward Flore Harvey W. Brown William C. Birthright William C. Doherty
1945 William C. Birthright William C. Doherty David Dubinsky John L. Lewis
1947 George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin Harry C. Bates William D. Mahon William C. Birthright William C. Doherty David Dubinsky Charles J. MacGowan Herman Winter Daniel W. Tracy
1949 William C. Birthright William C. Doherty David Dubinsky Charles J. MacGowan Herman Winter Daniel W. Tracy William McFetridge
1951 George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin Harry C. Bates William C. Birthright William C. Doherty David Dubinsky Charles J. MacGowan Herman Winter Daniel W. Tracy William McFetridge James Petrillo
1953 Matthew Woll George McGregor Harrison Daniel J. Tobin Harry C. Bates William C. Birthright William C. Doherty David Dubinsky Charles J. MacGowan Herman Winter Daniel W. Tracy William McFetridge James Petrillo Dave Beck Maurice Hutcheson Al J. Hayes
1954 William McFetridge James Petrillo Dave Beck Maurice Hutcheson Al J. Hayes Joseph D. Keenan

Vice Presidents of the CIO

Year Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President
1938 Sidney Hillman Philip Murray 2 VPs until 1939
1939 Sherman Dalrymple Emil Rieve Reid Robinson R. J. Thomas 6 VPs until 1942
1940 Frank Rosenblum Joseph Curran
1942 Albert Fitzgerald John Green Allan Haywood
1946 L. S. Buckmaster Walter Reuther
1947 Jack Knight
1949 Joseph A. Beirne
1950 Mike Quill
1952 James G. Thimmes
1953 8 VPs from 1953
1955 David J. McDonald

Vice Presidents of the AFL-CIO

27 Vice-Presidents until 1969, then 33 VPs. Increased to 52 VPs in 1995. 55 VPs as of 2023.

Name From Until
I. W. Abel 1965 1977
James Ambrosi 2023 Present
Emmet Andrews 1977 1981
James Andrews 2010 2015
Stuart Appelbaum 1998 Present
Baxter Atkinson 2004 2008
Mark H. Ayers 2008 2012
J. Randolph Babbitt 1995 2000
Morton Bahr 1985 2005
John J. Barry 1987 2001
Harry C. Bates 1955 1967
Dave Beck 1955 1957
George Becker 1994 2001
Joseph A. Beirne 1955 1974
Susan Bianchi-Sand 1989 1991
Matthew S. Biggs 2021 Present
Moe Biller 1989 2001
William C. Birthright 1955 1965
Owen Bieber 1983 1995
Kenneth T. Blaylock 1977 1989
Marvin J. Boede 1983 1997
Jim Boland 2010 2020
Peter Bommarito 1969 1981
Brent Booker 2023 Present
John Bowers 1997 2007
Andrea Brooks 2005 2009
Clayola Brown 1995 after 2004
Kenneth J. Brown 1983 1985
Roxanne Brown 2021 Present
L. S. Buckmaster 1955 1962
Tom Buffenbarger 1997 2016
Elizabeth Bunn 1998 2010
George Burdon 1965 1967
Bernie Burnham 2022 Present
Meghann Burke 2022 Present
William Burrus 2002 2010
William Bywater 1983 1996
James Callahan 2012 Present
William A. Calvin 1961 1962
Patrick J. Campbell 1983 1988
Tim Canoll 2015 2019
James B. Carey 1955 1965
Ron Carey 1992 1999
Gabrielle Carteris 2016 Present
Bonnie Castillo 2018 Present
Sol Chaikin 1975 1986
Linda Chavez-Thompson 1993 1995
Al H. Chesser 1972 1979
Frank J. Christensen 2022 Present
Larry Cohen 2005 2015
Arthur Coia 1993 2000
Michael Coleman 2023 Present
Ann Converso 2008 2010
Tom Conway 2020 2023
Gina Cooper 2022 Present
Kenneth W. Cooper 2023 Present
Richard Cordtz 1995 1996
John Costa 2019 Present
Jeffrey David Cox 2012 2020
Claude Cummings, Jr. 2023 Present
Joseph Curran 1955 1973
Ray Curry 2021 2023
Harold Daggett 2013 2020
Hal C. Davis 1975 1978
Eric Dean 2015 Present
Anthony J. DeAndrade 1965 1970
John DeConcini 1979 1993
Evelyn DeJesus 2021 Present
C. L. Dellums 1974 1979
RoseAnn DeMoro 2007 2018
C. L. Dennis 1969 1977
Joe DePete 2019 2023
Bhairavi Desai 2013 2021
Mark Dimondstein 2014 Present
William C. Doherty 1955 1963
Douglas H. Dority 1994 2004
Tim Driscoll 2020 Present
Frank Drozak 1981 1988
David Dubinsky 1955 1969
Larry Dugan 1985 1990
Maria Elena Durazo 2010 2015
David B. Durkee 2020
Cheryl Eliano 2021 Present
John F. English 1957 1957
Cindy Estrada 2014/5 2023
Shawn Fain 2023 Present
Warren Fairley 2018 2023
Sandra Feldman 1997 2004
Karl Feller 1957 1973
Francis S. Filbey 1974 1977
Murray Finley 1973 1987
Patrick D. Finley 2009
Edward L. Fire 1996 2004
David J. Fitzmaurice 1977 1982
Mac A. Fleming 1995 2004
Roy A. Flores 2009
John J. Flynn 2003 2010
Carolyn Forrest 1995 1998
Angelo Fosco 1976 1993
Peter Fosco 1969 1975
Douglas Fraser 1981 1983
Patricia A. Friend 1995 2011
Malcolm B. Futhey 2009
John Gage 2004 2012
Rory Gamble 2019 2021
John A. Gannon 1987 1989
Warren S. George 2005 2011
Robert Georgine 1985 2001
Leo Gerard 2002 2020
Ron Gettelfinger 2003 2010
Vincent Giblin 2005 2012
Melissa Gilbert 2002 2007
Teddy Gleason 1969 1987
Wayne E. Glenn 1979 1997
Michael Goodwin 1995 2016
Robert F. Goss 1979 1985
Max Greenberg 1967 1977
Joe L. Greene 1995 2004
John Griner 1969 1974
Jim Grogan 2013 2016
John J. Grogan 1963 1968
Alvin F. Grospiron 1969 1979
Cliff Guffey 2011 2014
Matthew Guinan 1969 1979
Paul Hall 1962 1980
Sonny Hall 1995 2005
Edward T. Hanley 1975 1998
Frank Hanley 1990 2005
Lawrence J. Hanley 2011 2019
Joseph T. Hansen 2004 2015
George Hardy 1972 1980
Bobby L. Harnage 1998 2004
George McGregor Harrison 1955 1969
Sumi Haru 1995 2002
James E. Hatfield 1981 1997
Al J. Hayes 1955 1965
Carroll Haynes 1995 2005
Alvin E. Heaps 1977 1987
David Heindel 2023 Present
Ralph Helstein 1965 1969
Edwin D. Hill 2001 after 2004
William Hite 2005
James P. Hoffa 1999 2005
General Holiefield 2010 2014
James Housewright 1972 1977
Richard P. Hughes, Jr. 2008 2012
Joseph J. Hunt 2001 2011
Frank Hurt 1993 2013
Maurice Hutcheson 1955 1972
Barbara Hutchinson 1981 1989
Paul Jennings 1965 1977
Cheryl Johnson 2001 2008
Gloria T. Johnson 1993 2005
Loretta Johnson 2011 2021
Gary Jones 2018 2019
Newton B. Jones 2009 2018
Jack Joyce 1984 2001
Greg Junemann 2005 2018
Joseph D. Keenan 1955 1976
Edward Kelly 2021 Present
Everett Kelley 2020 Present
Herman D. Kenin 1963 1970
Richard I. Kilroy 1981 1991
Bob King 2010 2014
Jack Knight 1955 1965
William Konyha 1980 1983
George J. Kourpias 1989 1997
Fred J. Kroll 1978 1981
Nat LaCour 2004 2008
D. Michael Langford 2009 2019
Richard Lanigan Present
Jim La Sala 1995 2003
Jill Levy 2008 2009
James Little 2006 2014
Matthew Loeb 2008 Present
Ernest A. Logan 2018 2023
Harry Lombardo 2014 2017
Sigurd Lucassen 1988 1995
William Lucy 1995 after 2009
Charles Luna 1969 1972
Leon Lynch 1995 2008
John H. Lyons, Jr. 1967 1985
Elissa McBride Present
Lloyd McBride 1977 1984
David McCall 2023 Present
Douglas J. McCarron 1995 2001
William J. McCarthy 1988 1992
William H. McClennan 1977 1981
George E. McCubbin 2017 2021
Vonda McDaniel 2017 Present
David J. McDonald 1955 1965
Edward J. McElroy 2002 2008
Robert McEllrath 2009
Gerald McEntee 1982 2012
William McFetridge 1955 1965
Sean McGarvey 2012 Present
Charles J. MacGowan 1955 1960
Andrew McKenzie 1995
Mark McManus Present
Martin Maddaloni 1995 2005
Arthur Maratea 2021 Present
Daniel V. Maroney 1979 1980
Robert Martinez Jr. Present
Jay Mazur 1986 2001
Joyce D. Miller 1980 1993
Lenore Miller 1987 1998
Gwen Mills 2017 Present
Lee W. Minton 1956 1975
Lee Moak 2011 2015
Margaret Mock 2023 Present
A. L. Monroe 1995 1998
Michael E. Monroe 1998 2003
Arthur Moore 1995 1999
Sara Nelson 2015 Present
Joseph J. Nigro 2011 2015
James J. Norton 1991 2001
Michael O'Brien 2005 2007
John J. O'Donnell 1979 1983
Frederick O'Neal 1969 1989
Terence M. O'Sullivan 2010 2023
Jack Otero 1991 1993
Lori Pelletier 2015 2018
Marc Perrone 2015 Present
James Petrillo 1955 1958
Paul L. Phillips 1957 1969
Charles H. Pillard 1976 1987
William Pollock 1967 1970
Harry R. Poole 1977 1979
Jacob Potofsky 1955 1973
John Prater 2007 2011
Jackie Presser 1987 1988
Bud Raftery 1970 1984
Lawrence M. Raftery 1958 1965
Jorge Ramirez 2015 2018
A. Philip Randolph 1955 1974
Bruce S. Raynor 2001 2005
Roberta Reardon 2009
Fred Redmond 2008 2021
Brian Renfroe 2023 Present
Walter Reuther 1955 1967
Roland Rexha 2022 Present
Laura Reyes 2012
Laura Rico 2005 2012
Emil Rieve 1955 1965
Kenneth Rigmaiden 2013 2021
Paul Rinaldi 2013 2022
Dennis Rivera 1998 2005
Clyde Rivers 2001 2021
Cecil Roberts 2001 Present
Arturo Rodriguez 1995 2005
Alexander J. Rohan 1970 1975
Fredric V. Rolando 2009 2023
Alan Rosenberg 2006
John Ryan 2009 2010
Michael Sacco 1991 2023
John Samuelsen 2017 Present
Rich Santa 2022 Present
Lee Saunders 2010 Present
Robert A. Scardelletti 1995 2021
Harold Schaitberger 2001 2021
Peter Schoemann 1957 1972
Joseph Sellers, Jr. 2015 2023
Albert Shanker 1973 1997
Paul Shearon 2018 2021
Jack Sheinkman 1987 1995
Anthony Shelton 2020 Present
Chris Shelton 2015 2023
Veda Shook 2010/1 2015
Tom Short 2005 2008
William Sidell 1972 1980
P. L. Siemiller 1965 1969
James Slevin 2019 Present
Bruce R. Smith 2021
DeMaurice Smith 2009 2023
Floyd E. Smith 1969 1977
Vincent Sombrotto 1981 2004
Robbie Sparks 2005 2012
A. L. Spradling 1955 1957
Lonnie R. Stephenson 2015 2023
Andrew L. Stern 1996 2005
Sol Stetin 1973 1977
Milan Stone 1985 1991
Louis Stulberg 1969 1975
John N. Sturdivant 1989 1998
James Suffridge 1957 1972
David Sullivan 1965 1972
Ed Sullivan 2001 2008
Michael Sullivan 1998/99 2011
John Sweeney 1980 1995
D. Taylor 2013 Present
Paul C. Thompson
Joseph P. Tonelli 1973 1978
Willard Townsend 1955 1957
Richard Trumka 1989 1995
J. C. Turner 1977 1985
Gene Upshaw 1985 2008
Ben Valdepeña 2022 Present
Baldemar Velasquez 2009 Present
Robert E. Wages 1995 2001
Richard F. Walsh 1955 1975
Martin Ward 1972 1982
Glenn E. Watts 1974 1985
Clyde Webber 1975 1976
Randi Weingarten 2008 Present
Jake West 1995 2001
Hunter P. Wharton 1965 1977
Alfred K. Whitehead 1995 1999/0
John W. Wilhelm 1998 2013
Dennis Williams 2014 2018
Jimmy Williams 2021 Present
James Williams, Sr. 2003 2013
Lynn R. Williams 1984 1994
William W. Winpisinger 1977 1989
Herman Winter 1955 1957
Walter Wise 2011 2016
Duane Woerth 2000 2007
Nancy Wohlforth 2005
Matthew Woll 1955 1956
Diann Woodard 2009 2018
Charlie Wowkanech 2017 Present
Jerry Wurf 1969 1981
William H. Wynn 1977 1994
Stephen Yokich 1995 2003
Bill Young 2004 2009
Boyd Young 1997 2005