List of political entities in the 4th century BC

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is a list of sovereign states or polities that existed in the 4th century BC.

Sovereign states

Map of the Eastern Hemisphere in 400 BC
Sovereign state Years
Achaemenid Empire 550 - 330 BC
Adena culture 1000 - 200 BC
Albania 4th century BC - 8th century AD
Ammon c.10th century - 332 BC
Athens 510 - 322 BC
Atropatene 320s BC - 3rd century AD
Bithynia 297 - 74 BC
Carthaginian Empire 650 - 146 BC
Chavín culture 900 - 200 BC
Chera Kingdom 5th century BC - AD 1102
Chola 3rd century BC -AD 13th century
Chorrera 1800 - 300 BC
Chu 1030 - 223 BC
Corinth 700 - 338 BC
Cyrene 631 - 525 BC
Dʿmt c.980 - c.400 BC
Dardanian Kingdom c.448 BC – 28 BC
Gojoseon 2333 - 108 BC
Han 403 - 230 BC
Iberia 302 BC - 580 AD
Kalinga 1376 - 285 BC
Kush 1070 BC - 350 AD
Lu 856 - 256 BC
Lycaonia 8th century - 200 BC
Macedonia 8th century - 146 BC
Maya civilization 2000 BC- 900 AD
Meroë 542 BC - 4th century AD
Nanda Empire 424 - 321 BC
Olmec 1400 - 400 BC
Pandya 4th century BC-1650 AD
Paracas culture 600 - 175 BC
Ptolemaic Kingdom 305 - 30 BC
Qi 1046 - 241 BC
Qin 845 - 221 BC
Roman Republic 509 - 27 BC
Saba 12th/8th century BC - 275 AD
Scythia 8th century BC - 2nd century AD
Seleucid Empire 312 - 63 BC
Sparta 11th century - 195 BC
Taranto 706 BC - 1465 AD
Thebes 14th century BC - 1458 AD
Văn Lang 2879 - 258 BC
Wei 403 - 225 BC
Yan 865 - 222 BC
Yue 334 - 334 BC
Zheng 806 - 375 BC
Zhoa 403 - 222 BC
Zhou 1045 - 256 BC

See also

List of political entities in the 4th century BC
Preceded by Sovereign states of
the 4th century BC
Succeeded by
