User:Gardar Rurak/sandbox7

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Second World War

Resistance fighters on Bispetorv during a firefight, 5 May 1945

On 9 April 1940 Germany invaded Denmark, occupying Aarhus the following day and 5 years hence. The occupation was a destructive period with major disasters, loss of life and economic depression. The Port of Aarhus became a hub for supplies to the Baltics and Norway while the surrounding rail network facilitated construction of the Atlantic Wall along the west-Jutland coast. Combined this resulted in a large German garrison, especially in 1944–45 when German forces were shifted from Norway to Germany.[1] The first years were peaceful in conjunction with the policies of the Danish Protectorate Government, but following the enactment of the Communist Law in August 1941, resistance to the occupation grew in intensity with repression and terror in response.

The earliest resistance groups appeared in 1941–42 but the first to coordinate with the Freedom Council was the Samsing Group, responsible for most operations from early 1943.[2][3] On 2 December 1943, 5 resistance fighters were executed on Skæring Hede in the first mass execution in Denmark. In June 1944 the resistance in and around Aarhus was dismantled when Grethe "Thora" Bartram turned family and others over to German authorities.[4] In response, requests for assistance was sent to contacts in England and in October 1944 the Royal Air Force bombed the Gestapo headquarters successfully destroying archives and obstructing the ongoing investigation.[5][6] To restore the resistance the 5 Kolonne group was established along with the L-groups, tasked with assassinating collaborators.[7] The new groups proved effective and by late 1944 resistance had grown such in intensity which was countered with Schalburgtage terror operations by the Peter Group beginning in August 1944.[8][9] The increasingly destructive occupation was compounded when an ammunition barge exploded in 1944, destroying much of the harbor and damaging the inner city.[10] On 5 May 1945 German forces in Denmark surrendered but during the transitional period fighting broke out between the resistance and German soldiers resulting in 22 dead.[11] Order was restored by the end of the day and on 8 May the British Royal Dragoons entered the city.[12]

Second World War

Resistance fighters on Bispetorv during a fight with German forces, 5 May 1945

On 9 April 1940, Germany invaded Denmark, occupying Aarhus the following day and 5 years hence. The occupation was a destructive period with major disasters, loss of life and economic depression. The Port of Aarhus became a hub for supplies to the Baltics and Norway while the surrounding rail network supplied the Atlantic Wall in west Jutland and cargo headed for Germany. Combined these factors resulted in a strong German presence especially in 1944-45. The first years were peaceful in conjunction with the policies of the Danish Protectorate Government but following the enactment of the Communist Law in August 1941 the first armed resistance commenced, gradually growing in intensity over the years with repression and terror in response.

Small, independent resistance groups first appeared in 1941-42 but the first to coordinate with the Freedom Council was the Samsing Group, responsible for most operations from early 1943. The Samsing group, along with others in and around Aarhus, was dismantled in June 1944 when Grethe "Thora" Bartram turned her family and acquaintances over to German authorities. In response requests for assistance was sent to contacts in England and in October of 1944 the Royal Air Force bombed the Gestapo headquarters successfully destroying the archives and obstructing the investigation.[5][6][13] The 5 Kolonne group was established with assistance from Holger Danske to restore a resistance movement in Aarhus along with the L-groups, tasked with assasinating collaborators. Resistance operations escalated from mid-1944 with most major sabotage operations and assassinations occurring in the period 1944-45. The growing resistance was countered with 19 Schalburgtage terror operations by the Peter Group from August 1944, including large-scale fire bombings and murders. The destruction was compounded by a large explosion in the summer of 1944 when an ammunition barge exploded, destroying much of the harbor and damaging the inner city.[14] On 5 May 1945 German forces in Denmark surrendered but during the transitionary period fighting broke out in Aarhus between the resistance and German soldiers resulting in 20 dead. Order was restored by the end of the day and on 8 May the British Royal Dragoons officially liberated the city.[15]

The history of Aarhus during the Second World War was a period of dramatic change and destruction. Aarhus became occupied by German forces on the 10th of April 1940, the day after the German invasion of Denmark had begun.

Throughout the war Aarhus became an increasingly important center for the German military due to its railway and port facilities and by the end of the war there was some 7.000 German troops in the occupying force.

Communists forced underground

Civil disobedience and resistance was increasing and in August 1943 the 5 Kolonne (English: Fifth Column) resistance group conducted sabotage operations throughout the city contributing to the August Crisis Increasing civil disobedience and resistance resulted in schalburtage terror operations between the Summer of 1944 to the end of the occupation. By the end of the war Aarhus was a marked z

, destroying many buildings and killing some 30 people. By the end of the war Aarhus had been experienced extensive destruction.

Grethe Bartram

Invasion and occupation

  • 9. April, 1940 - Germany invades Denmark, planes drop leaflets OPROP!
  • 10. april, 1940 - German troops arrive

Et enkelt af de tyske fly nødlandede på Vejlby mark, nord for vandtårnet, og trak en del lokale tilskuere. Fra flyene var de berømte flyveblade med ”Oprop! Til de Danske Soldater og Danske Folk” blevet kastet ned over byen, men ellers lod tyskerne vente på sig.

Hele dagen indløb der meldinger om, at de var ankommet til Aarhus, men hver gang viste det sig, at tropperne skulle videre op i Jylland. De eneste blivende tyskere bestod således foreløbig i tre armerede trawlere, der ankom til havnen om eftermiddagen, og nedlage forbud mod, at andre skibe forlod havnen.

Først dagen efter, d. 10. april, ankom omkring 250 tyske soldater til Aarhus. Officererne blev indkvarteret på hotel Royal, de menige på Høegh-Guldberg Gades kaserne og Læssøegades skole, og der blev gjort klar til yderligere 200 på Langelandsgades og Sønder Allés kaserner. De 180 danske soldater, der var indkvarteret i Aarhus, flyttede til vandrerhjemmet i Risskov og senere til Forsørgelsesvæsenets bygning på Vester Allé, den tidligere fattiggård. Tyskernes hovedkvarter blev indrettet i Regina-bygningen midt i byen, hvor det lå krigen ud.


  • August ’41 - British RAF bombs Kongsvang-viadukten in Viby
  • 21. oktober - British RAF bombs Aarhus Oilefabrik


  • Fortegnelse over alarmer 10.-11. august 1943:
  • Kl. 23.00 begyndte maskinsnedkeriet på Lystrupvej i Vejlby at brænde
  • Kl. 23.57 var turen kommen til en tysk bus i et værksted på Trøjborg
  • Kl. 24.00 antændtes en voldsom brand i et af værnemagtens lagre i Østergade
  • Kl. 00.30 brand i modelsnedkeriet i Knudris Gade
  • Kl. 00.38 brand i Aarhus Yacht Værft ved Fiskerihavnen
  • Kl. 01.30 mindre brand i et sadelmagerværksted i Studsgade
  • Kl. 04.20 brand i en tysk godsvogn ved Østbanegården
  • kl. (ukendt) sprængtes to tyske militærbarakker ved Brendstrupgaard

4th July catastrophe

  • 4. juli ’44 - 4th July catastrophe


  • 22. august 1944 – Aarhus Sporvejes sporvognsremise på Dalgas Avenue sprænges i luften. 25 sporvogne, 21 bivogne og 19 trambusser bliver ødelagt. Kun en bivogn blev skånet.
  • 13. september 1944 – Hus i Fredensgade sprænges i luften
  • 26. september 1944 – Hus på Silkeborgvej 39 sprænges i luften
  • 30. september 1944 – Aarhus-Hallen sprænges i luften. Huset ved siden af styrter sammen. Fem mennesker dør.
  • 1. oktober 1944 - Lysagers Fjederfabrik i Viby og Johannes Torvins villa i Åbyhøj sprænges i luften.
  • 9. oktober 1944 – Petergruppen ødelægger Demokratens bygning på Banegårdspladsen.
  • 18. oktober 1944 – Petergruppen ødelægger frugthandler Niels Kjelsen Nielsens forretning i Nørregade og slagtermester Hørslev Nielsens forretning i Samsøgade 75.
  • 11. november 1944 – Fem bygninger på Strøget ødelægges af Petergruppens bomber. Molles Kro i Kannikegade ødelægges.
  • 12. november 1944 – Bygninger på Søndergade 10-14, 23- 27, 29 og 58-60 sprænges i luften eller udsættes for hærværk
  • 2. december 1944 – Aarhus Håndværkerforenings lokaler på Paradisgade 3 sprænges i luften. En person, en servitrice, bliver dræbt.
  • 21. januar 1945 – Vennelyst Teateret i Vennelystparken sprænges i luften.
  • 21. februar 1945 – Aarhus Rådhus udsættes for bombeangreb.
  • 22. februar 1945 – Petergruppen udøver store ødelæggelser med fosfor-, spræng- og brandbomber i Guldsmedgade, Nørregade, Ryesgade og Aarhus Teater. Syv mennesker omkommer i brandene og et vidne myrdes.
  • 23. februar 1945 – Petergruppen forsøger at ødelægge Skt. Clemens Bro. Broen holder, men det går hårdt ud over bygninger i nærheden.
  • 13. marts 1945 – Bombe på Risskovtoget, hvor to mennesker bliver dræbt. Aarhus Rådhus bombes for anden gang.
  • 28. marts 1945 – Bombeangreb mod Risskovtoget og Hammelbanens tog.
  • 29. marts 1945 - Redaktør på Århus Stiftstidende Børge Schmidt bliver skudt og dræbt i sin seng i et såkaldt clearingmord.
  • 20. april 1945 – Frugthandler Niels Kjelsen Nielsens forretning i Studsgade ødelægges af en bombe. Det er anden gang Kjelsen Nielsens forretninger bliver ramt.
  • 26. april 1945 – Troels Finks hus på Gentoftevej 19 sprænges i luften.

Occupation ends

  • 4 May, 1945 - Official announcement, celebrations
  • 8. maj, 1945 - British troops arrive (The Royal Dragoons)

Slaget om Bispetorvet / Aarhus’ befrielse

  • 5. maj 1945

Aarhus blev i alt 15 dræbt og omkring 50 såret i forskellige sammenstød. Det gik værst for sig på Bispetorvet, hvor otte blev dræbt og 30 såret. I løbet af natten havde modstandsgrupper besat forskellige vigtige poster i byen, blandt andet rådhuset, og i Kannikegade 12 havde de indrettet hovedkvarter. Da en lille gruppe tyske soldater kl. 9.20 passerede forbi her, udbrød der kampe. De varede næsten tre timer, og foregik tværs over Bispetorvet - hvor der kort forinden havde befundet sig hundredvis af civile, der fulgte med i modstandsfolkenes arbejde. En del af dem blev fanget i krydsilden, der også forhindrede redningsfolk i at nå frem. Efterfølgende var begge sider enige i, at skyderierne var en fejltagelse.

5 Kolonne - Aarhus Sabotørernes Modige Indsats


Resistance and sabotage operations


List from [8]


Date Actor Event
10 June Fire in DSB's central workshop at Spanien.
14 July Attempted firebombing of Aarhus Saw mill and Frichs.
18 July Korn- og Foderstof Kompagniets guard shed torched.
15 September Gram Group[16] German uniform storage in Fredericiagade torched.


22 Marts Samsing Group[17] Military barracks in Langelandsgade Kaserne is blown up. State of emergency imposed by German authorities.
27 Marts Large fire in Aarhus stadium which was used as storage by German forces.
3 April Samsing Group[17] 2 rail cars torched.
3 April Fire in mechanics workshop on Silkeborgvej.
5 April Attempted arson of ammo dump in Marselisborg Forests
11 April Schmidt Group[18] German steamer Dorpath sunken with bombs as it leaves the harbor.
12 Maj Schmidt Group[18] German ship Späbräcker S/S 1922 bombed and sunked.
12 Maj Schmidt Group[18] German repair barge sunken in the harbor.
28 Maj Schmidt Group[18] Firefight in the glass works in Ole Rømers Gade. Saboteur Willy Schmidt is killed.
28 Maj Samsing Group[19] Brdr. Jørgensens mechanics shop on Silkeborgvej destroyed with 5 bombs
28 Maj Samsing Group[19] Factory in Mejlgade torched.
22 June Fires set in municipal farms in Højvang and Charlottehøj.
26 June Fire bombs against municipal farm in Charlottehøj.
30 June Samsing Group[19] Electrical substation in Aarhus Engine Company destroyed.
4 July Samsing Group[19] Rail sabotage against line between Aarhus and Randers.
16 July German military barracks in Marselisborg Forests torched.
25 July Mechanics shop in Østergade blown up.
28 July Samsing Group[17] The viaduct in Spanien is bombed.
8 August Crane and locomotive destroyed in Sonnesgade.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Omnibus torched.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Carpenters workshop torched.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Store house with linnen in Østergade 25 is torched.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Aarhus Yacht shipyard torched.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Saddlery workshop in Studsgade 15 torched.
11 August Samsing Group[17] Woodworkings factory torched in Vejlby.
11 August Samsing Group[17] German military barracks in Brendstrupgaard torched.
15 August Samsing Group[20] Electrical substation and telephone cabinet bombed.
18 August Samsing Group[21] 2 electrical substations in the rail yard bombed.
18 August 50 bombs on the rail lines north, south and west of Aarhus.
19 August Samsing Group[2] 2 German cars torched.
24 August Samsing Group[2] Mechanics shop in Højbjerg bombed.
24 August Samsing Group[2] Electrical substation in Marselisborg Lystbådehavn bombed.
26 August Samsing Group[22] Factory in Knudrisgade torched.
26 August Samsing Group[23] Factory in Mindegade torched.
26 August Offices of Aarhus Oil bombed.
1 September Samsing Group[23] Rail sabotage between Aarhus and Randers.
10 September Bomb against Samsøgades school used by German forces.
21 October Samsing Group[23] Universalfabrikkerne in Fredensgade blown up.
22 September Samsing Group[24] Water tower at Ringegadebroen blown up.
31 October Samsing Group[24] Guard house on Den Permanente torched.
2 November Samsing Group[24] Attempted bombing against engine house in Slippen on Aarhus harbor.
4 November Samsing Group[24] Cable for lighthouse on Skovvejen destroyed.
4 November Samsing Group[25] Lighthouse on Aldersrovej destroyed.
7 November Samsing Group[25] 4 rail cars and a bus bar bombed.
8 November Samsing Group[25] Aarhus Motorkompagni bombet.
8 November Phone bombe against Grønnegade 64.
15 November German marine bombs the ship Anholt.
16 November Samsing Group[26] Cable in railyard depot destroyed.
17 November Samsing Group[26] Carpenters shop in Valdemarsgade 63 burned down.
17 November Samsing Group[26] DSB command central demolished.
18 November Samsing Group[26] Radio beacon in the harbor bombed..
18 November Samsing Group[27] Electrical substation on Østbanegaarden blown up.
18 November Multiple phonebombs against Aarhus Central Station.
19 November Fire in carpenters workshop in Absalonsgade 31.
19 November Samsing Group[27] Bakery in Østersgade demolished.
19 November Bomb in the courtyard of Elvirasminde.
19 November Samsing Group[27] Signal station on the harbor destroyed.
19 November Samsing Group[27] Swing bridge in the harbor destroyed.
20 November Samsing Group[28] Bombs on the rail line between Aarhus and Randers.
20 November Samsing Group[28] Excavator destroyed in Marselisborg Forests
25 November Samsing Group[28] Viaduct at Den Permanente destroyed.
3 December Samsing Group[28] Sabotage against Seests factories.
4 December Two phonebombs against the Aarhus Central Station.
7 December Samsing Group[29] Shop in Mejlgade bombed.
11 December Bomb against tailor shop in Fredensgade 41.
31 December L-group Bomb against Rømer Caféen in Clemenstræde.


6 January L-group Café Jomsborg destroyed.
8 January L-group Rømer Caféen destroyed.
16 January Samsing Group[29] Aros factory destroyed in Tordenskjoldsgade 25.
20 January Samsing Group[29] Signal station in rail yard bombed.
23 January Samsing Group[30] Electrical shop in Paradisgade bombed.
27 January 3 German cars burned in Búlow & Co's garage.
31 January Samsing Group[30] Electrical substation on Frichsvej torched.
18 February Samsing Group[30] German car in mechanics shop on Kirkegårdsvej burned.
18 February Samsing Group[31] Mechanics shop on Vesterbro Torv torched, attempted bombs against nearby cars and trucks.
19 February Samsing Group[31] Several bombs against the rail line south of Aarhus, one bomb detonates under a train.
23 February Samsing Group[31] German searchlight in rail yard bombed.
24 March Samsing Group[31] Mechanical carpenters shop in Højbjerg torched.
11 April Samsing Group[31] Robbery and intimidation of collaborator in Højbjerg.
1 May Samsing Group[32] Cables at Frichs bombed.
6 May Samsing Group[32] Bus bar in Høstskoven bombed.
8 May Samsing Group[32] Railway line at Hørning bombed.
14 July German locomotive destroyed.
14 July DNSAPs offices torched.
14 July 2 rail cars at Stilling bombed.
21 August Mechanics shop on Silkeborgvej demolished.
22 August Mechanics shop in Aabyhøj destroyed.
26 August Car storage and several other businesses destroyed in Nørreport 22.
9 September Barn on Fuglsangallé torched.
11 September 5 Kolonne Fire in offices of Universalfabrikkerne on Park Allé torched. (5 Kolonne)
13 September 5 Kolonne Factory building in Fredensgade bombed.
15 September 5 Kolonne Electrical substation in Derbys harbor destroyed.
17 September 5 Kolonne Factory in Fredensgade bombed again and destroyed.
26 September Equipment at Frichs destroyed.
26 September Factory on Silkeborgvej burned down.
26 September 5 Kolonne Bike storage on Tordenskjoldsgade 16 bombed.
27 September Factory in Mindebrogade 4-6 bombed.
27 September 5 Kolonne Explosion in German marine depot in the harbor.
2 October 5 Kolonne 4 German locomotives at Frichs destroyed.
4 October Laundry torched in Silkeborgvej 236, Åbyhøj.
5 October Warehouse bombed in Bispetoften.
6 October Factory on Vesterbro Torv torched.
8 October 5 Kolonne Mechanics shop on Nordrevej in Åbyhøj torched.
9 October 5 Kolonne Offices of Derby destroyed bombed.
9 October 5 Kolonne 2 explosions in work shop in the south harbor.
10 October 5 Kolonne Steamer Scharnørn sunked at pier with bombs.
10 October Cannon tower on Strandvejen bombed.
13 October Excavator and crane on Sdr. Kystværnsvej destroyed.
13 October 5 Kolonne 3 cars bombed in the harbor.
16 October 5 Kolonne Cannon emplacement in Marselisborg Lystbådehavn bombed.
21 October Cargo trains in Mølleengen bombed.
24 October 5 Kolonne Bombs on rail line between Aarhus and Hasselager.
25 October 5 Kolonne Bombs on rail line between Aarhus and Hasselager.
26 October 5 Kolonne Bombs on rail line between Aarhus and Hasselager.
26 October 5 Kolonne Hauling winge in south harbor destroyed.
27 October 5 Kolonne Mechanics shop in Østergade destroyed.
28 October 5 Kolonne Air drying facility in Risskov torched.
1 November 5 Kolonne Mechanics shop at Kirkegårdsvej 10 torched.
1 November 5 Kolonne Mechanics shop at central bus station torched.
2 November 5 Kolonne Mechanics shop in Jægergårdsgade 101 torched.
2 November 5 Kolonne Cars in Búlows workshop in Trøjborg destroyed.
3 November 5 Kolonne 9 track switches between Østbanegården and central train station destroyed.
5 November 5 Kolonne Track on the rail line between Aarhus and Hasselager destroyed.
6 November 5 Kolonne Factory in Vejlby destroyed.
6 November Tool shop in Vejlby destroyed
7 November 5 Kolonne 2 cranes in north harbor destroyed.
8 november 5 Kolonne Rail line between Aarhus and Risskov damaged.
9 November 5 Kolonne Rail line between Aarhus and Skanderborg damaged.
10 November 5 Kolonne German concrete mixer destroyed.
13 November 5 Kolonne Slipway in south harbor destroyed.
16 November 5 Kolonne Fuel station on Randersvej bombed.
16 November 5 Kolonne Workshop in Vigenshus bombed.
18 November 5 Kolonne 7 rail cars under Frederiksbroen destroyed.
27 November Factory in Lundingsgade 1 bombed.
2 December Factory in Graven 18-20 destroyed.
2 December 5 Kolonne Youth home in Christiansbjerg, occupied by German forces, bombed.
2 December 5 Kolonne German package depot at godsbanegården torched.
4 December Factory torched on Randersvej 80.
5 December Spice mill in Christiansbjerg torched.
10 December Laundry facility in Kongsvang torched.
15 December 5 Kolonne Electrical substation in Langelandsgade destroyed.
18 December 5 Kolonne Laundry facility in Mejlgade bombed.


2 January 5 Kolonne Camouflage material in Viby destroyed.
9 January 5 Kolonne Sabotage against German radio vehicle in the harbor.
12 January 5 Kolonne German command central in Handelsbankens hus destroyed.
13 January 5 Kolonne 2 rail cars under Frederiksbroen destroyed.
23 January 5 Kolonne 2 cars bombed.
23 January 5 Kolonne Electrical substation at orthopedic hospital destroyed.
25 January 5 Kolonne 3 track switches between Aarhus central station and harbor destroyed.
1 February Workshop on Silkeborgvej in Åbyhøj bombed.
2 February Warehouse belonging to Korn- og Foderstof Kompagniet bombed.
3 February 5 Kolonne Factory in Fredensgade torched.
5 February 5 Kolonne Extensive sabotage against rail lines around Aarhus.
7 February 5 Kolonne Firefight between resistance fighters and German troops in Brabrand.
8 February 5 Kolonne Machines in factory in Vejlby destroyed.
8 February 5 Kolonne Factory in Bruunsgade 62 torched.
11 February 5 Kolonne Extensive sabotage aginst rail lines north of Aarhus.
19 February 5 Kolonne Bombs against DSB bodywork facility.
20 February 5 Kolonne German truck bombed on the corner of Samsøgade and Hjarnøgade.
21 February 5 Kolonne 5 rail cars destroyed.
22 February 5 Kolonne German locomotive in Viby destroyed.
23 February 5 Kolonne Bombs between Bruunsbro and Frederiksbro, firefight breaks out, 3 rail workers wounded, one later dies.
24 February Bombs against hotel in Heibergsgade.
24 February 5 Kolonne Armed robbery against German steamer and ammunition stolen.
24 February Bomb against bar in Mejlgade.
26 February 5 Kolonne Cars and trucks in Aarhus Hallen in Jægergårdsgade 162 bombed.
1 March Shop bombed in Jægergårdsgade 142.
2 March Shop in Jægergårdsgade 142 bombed and destroyed.
2 March Shop in Munkegade 6 bombed.
March 3 Shop in Brogesgade 12 bombed.
March 6 Train station in Hasselager destroyed.
March 7 5 Kolonne Building on Kystvejen partially destroyed.
March 9 Hotel in Spanien 9 bombed.
March 11 Bombs in offices in Klostergade.
March 12 5 Kolonne Bombs in offices in Klostergade.
March 12 5 Kolonne DSB command central destroyed.
March 12 5 Kolonne Railway tracks between Lystrup and Risskov destroyed.
March 13 5 Kolonne Extensive rail sabotage.
March 16 5 Kolonne Fire set in German fortifications in Risskov.
March 18 5 Kolonne Railway bombings between Aarhus and Mundelstrup and at Risskov.
March 21 5 Kolonne Bombs placed at Fortevej to keep workers from working on fortification construction.
March 22 5 Kolonne Electrical substation on Marselis Boulevard destroyed.
March 24 5 Kolonne DSB locomotive between Aarhus and Mundelstrup destroyed.
March 25 5 Kolonne Military train derailed between Aarhus and Brabrand.
March 27 5 Kolonne Bombs against DSB central repair facility and train depot.
March 28 5 Kolonne Workshop in Åbyhøj torched.
April 2 5 Kolonne German ship Gotfred Hansen sunken.
April 4 5 Kolonne German locomotive in Viby destroyed.
April 5 5 Kolonne Phone masts between Langelandsgade Kaserne and Vorrevang destroyed. Firefight between resistance fighters and German troops.
April 5 5 Kolonne Several bombs under cargo train in Brabrand.
April 6 5 Kolonne 10 German vehicles destroyed in Spanien.
April 6 5 Kolonne Several track switches destroyed.
April 8 5 Kolonne Cables for Wehrmacht emergency central destroyed.
April 9 5 Kolonne Warning bombs against worker barracks in Tøndergade.
April 11 5 Kolonne Rail line to Brabrand damaged.
April 11 5 Kolonne Several German cars destroyed.
April 12 5 Kolonne Rail line to Brabrand damaged.
April 12 5 Kolonne German barracks at the central train station blown up.
April 14 5 Kolonne Car bomb against truck company on Nordre Strandvej.
April 14 5 Kolonne 20 explosions in railyard.
April 15 5 Kolonne Locomotive derailed at Brabrand.
April 16 5 Kolonne German ship engine in factory destroyed.
April 16 5 Kolonne 2 German express boats destroyed.
April 16 5 Kolonne Teargas bombs against guardhouse in Nygade.
April 17 5 Kolonne 8 bombs against cannon emplacements at Riisvangen.
April 19 5 Kolonne German steamer on slipway in harbor destroyed.
April 20 German military train derailed at Lystrup.
April 20 5 Kolonne 3 trucks destroyed.
April 20 5 Kolonne Rail line between Aarhus and Brabrand bombed.
April 21 5 Kolonne Workshop in Åbyhøj torched.
April 23 5 Kolonne Several trucks destroyed.
April 24 5 Kolonne Rail sabotage at Brabrand.
April 26 5 Kolonne Hipo cars destroyed.
April 26 5 Kolonne Workshop in Brabrand torched.
April 27 5 Kolonne Villa in Risskov bombed.
May 1 5 Kolonne Bombs in cargo railyard.
May 3 5 Kolonne Extensive rail sabotage.
May 4 5 Kolonne Extensive rail sabotage.

Jyske Sabotører - Salomon Hansen

  • Første sabotørgruppe: Gram-gruppen: Gunnar Gram, Gustav Lindvald, Walther Moesgaard, Otto Pedersen, Christian Bartram [16]
  • Dissolved after Grethe Bartram[16]
  • Willy Schmidt gruppen, Erik Andersen, Lauritz Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen, Erik Pedersen[16]
  • Dissolved after Willy Schmidt was killed at the glass works operation[16]
  • 11 April - Sabotagerøveri imod Guldbjerg-Jacobsen i Højbjerg[33]
  • 8 Maj - Harry Samsing stukket af sønnen [34]
  • Arresteret 12 Maj, idømt 6 år tugthus [34]
  • Nordahl Mortensen informed on Samsing on 6 December, 1943 [35]
  • Police informed the group of Nordahl Mortensen and no actions were taken by Gestapo [35]


Line Bombs Tracks Locos Cars Bridges Derailments Cranes Water tower
Aarhus 113 40 12 2
AarFredericia 426 365 6 3 6 2 3
Aar-Aalborg 779 730 9 5 4 1 3
Aarhus-Grenaa 190 185 3 1 1 4
Aarhus-Hammel 23 22 1

Århus besat

  • 82 german planes spotted flying north [37]
  • Many rumours of battles, 5000 killed at the border, battles at Ålborg and Esbjerg [38]
  • Leaflets dropped [38]

Ikke noget theselskab: Var vi terrorister?

  • Samsing gruppen virkede fra 15 September 1943 til 8 May 1945[39]
  • Ledet af Willy Samsing "Frandsen"[39]
  • Willy Samsing formand for DKP på Trøjborg[40]
  • Gruppen bestod foruden Willy Samsings tre brødre af en hård kerne på 10-12 mand[40]
  • Willy Samsing syntes at have styret flere grupper[41]
  • Samsing brødrene - Willy, Harry, Alandy, Jens[39]
  • Den 6.juni 1944 blev den kommunistiske sabotør og medlem af Samsing-gruppen, Otto Christensen, arresteret af Gestapo.[40]
  • Otto Christensen blev ført til fangelejren i Frøslev og senere til den tyske koncentrationslejr KL-Neuengamme.[40]
  • december 1943, lykkedes det tyskerne at optrævle den del af modstandsbevægelsen, der stod for modtagelse af våben og sprængstoffer.[40]


  1. ^ "Aarhus Besættelse". Aarhus City Archives. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  2. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 13.
  3. ^ Alenius 2002, p. 34.
  4. ^ Kristensen 2010, p. 52.
  5. ^ a b Zabecki 1999, pp. 1350–1.
  6. ^ a b Trenear-Harvey 2009, p. 2.
  7. ^ Hauerbach 1945, p. 8.
  8. ^ a b Hauerbach 1945, p. 22.
  9. ^ Knudsen 2009, p. 76.
  10. ^ "70 aar siden eksplosionen". Århus Stiftstidende. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  11. ^ "Blodbad på Bispetorvet". Jyllandsposten. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  12. ^ "The Royal Dragoons ankomst til Danmark". 5. Maj-Komiteen. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
  13. ^ "Luftangrebet på gestapos hovedkvarter". Aarhus University. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  14. ^ "70 aar siden eksplosionen". Aarhus Stiftstidende. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  15. ^ "Blodbad på Bispetorvet". Jyllandsposten. Retrieved 21 November 2014.
  16. ^ a b c d e Hansen 1946, p. 7.
  17. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Hansen 1946, p. 10.
  18. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 8.
  19. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 9.
  20. ^ Hansen 1946, p. 11.
  21. ^ Hansen 1946, p. 12.
  22. ^ Hansen 1946, p. 14.
  23. ^ a b c Hansen 1946, p. 15.
  24. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 16.
  25. ^ a b c Hansen 1946, p. 17.
  26. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 18.
  27. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 19.
  28. ^ a b c d Hansen 1946, p. 21.
  29. ^ a b c Hansen 1946, p. 22.
  30. ^ a b c Hansen 1946, p. 23.
  31. ^ a b c d e Hansen 1946, p. 24.
  32. ^ a b c Hansen 1946, p. 25.
  33. ^ Hansen 1946, p. 39.
  34. ^ a b Hansen 1946, p. 43.
  35. ^ a b Hansen 1946, p. 33.
  36. ^ Hansen 1946, p. 41.
  37. ^ Fode 2005, p. 9.
  38. ^ a b Fode 2005, p. 8.
  39. ^ a b c Alenius 2002, p. 182.
  40. ^ a b c d e "Samsing Gruppen" (in Danish). Den Gamle By. Retrieved 25 August 2015.
  41. ^ Alenius 2002, p. 188.

From October 1944 until April 1945, aircraft of Coastal Command launched an intense anti-shipping campaign targeting ships off the Danish coast between Norway and Germany. One of the principal reasons for this campaign was to attack ships which were transferring some 200,000 German soldiers of the 20th Mountain Army (20. Gebirgsarmee) from Oslo to Aarhus, to be dispatched by train down through Jutland.[1]
