
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Unlike men, women's sexual arousal has been found to be generic, meaning it is non-specific to either men or women [1]. This means that women have shown similar sexual arousal in reaction to men as they do to women, in spite of their reported heterosexual orientation.The Ovulatory Shift Hypothesis suggests that during peak phases fertility during the menstrual cycle, women's sexual preferences shift somewhat towards more masculine physical characteristics. However, more recent research has been somewhat mixed regarding this, with many different researchers finding no menstrual cycle effects on the specificity of female sexual arousal [2]

  1. ^ Rieger, G., Savin-Williams, R.C., Chivers, M.L. & Bailey, J.M. (2015). Sexual arousal and masculinity-femininity of women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
  2. ^ Bossio, J.A., Suschinsky, K.D., Puts, D.A. & Chivers, M.D. (2014). Does menstrual cycle phase influence the gender specificity of heterosexual women's genital and subjective sexual arousal? Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 5, 941-952.